The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1554: , 15th sea area

The defeat of the friendly army allowed the players of the Heavenly camp to become more murderous in the next battle against the Europa players.

You must know that in the battlefield of this whole war, the most complete preservation of the previous strength is definitely the player of the Heavenly camp. Now, with a move, the momentum is fierce.

Among them, like the Tang and Song Dynasties, Hua Tuo, in the silver segment, the top strength of the shackles, but also with a ruin of the ruin, directly leveling the surrounding Europa players.

Chris Evans, who got feedback from this news, looked indifferent. As I said earlier, those who are not lucky are sacrificed for the Europa League. Their death is a matter of fact. Nothing is so unexpected.

Compared with this, he is more concerned about the actions of Tang, Song and Hua Wei.

According to his original plan, these difficult characters were to be left to the end and concentrated on the combat power. However, if the other party did something in advance, he would have to change his original plan slightly. .

Between the thoughts flying, Chris Evans directly opened the message list, sent a message to Pompeland, let the other side send more fishermen to watch the mainland where the troublesome guys are.

Pompeland, who received the message, snorted, even if the other party did not say, he had already told the matter, and used this goods to remind him?

To tell the truth, from the point of view of character, he and Chris Evans are really not the wrong eye. If they are both in the Europa camp, they will definitely fight directly, because the character of the dark elf is really unpleasant!

And when Pombelund thought about it, a fisherman who had left his knees rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the communications officer who came back from the 15th sea area said that there is an urgent battle report, and you need to see you!"

"The 15th sea area?"

Upon seeing this, Pompeland frowned, and then glanced at the map nailed to the wall, and then his face suddenly revealed a trace.

The battlefield for this all-out war is very large, with many continents and multiple oceans. It is no exaggeration to say that this scale has even surpassed the real world.

Under this premise, so many continents and oceans, these players certainly can't take a name for those mainland oceans, but at the same time, for the convenience of calling and distinguishing, so they use numbers directly. A simple division.

The 15th sea area is already very close to the center of the sea. At the same time, according to the mark on the map, he should have sent a team of thousands of people in the past, including a sailfish attacking unit.

This configuration, in Pompeland's view, is already quite secure. In conjunction with the fleet of two Europa players on the mainland last week, it is not right.

With the doubt in his heart, Pompeland waved his hand quickly...

"Let the communications officer come in!"

After getting the summon, the next second, the figure that swims in, in a strict sense, should not be considered a fisherman.

The bare head, and the huge turtle shell behind it, tell everyone his identity, this is a turtle man.

Here, you have to mention that you don’t think the turtle is slow! In fact, they swim very fast in the sea, and most importantly, they are physically strong and have amazing endurance, very good at moving long distances.

Therefore, for Pompeland, which basically does not have any technological development, the Turtles are the important means of long-distance communication.

"Say, what emergency report?"

Without honing the other side, Pompeland asked straightforwardly.

In this regard, the sea turtle communications soldier did not dare to vaguely, quickly said the entire situation of the 15th sea area.

After listening to it, Pompeland’s brows were slightly wrinkled.

"lizard Man……"

With these three words in his mouth, his eyes quickly fell on the central part of the map, and then it took nearly half a minute before he finally reacted.

Speaking of it, there was a period of time before, and all kinds of rumors in the silver segment were raging, as if they were all about this Tianchao player.

However, most of the players are not the same thing, after all, the rumors are too crap.

As for the top players in his silver position, it is even more impossible to put such a newcomer who has just been promoted to the silver position for a few years.

Even after listening to it, I turned around and forgot.

It was only after a while that I finally remembered him.

At this moment, Pompeland did not expect that his own fishermen’s troops had suffered a loss on the opposite fleet.

At the same time, what surprised him even more is that some of the rumors that were originally very nonsense have been verified.

The other party owns the lizard, an orc civilization. In theory, the other party should be an orc civilization. However, under this premise, the other party actually has a steel fleet that does not fall behind human civilization, and a large number of human beings. Soldier, this is very strange...

At this moment Pompeland can't help but think of another very nonsense rumor, that is, this heavenly player seems to be able to plunder other civilizations.

Thinking of this, Pompeland’s pupils could not help but shrink.

"Is it true that those rumors that are simply nonsense are still true?"

The doubts in the heart, as well as all kinds of speculations, gradually blurred the image of ‘Luo’s in Pompeland’s mind. Finally, it was directly marked with a big question mark.

If those rumors are true, then the strength of this day's players is really a bit unacceptable.

In the thought of flying around, Pompeland directly slammed his finger at a soldier next to him, and then quickly told him...

"Through my orders, let me directly belong to the third army, with two thousand troops rushing to the 15th sea."

The pro-military who heard this order was obviously shocked.

Although Pompeland did not mobilize the main force responsible for staring at the difficult characters, but as his direct troops, the combat power may be worse?

Even to a certain extent, their direct troops are more powerful than the main force of their fishermen!

And a unit like this has always been only when Pompeland personally rushed to the front line, will follow them to the next move, never once sent out like this.

Although it is only one of the troops, it has already set a precedent!

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