A group of fishermen who received the Shark Personal Command quickly sneaked into the sea and approached the deep-sea camp on the 15th.

At the same time, after calculating the time, feeling almost gone, he slowly walked back to the banquet area on the coast.

Looking at it, the soldiers he had left were scattered throughout the venue, but they had formed an encirclement.

At the same time, within the venue, many fishermen have been dumped directly on the ground.

Some of them have not yet fallen, and they have basically shaken their heads and are unconscious.

Until the last guy fell down, the shark personality standing there couldn’t help but sigh.

Obviously, except for the individual drinks in the hands of the shark personality, all the other cans were added.

After all, how can you find so many cans and fine wines on a foreign ship's transport ship? Still not deliberately getting in?

Fortunately, the fish people are basically ignorant of the situation on the land, so there is no doubt at all.

Here, I have to say that the body resistance of these units of the Orc Civilization is really changing. Considering that there are many large units in it, Luo Ji also specifically asked them to increase the dose by nearly ten times.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if it is an elephant, a little bit of it goes down, I am afraid I will not wake up in this life.

And these guys, under the premise of eating these mixed foods and drinks directly into the stomach, they can still eat so much to fall, this is really a ghost.

There was no time to sharpen it. After the signal was sent, a fleet of Europa flags quickly appeared on the outskirts of the coast.

Undoubtedly, this fleet is the fleet that was sent before the expedition to the east island.

However, this time only came a part.

The commander of the fleet was captained by Wang Hao’s adjutant, Daqbem, and brought all the fishermen headed by Shark Personality.

Wang Wei, with another part of the naval fleet, continued to sit in the Fusang Islands.

Although the entire island has been ruled by him, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents, or to retain some strength, where the town is relatively safe.

As for why, the fishermen who are headed by the shark personality are brought.

On the one hand, naturally, because there are fish people in the 15th sea area, the other party does not know that the shark personality has been rebellious, and may be able to use some strategies to easily take the other side.

On the other hand, Luo Ji also has a little bit to test the meaning of the other side.

If the shark personality is to want to betray, it is best to betray earlier, so that he has a mental preparation.

However, as far as it seems, the other party does not seem to have this plan.

After all, this squatting down, the opposite of the fishermen, but basically all fell into their hands.

Now that it is on the right track, behind the captain of Captain Dockbem, he is following another larger fleet.

There is no doubt that the South China Sea Fleet under the command of Yuan Xi.

It is not enough to use all of the fishermen, including the large fishermen, to catch all the fishermen, including the large fishermen.

At this moment, the whole thing can be said to have been carried out quite smoothly. After the meeting, Shark Personality also told Yuan Xi quite simply about Zach.

At the same time, after knowing that the other party has sent troops to arrest people, Yuan Xi can't help but look at the shark personality.

At least from the current point of view, the performance of the shark personality is completely honest.

Of course, these things are not mentioned first. Yuan Xi directly began to direct the soldiers to move the fish to the ship and then transport them to their frontline city for detention.

At the same time, the other side...

For the location of the deep sea camp, they obviously already knew it.

Everyone is a fisherman, and they have a secret number. The other party has not raised any doubts about them.

At this moment, the fisherman squad sent by Shark Personality quickly approached the deep sea camp to approach the past.

There are no soldiers on duty around the deep-sea camp, because there is no need at all. Who can attack their camp in the battlefield of this all-out war?

On weekdays, there are some logistics personnel in this camp. Today, due to the celebration of the banquet, the fishermen in the camp have basically gone.

Therefore, the deep-sea camp in front of us can be said to be quiet and scary at this time. The ear can only hear some slight sounds of the current, but it is inexplicable and makes people feel nervous.

As a front-line camp that can accommodate thousands of fishermen, the scale is not small.

It is undoubtedly a lot of work to find a fisherman inside.

After a search, the sound of a fisherman in the distance suddenly rang.

"Come on, there is a situation here!"

The fishermen who heard the sound gathered in the past, only at this moment, in a deep-sea lounge, a sailfish man was falling there and was unconscious.

There are also several cans that have been eaten and eaten around.

Even the surrounding seawater still has the smell of cans.

However, according to their boss's description, their goal should be a pair of swordfish with no legs, and the unconscious person in front of him is full of limbs.

The line of sight swiftly swept through the house, and the fishermen quickly found several unopened cans on the table.

In addition, the unconscious squid has a distinct wound on his hand, like something smashed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, from the wound that has stopped bleeding and gradually healed Look, it should be a while.

Thinking of this, one of the brainy fishermen’s soldiers said on the spot...

"Send a person to the shore to report the situation, others go around the camp! The guy named Zach is a crippled person, certainly not far away!"

I am afraid that no one thought that in the face of the temptation of these rarities, Zach, who was focused on the layout of the war, chose to throw those cans aside and did not care about it.

As for the pro-brother who was responsible for taking care of him, he ate it without any scruples.

As a result, after eating a few cans, Zach instantly realized that something was wrong with the sudden coma of the sailfish man.

He wants to report, but according to his current state, obviously this is not the case.

At the same time, the situation on the coast may have developed in the worst direction. Now it is running, maybe it is self-investment.

But if you choose to escape, it is not far from running on his own strength.

In this way, Zach, who has no other way, directly pierces the arm of the sailfish man with his own spear organ, trying to wake up with the pain, and then let the other person take him away.

But the result is that the other party has no tendency to wake up.

Zach, who was helpless at the time, could only choose to leave this soldier and flee alone...

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