The blood that flowed out of the scorpion surprised the swordfisher’s lieutenant. He couldn’t think too much. While avoiding those attacks, he quickly took the backhand and grabbed the metal arrow inserted in him.

Then after taking a deep breath, his arm was a force, and at that time, he only heard ‘呲啦’! With the withdrawal of the arrow, the attached barb, the raw flesh of his shoulders was pulled down a large piece!

At that moment, the tearing pain caused the swordfisher Lieutenant Colonel to smoke a few mouthfuls of air. At the same time, the blue veins on the forehead were even more mad.

"Everyone is careful! Take care to avoid enemy weapons attacks!!"

But in fact, at the same time that he said this sentence, it was already late.

The second and third rounds of shooting soon followed, and it was clear that the remote submarine forces also took the same multi-stage shooting as the infantry units.

To a certain extent, in the sea, as long as the number is sufficient, almost want to make a few paragraphs of shooting, you can make a few paragraphs of shooting, basically not affected by the terrain.

The intensive multi-segment harpoon gun attack quickly hit a large group of fishermen, and the killer's troops were killed, almost letting them change the situation of this underwater battlefield in an instant.

The harpoon of the harpoon gun, although it is only a part of the cold weapon, but the whole structure is based on the principle of the early blood-sucking gun, and the design is carefully improved. After a hit, you can't directly ask for your life. Just because of the speed of the bloodletting, you can get it.

At this moment, the sailfish people who fully meet the requirements of the strike are undoubtedly injured by the attack of the harpoon gun.

A lot of blood spilled, almost to the redness of the entire sea area around!

"Retreat! Retreat!!"

In the face of this situation, the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel saw the situation is not good, directly issued a retreat order.

In this regard, the submarine force is not in a hurry to pursue, but to rush to rescue the lizard soldiers who were hit hard by the fishermen.

In the case of the direct retreat of the fishermen's troops, the Europa fleet that lost this great boost is obviously unable to fight.

Seeing an opportunity, I quickly followed the evacuation.

After the war, the morale of the South China Sea Fleet was undoubtedly improved, and the morale value was almost increased to more than 80 points.

"This is the newly developed underwater weapon for the fisherman, the harpoon gun?"

Standing on the deck and playing with the harpoon gun in his hand from a hunting diver, Yuan Xi couldn't help but feel amazed, and at the same time, there was no small surprise.

This harpoon gun is not too small, and after filling the harpoon, the weight is even heavier.

As a soldier, Yuan Xi believes that his physique is absolutely strong, daily training, and there is no slack in a moment, but with this harpoon gun, he can feel the obvious heavy. Taking into account the recoil force brought by the harpoon launch, the average human soldier wants to operate this, the difficulty is not small.

At the same time, according to the chief of the stalker's army, Major Bart, the harpoon gun is an underwater weapon, so the design inside the rifle is completely different from the ordinary rifle. If it is used on land, the rate of fire, The range, power, and stability and accuracy of an entire shot will be worse.

In addition, they are hunting the submersible troops. The current harpoon guns that are now equipped are just ordinary versions. There are also a number of spell-enhanced harpoon guns, which are being expedited. After all, the sculpt spells Wen is a fine work, and it is impossible to directly engage in the production of waterlines like the arsenal of their Terran.

However, judging from the performance of the previous World War, the 3,000 hunters who were equipped with ordinary harpoon guns were enough to cope with the fishermen stationed in this area.

At the same time, on the other side, the fishermen’s troops, which were caught by the hunter’s forces, caught their hands and fled back to their deep sea camp on the 15th.

During this period, the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel clearly found that the wound caused by the harpoon gun, wanting to heal naturally, is much slower than the wound caused by ordinary weapons.

The reasons for this are mainly concentrated in three aspects!

The first aspect is because the attack power of the harpoon gun is sufficient, the wound is too deep, and the healing time naturally takes longer.

The second aspect is because the hooks are attached to the harpoon! If you want to restore the wound, you must first pull out the harpoon inserted in your body. However, this pull, the barb attached to it will directly tear the next big piece of flesh and blood, making the whole injury worse.

As for the last third aspect, it is because of the 'bleeding' design of the harpoon gun. Almost any creature, in the case of excessive blood loss, will lead to the failure of various functions of the body, and the resilience will naturally become apparent. Decline.

I have to say that although it is only a cold weapon, but the whole design is full of technical crystallization, just from the design of the harpoon, you can clearly feel the strongness of Ye Hao as an ordnance master. Talent.

The fishermen who returned from the defeat caused a lot of turmoil in the Listening to the outside movement, Zach lying in his room frowned, then barely swiping the arms, let I slowly got up.

In that battle, although he was extremely injured, he became disabled. However, according to the resilience of the fisherman, his wounds have already healed.

Everything is fine except that the legs don't grow again.

At the same time, after the initial despair, along with the recovery of the injury, Zach, who slowly calmed down for a while, the state of a whole person, although still 'sacrifice' to the extreme, but it will no longer be like a At the beginning, I kept trying to commit suicide.

Gently waving with both arms, as a temporary camp on the front line, from the bed to the exit, in fact, there are few steps, but Zach has been swimming for a long time.

He can only move at this speed to maintain the balance of the body's only remaining balance.

As long as you are a little too hard, this sense of balance will be destroyed in an instant, and then you will plant a big heel!

"Captain Zach, how come you?!"

Looking at Zach, who had moved to the door, and now the responsible soldier who took care of Zach’s food and clothing, was obviously shocked. He quickly put the lunch that came in his hand aside and rushed to hold it.

In this regard, Zach did not have much reaction, but half-squinted with a pair of eyes with hollow eyes, asked in a weak voice...

"Since the beginning, it has been very noisy outside, what happened?"

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