The narrow and difficult rugged trails made the vehicle useless. The horseshoe stepped down and splashed a muddy water. A heavy rain last night made this wild mountain road that deviated from the main road very muddy!

At this moment, a stunned Yamamoto and a mad escaping, the guns constantly coming from behind, so that he did not dare to have half a sense of relaxation.

"Damn, **** it! You guys!"

It is no exaggeration to say that even in the first second before this happened, Yamamoto Yoshihe could not imagine that he would fall to this point!

It was hard to escape from the capital’s Yamamoto Yoshihe, and was directly attacked by the rebels. The guards responsible for protecting his security had sacrificed during the breakout process. At this moment, the guards around him were left. Just one person! And there are more than half of the distance to the city where the 13th Army of the Army is stationed...

Between the thoughts flying, another burst of gunshots sounded.

At that moment, Yamamoto Yoshihe only heard a ‘The Emperor’s Majesty! ’

The **** riding on another battle immediately flew over and threw him down on the muddy ground.

At about the same time, the two horses that were rushing to the momentum were still on the spot and were screened by dense bombs.

It is entirely conceivable that if the escort's movements were slower for a second, then his end would be exactly the same as the two horses!

"What about you, His Majesty the Emperor?"

Even though it fell, even in the case of guards, he still feels that he is going to fall apart, but Yamamoto and his heart are clear, now is not the time to be tempted, you have to hurry to find a way to escape. .

As a result, in the next second, his expression was stunned...

"Hey, hello! Takeda, you..."

The blood spilling from Takeda quickly soaked his clothes, and the blood of his hands filled the eyes of Yamamoto Yoshito.

"You shot?"

According to Takeda's original skill, just that round of shooting, trying to avoid, may not be a difficult thing, but Yamamoto Yihe can't do it. Just in that moment, in order to protect Yamamoto Yihe, he can only choose to use Your own body, to block those bullets.

Human life is tenacious, but sometimes it is fragile. At this moment, Takeda knows his physical condition better than anyone else.

Several bullets have already injured his internal organs. One of them seems to have hit the lungs, so that he can't even breathe even smoothly. One mouth, a cough of a blood, look at this. The situation, I am afraid it is not far from death, right?

Just as he thought so, the hooves that were getting closer and closer to them at the rear made Takeda instantly alert.

"The Emperor's Majesty, hug his head."


At that moment, before he responded, Takeda, who was seriously injured, pushed him directly on him.

At that time, Yamamoto Yihe, who was unprepared at the time, lost his balance on the spot and fell directly from the narrow mountain road.

The slippery slopes and cliffs made him unable to stand on the ground. At the same time, this sudden situation made him lose his ability to think. In his mind, only the reminder of Takeda just left him to protect his head instinctively. .

At the same time, the chasing troops led by Miyamoto Shino followed, and the sights passed over the slopes below, and then quickly fell to Takeda.

After supporting the number of bullets, the almost seriously injured body, Takeda staggered and stood up, then stepped forward and slightly put his hand on the waist of the samurai sword.

Takeda one knife fast! This is the first samurai of their hibiscus, the man named "Juggernaut", and also the **** of their emperor, the name often with his emperor, appeared in the history of textbooks, for the latter In terms of people, it can almost be said to be a legendary figure.

Now, this legendary figure seems to be so weak. Even if he only needs to let his soldiers continue to shoot, they can easily shoot each other, or they just leave it alone. It is not far from death.

However, at the moment when he collided with the other's line of sight, Miyamoto Shingen did not choose to do so. Instead, he said to several of the pro-people who were next to him...

"You go to chase the Emperor."

After that, Miyamoto Shinji turned over and the right hand was also placed on the waist of the samurai sword.

"If you can, I really want to fight with you in the state of prosperity, not like now, but the situation at the moment, let go of you, is also impossible, it seems that my life There is one more regret in the matter."

When he heard this, Takeda’s lips were slightly moved, but he did not say anything. He had no strength to speak. Several gunshot wounds on his body were overflowing with his blood. He could feel his life. Is being pulled away little by little, death is moving closer to him, and letting the strong stronger, can not compete with it!

The time is one second and one second, the unstoppable blood continues to drop along his wounds.

The opponent in front of him is very strong. This point, when you look at the posture, you can clearly feel that there is no flaw, so that he can't find a chance to get a knife. This makes the two sides have a stalemate. .

However, according to his current physical condition, if he continues this way, he is afraid that the strength of even the knife will be gone.

At this moment, Takeda’s knife can’t help but have a strong resonance with Miyamoto’s words. It’s really regrettable that he can’t compete with such an opponent in the heyday!

At the moment when the thoughts fell, the two men almost simultaneously issued the knife!

The blade is unsheathed! The sharp blade, under the gloomy sky, still exudes a chilly mang.

"One knife flow! Come together!!!"

Between the electric and the flint, the interlaced knives are almost completely torn apart from this dim mountain road. After a knife, the figures on both sides of the mountain road have already separated from life and death.

"This is really, I am really sorry..."

In this muttering voice, which is almost only he can hear, the ancestors of Fusang’s generation, the sword of the martial arts, Takeda’s body weakly fell into the mud underneath.

At the same time, Miyamoto Shingen, who slowly recovered the knife-out posture, was also complicated in his face. The blood on the blade was followed by a flip of the wrist, with a backhand-receiving posture, neat The samurai sword that took a generation of Juggernaut slowly recovered the scabbard of the waist.

"Yeah, it's a pity..."

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