The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1616: The gap in the strength of naval warfare

The black and white body shows a different kind of beauty, but after the mouth cracks, the dense teeth, let everyone clearly realize the fierceness of this killer whale army!

Among the large whale populations, the whales of the killer whales are definitely not big.

Usually more than 20 meters, in this branch, the body can exceed 25 meters, it is already called a big man.

However, the killer whale family is the strongest of the whales, and at the same time, the absolute king in the ocean world!

Not only because their patriarch and emperor was named Pompeii Rand.

It is because the whales of the killer whales like to act in groups, and at the same time, the number is large. At first glance, the number of killer whales that have arrived at the battlefield, headed by Pompeii Rand, is at least 300 people! This is the trump card he used to smash the sea!

Just after rushing into the battlefield, the killer whales that directly launched the group attack destroyed the battleships of two foreign alliances on the spot.

However, this is only a beginning.

Just as Pompeland took his killer whales and made it into the sea.

At this moment, the sea area where the Philip Albert Royal Navy fleet was located suddenly violently shakes!

It is a current! The super exaggerated current is frantically surging under the sea!

"Leave this sea and leave this sea!!"

The commander of the fleet, who realized that something was wrong, issued an evacuation order at the first time.

However, it is already late!

Accompanied by a low roar like thunder, the broken sea, a figure of a giant, a strong pair of eyes full of horror eyes watching!

At that moment, a large amount of sea water directly picked up waves and waves, almost to be rolled into the sky.

Since I have been beaten up to this day, various monsters have also seen many foreign naval soldiers. At this moment, they are still scared to the blank of the brain!

This behemoth in front of you is familiar and unfamiliar to these naval soldiers.

Familiar with the appearance, this is a complete whale!

Unfamiliar, the size of this whale is completely beyond their imagination! That figure is completely inferior to the super battleship of their Royal Navy fleet. Is this a joke with them? !

This giant whale that appeared at the moment is the last killer of Pompeland and the behemoth unit of their whales! Giant whale Simon!

The serious injury of the deep sea giant Craken gave him a sense of crisis.

Since they have already reached this point, he is too lazy to hide and squat, and let these guys know what the difference in the strength of naval warfare is!

The giant whale Simon, because of its size is too large, so the level of flexibility is not as good as the deep sea behemoth Craken. At the same time, unlike Craken, it has a lot of tentacles and can launch multiple attacks at the same time.

But in contrast, it has almost desperate defense capabilities and a huge, incredibly horrible body.

I thought that in the past, it was just a small whale Simon. It was only ten meters long, and even Pompeland did not think that it could grow to this point!

At the same time as the sea surface appeared, the huge body of the giant whale Simon directly slammed into the super battleship closest to him in a crushing posture.

Under the slamming, the destructive power is simply jaw-dropping.

A full battleship of more than 60,000 tons, almost let it knock on the spot!

At the same time, on the side of the battleship, there was a big exaggeration.

After a single blow, the super battleship got the cabin, almost all of which was about to be collapsed.

At the same time, the external armor plate was destroyed by giant forces, and the sea began to be madly poured into the sea.

It all became too bad.

After the collision, the giant whale Simon, who soon launched a second pursuit to the super battleship, is definitely a terrible pursuit.

Under the horror, the one that had been hit hard, the Royal Navy fleet, the only three super battleships turned the guns, trying to launch a gun attack on the giant whale Simon.

In this regard, the giant whale Simon directly ignored the existence of three super battleships and continued to slam into the super battleship that the hull was about to be deformed by it.

That posture is simply an iron heart to sink the super battleship!

In this regard, how can the Royal Navy fleet make it succeed?

The sixteen-inch three-united main gun fired at the same time. In a deafening roar, the armor-piercing missiles that flew out hit the giant whale Simon.

But the result was that the officers of a group of foreign naval fleets were half-hearted.

The six-inch three-unit main gun, even on the body of the deep sea giant Craken, can cause clear damage.

However, playing on this whale, although the other side also saw blood, but it did not seem to cause any substantial harm.

This made the captains of the three super battleships almost violent at the same time.

by! They are in a sixteen-inch three-piece main ship gun, fire with armor-piercing bullets, hit the monster ~ ~ can not only cause a little bit of flesh injury? !

To be true, Philip Albert estimates that he will call the police!

And far from seeing this scene, at that time led the killer whales in the battlefield of the 7th sea area to the left to kill the Pompeland Langdeon disdain.

The whale's attack power and flexibility are not as good as the deep sea behemoth Craken, but the defense is strong enough to be desperate!

Why can Pompeland Rand accept the squid family who owns the deep sea giant Craken?

Very simple, because the deep sea behemoth Craken, can not beat the giant whale Simon!

At that time, the battle in the sea was so dark and stunned. These two behemoths, almost everyone who took no way, hit the end, and the deep sea giant Craken was defeated.

From this point of view, it can be seen that the physical fitness of the giant whale Simon is already strong enough!

At the same time as the sixteen-inch three-unit main ship gun fired at the opposite side, the giant whale Simon, who was directly ignored, was in front of the other side, and once again, a super battleship was sunk.

The scene of that moment has been violently impacted by countless people in this sea area.

Especially for the foreign alliance side, the blow to morale is simply devastating!

On the other hand, after receiving feedback from the frontline fleet, at this moment, even Tang Song, who is a violent old man, couldn’t help but take a breath.

This whale is a bit overdone? !

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