The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1566: Rolling snowball

The battle on the 15th sea area, due to the timely return of the Franco fleet, made the whole situation a little stable.

However, this strength is obviously not enough.

If the four players teamed up to compete against the Europa camp, the battle would have been completed earlier without waiting for the South China Sea Fleet to intervene.

Therefore, the appearance of the Francis Fleet, at most, is the attack on the Europa United Fleet, adding some difficulty again.

The current situation, invisible, has become a contest between the South China Sea Fleet and the Europa camp.

In the end, it is the end of the Europa camp to stay in the end, to keep the card, continue to attack, or the South China Sea Fleet can not wait to take the initiative, this will become the key to leading the entire battle.

In the meantime, on the east side of the central mainland, the offensive on Gaowen’s side was completely deadlocked. This road was hit, and it can be said that it could not be followed.

Starting from the first island, Gao Wen has already started snowballing.

The timely implementation of the governance work, so that they quickly grasped the frontline territory captured by this piece, and at the same time restored the important productivity of the city under the speed.

Then relying on this productivity to support the frontline army to fight, thus forming a virtuous circle.

Under this premise, a whole snowball will be getting bigger and bigger. As the island cities that fall into their hands become more and more, the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and the productivity in their hands is also rising. .

So far, Yamamoto Yihe has already had two-thirds of the territory, and it has been completely captured by Gao Wen.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning here that, due to the various Western expeditions in the past few years, the number of cities that he needs to manage is almost rising.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the people who want to do this work within the Wanxiang civilization!

Because there is a need for someone to be governed everywhere, even some students who have just graduated from college can immediately get a job as a secretary clerk in a fallen city.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone can be in the ranks.

After a few months of work, if your ability to work is not satisfactory, then you will soon have to pack your bags and leave.

For those who have talents, or who have the ability to work, it is an opportunity, and there is no talent, and people who are unfavorable at work have no chance anywhere.

Now that he is on the right track, after capturing two-thirds of the enemy territory, Gao Wen has already begun to persuade him to face the opposite.

However, he knows very well that surrender is basically the same as death, so in general, players are simply impossible to surrender.

But it does not matter, his move, even if you can not really surrender the opposite, can also shake the opposite military and morale, for him, the horizontal and vertical are not lost.

What he didn't know, however, was that his own retreat was far more effective than he expected.

One island after another lost its connection and then fell. In this case, it is impossible to control whether Yamamoto Yihe controls the news.

Various rumors have long been rumored in the territory of the three remaining islands.

Basic uploads have everything, but the only thing in common is that there is no good word...

The people’s hearts are declining and the city is in chaos. During this period, internal rebellions have also erupted, and they have begun to advocate surrender. The call for peace has become louder and louder.

The Fusang fleet, which was sent out from the early years of the expedition, began to be completely destroyed. It can only be said that their emperor’s performance has been disappointing to his people over the years.

During this period, the morale of the army was even more depressed, almost to the point of being vulnerable. It was completely lost in a vicious circle.

During this time, Yamamoto Yoshihe, who was almost completely awkward, had already lost patience with the gang of people. In the face of the insurgents in the three islands, he directly waved his hand and ordered his hands. The army began to rebel.

The whole process of counterinsurgency was **** and tough. He originally wanted to keep the gang of rebels in this way. As a result, he did not expect that his own series of actions actually played a counter-productive role.

The hard and **** means of the army have further intensified the contradictions between the military and the civilians. On the contrary, it has invisibly caused many people to fall to the rebels.

For a time, the people complained that the army of Yamamoto and his Majesty was almost synonymous with running dogs.

But even so, Yamamoto Yoshihe did not intend to close his hand, or that he could not take it.

In the current situation, if he loses his military power. That is a dead end! In comparison, the people’s affairs can be slowly followed.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the army in his own hands and at the same time to speed up the efficiency of the insurgency, he directly issued a notice. Every successful shooting of a rebel army would reward the 100,000 Fuso currency and shoot 10 rebels. Seal the sergeant! Shoot 30 rebels, and seal the ensign! And so on!

As soon as this charter was listed, it caused a violent reaction directly within the various Fuso forces.

Many guys who want to join the ranks of the officers have cheered at this moment, and some people have frowned slightly.

In the following days, from time to time, the sound of gunshots in the streets and lanes almost became the main theme of these cities.

At this moment, this street is also doing something similar.

In the sound of a gun, one of the clothes was covered with oil. The old man who seemed to be in his 60s should fall to the ground, and the blood from the wound would soon spread from the body of the middle-aged man. Come.

Upon hearing the news, a middle-aged woman rushed out of the house quickly. After seeing her husband's she gave a shrill scream on the spot, and the whole person almost collapsed. Starting

"Hey, there are other insurgents in the house."

While talking, next to the body, a middle-aged officer wearing an army uniform and a lieutenant's arm on his shoulder, re-filled the bullet with a slap in the face.

During this period, the desperate women did not make any arguments, but rushed directly toward the lieutenant of the army.

However, before the other party rushed to the front, the two soldiers next to it had easily stumbled the woman to the ground.ァ新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~8.~1zщ.còм

"Kill you! I want to kill you!!!"

Among the round pupils, tears came out, and the desperate women made a screaming roar at this moment, as if they wanted to die with the murderer.

However, with her strength, how could she break free from the two soldiers?

Looking at the woman, Lieutenant Lieutenant’s eyes did not have a half-pity of mercy, but instead a little bit of pleasure as a batterer, and then directly pointed the black hole’s muzzle at the other side.

Seeing that the trigger was about to be deducted, at this moment, the action of the lieutenant of the army suddenly broke.

Then, while the corners of his eyes passed, he still calmly asked the man who was pointing at himself next to him...

"What do you want to do? Shaosong Shaolin?"

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