The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1561: Mental food

Now, turning the perspective back to the Luo series, after hang up the communication with the Weiyuan, the answer from Ye Qingyi was quickly sent.

Confirmed the latest news, I can't help but lick my chin.

According to the report of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the first unit of the stalker officially set off three days ago and has already rushed to the battlefield on the 15th sea. However, when calculating the time, the distance to the battlefield is probably It will take a lot of time.

In the current situation, Luo Ji can actually think of two ways of handling.

In the end, is the choice of passive enemies, see the move, or choose to take the initiative to grasp the rhythm?

For this multiple-choice multiple-choice question, Luo Ji is a little bit tangled.

Then he tangled up and liked the cat's head of Maike...

"Ah, it's my spiritual food..."

Have to say, really good decompression! Kneeling, even my thoughts are clear.

And as the party that is being slammed by them, Ike said...

In fact, at the beginning, I refused.

Can't say, you want to touch my head, I will let you touch it right away.

I am a swordsman! It’s cold and cool, and it’s the kind of feeling!

Like this, which will damage the image of my cold swordsman, will I do it? Will I do it? !


Feel that the cat has reached its peak~

Wang Kai: "..."

Luo Yunwei: "..."

Cyril: "..."


split line

The darkness of the night, the port of Europa on the sea, the boasting sea breeze for this midsummer port, brought a distinct coolness.

Recently, the maritime fronts of the South China Sea Fleet and the foreign joint fleet are constantly approaching their coastal borders.

Even from time to time, there are enemy warships that rush to their offshore areas.

This situation caused the alert of the port garrison garrison and increased the patrol in the first place.

Whether it is day or night, the number of patrols in the port area is more than three times more than before, 24 hours a day patrol, plus the monitoring of the sea lighthouse, so that they can ensure that any enemy ship, once it appears In the offshore, they will definitely be discovered by them in the first time.

At the same time, within the port area, an artillery unit has been deployed in advance.

Once the enemy ship appears, feel ready to meet!

To a certain extent, the garrison of the port fortress is almost ready to compete with the South China Sea Fleet and the foreign joint fleet, and even repel the opposite landing operation.

However, even under such strict defense, their entire line of defense still has a fatal loophole!

On this day, the thick clouds covered the moon in the sky, making the whole world seem to have only a little faint light from the port city below.

Late at night, the time is close to three in the morning, a series of air bombs descending from the sky directly broke the tranquility of the entire port city, and at the same time, broke the whole situation on the battlefield!

It is different from ordinary goblin airships.

The size of the Conqueror’s airship is almost twice that of an ordinary goblin airship.

As a result, the number of air bombs carried is also more, almost reached 3.5 tons, plus two other goblin airships, each carrying a two-ton air bomb.

This night, the total tonnage reached a total of 7.5 tons of aviation bombs from the sky!

The terrible horror of the big bang, directly swept the surrounding, the violent impact of the explosion, and the blazing flames spread continuously. In the blink of an eye, the fire of the sky will illuminate a whole port!

"Enemy! Enemy!"

The sharp alarm sounds madly echoing.

"Is the guy stationed on the lighthouse smashed? How is the enemy approaching us?!"

At this moment, the highest commander of the port fortress was almost mad, and the sudden attack made him even have time to wear his military uniform, and rushed into the command room, and then made a loud roar.

With the roar of their chiefs, the soldiers in the command room, who are operating the equipment, are also full of horror. One of the soldiers is even more vocal in their tone...

"The newspaper, the report of the lieutenant colonel, the lighthouse's squad, said that they did not find any traces of the enemy. At the same time, our radar devices did not scan the enemy fleet at all."

"Let your mother's shit! Then you tell me where the attack just came from? Is it falling from the sky?!"

His mentality at the moment was obviously a bit of an explosion. At the beginning of the month, he had just applied for a job transfer, and he had already gotten through the joints in advance.

As long as the application for this time is passed, although the military rank remains unchanged, he is able to be transferred directly to the central government and say ‘bye’ to this frontier port city that is not peaceful every day!

Coupled with the previous work on the border, the accumulated merits, the predecessor's career is also smooth sailing, within three years, must be promoted to the colonel, within ten years, into the power of their imperial power, the future can be said to be a bright future.

Seeing that the rosy life is already beckoning with him, the result is now out of this? !

This big bang directly killed his future! ! !

This is simply awful, but at this time, the unexpected state is happening again.

"The enemy ship is the enemy ship! The lieutenant colonel, there are enemy ships appearing in our outer waters!"

Looking at the spotlights that suddenly appeared on the radar screen, a soldier in the command room suddenly screamed.

While standing in the back of the garrison lieutenant colonel, facial muscles are a slap in the face.

"Notify the garrison, all concentrated in the port area to meet, and, in the vicinity of the fleet? Contact the nearby fleet to support!"

The signals for help are frequently sent out. However, what they don’t know at this time is that they have several sea fleets in the offshore area of ​​Europa, and they are taking care of themselves because of the emergence of several Fusang fleets!

In the early years, the performance of radar equipment was limited, and the situation that could not be implemented was different.

With the continuous improvement of the performance of shipborne radars, the lightning strikes are the masterpieces of their Fusang camp. Two Fusang players naturally have to play.

At the same time, it is also undeniable that for the two hibiscus players who are now financially nervous and do not have spare cash to build a battleship, it is a very good way to save money by forming a lightning strike fleet, hitting a lightning strike at night and attacking the enemy fleet.

Just in the Europa **** fleet, because of the attack of the Fusang fleet, the South China Sea Fleet led by Yuan Xi maintained a very fierce momentum, and it was close to the roaring Europa port!

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