The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1583: Civilized characteristics

At the same time, the other side...

This wave of fighting is even more difficult than they expected. It is only a narwhal force as their killer. In the case of a total strength of 150, three whales are killed. As for the serious injuries. The whales are even more than one hundred and seven.

Fortunately, all of them are hung up. According to their resilience, it is a matter of time to think about healing.

However, due to careful consideration, the fishermen’s unit still chose to retreat in time and did not continue to pursue it.

After listening to the whole battle, Zach, sitting in the temporary meeting room of the deep sea, quickly fell to the weapons in front of him.

"This is their weapon to reinvent the whales?"

For a lizard soldier who is normal or close to normal, the head of the harpoon gun is actually quite large. If the length of the barrel is limited, they can even use it on the shoulder as a rocket launcher.

But even such a harpoon gun is slightly smaller in front of a sailfish who is close to ten meters in size.

However, Zach can feel the ingenuity of this weapon, something that their fishermen can't do.

According to many fishermen, some of the lizards attacked, especially strong, and even strong enough to kill whales.

But the situation was too confusing at the time. They couldn't tell who was who, but the difference in the harpoon guns, they can see it.

Judging from the batch of harpoon guns they had seized, there were very few harpoon guns with fine lines and a beautiful aquamarine gemstone.

Combined with the previous information, Zach can basically confirm that the weapon of the whale man is absolutely the one that is in front of him at the moment.

Although I have never used such weapons before, after a little research, they are trying to figure out how to use them.

In order to further confirm the intelligence and the power of these weapons, Zach directly called several fishermen who are more suitable for use.

This time, the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel, naturally, was directly present. In addition, as a narwhal army officer who had suffered in the previous battle, Colonel Polk also swam over and wanted to see what happened. .

After all, they have not suffered such a loss for some years.

In this regard, Zach did not care. After greeting the two officers, his attention quickly shifted to the weapons test.

The trigger was pulled down, and the harpoon that flew out of the plane was shot out with a surging stream of '咻'.

Showing a very good power and range, the fishermen around the crowd have issued a burst of exclamation, this weapon, but they have suffered.

Zach and the Sailfish Lieutenant Colonel, as well as Colonel Polk, are still calm.

The power of this attack is indeed good. Even if it is a narwhal army, I am afraid that it will be hurt by such an attack. However, it is a matter of injury. Serious injury is another matter.

It is basically impossible to hit a whale with a single attack.

Therefore, the focus is decisive on the special weapon inlaid with gems and portrayed the lines.

On Zach’s instructions, the fisherman, equipped with that special weapon, quickly pulled the trigger.

However, looking at the harpoon that came out of the way, the result was disappointing.

Because the power and the previous harpoon attack, there is no difference at all, at least they did not see any difference.

According to a description of some fishermen, the special attack should be very fast, and it is very amazing.

This situation can not help but let Zach fall into meditation.

Is there something wrong? Or is it that his previous judgments have made mistakes? Or is this weapon broken?

With this in mind, Zach signaled the fisherman to replace another weapon with sapphire inlay.

But the result is exactly the same as before.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but Zach is completely ignorant of where the problem lies.

There is no doubt that this is the main reason why Luo Ji is not worried at all.

How easy is the release of a spell attack? Do you think that just fill the harpoon on the spell-enhanced harpoon gun and then pull the trigger off? Big mistake!

To launch a spell attack, you have to do a necessary operation, which is to trigger the spell spell on the weapon, and the process of triggering is to read the corresponding spell and resonate with the above spell.

Although this spell of intensive attack is not long, it has three to five tones. If you want to learn, you still have to work hard.

In addition, there is a very important reason, that is, you must have the power of elements in your body.

As I said earlier, everyone's physical quality is actually with attributes. Even ordinary people without spell talents will have a certain degree of elemental power within their bodies so that they can use these spell weapons. .

On the other hand, if there is no elemental force in the body, then even if you accurately read the corresponding spell, you can't resonate with the spell, and it is impossible to trigger the spell and these fishermen, Luo The series is almost 100% certain, and there is no element in their body.

The reason is simple, because their civilization does not have the characteristics of 'souls' or 'elemental powers'!

Luo Ji’s Wanxiang civilization has it because he has merged with the Elven civilization.

These conclusions, he has all done experiments.

Before completing the integration with Ye Qingyi's commercial civilization, he once traded a piece of magic crystal to Ye Qingyi, and then let Ye Qingyi take the piece of magic crystal.

It turned out that the elemental power within the magic crystal was quickly exhausted, and in a blink of an eye it became an ordinary gray-white stone.

This allowed Luo Ji to completely confirm the factor of civilization, and at the same time, he had a deeper understanding of this whole civilization.

Based on this point, the fishermen's soldiers are limited by their own civilized characteristics. Even if they have grabbed some special weapons and weapons of magical civilization, they are basically unusable.

Zach, who does not know this information, obviously cannot make a result, and can only choose to give up temporarily.

However, even if those weapons can't issue spell attacks, they can show great value by shooting with ordinary harpoons. It is a pretty good choice for some weaker fishermen.

At this point, the fishermen’s forces immediately dispatched more fishmen and began to search in the deep sea area of ​​the previous battlefield, hoping to bring back the harpoon gun and the harpoon that had fallen from the previous battle.

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