The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1618: Repeated jump

Upon receiving the news, once I heard the giant whale suddenly sneaked into the sea, the whole heart of Tang and Song dynasty was obviously stunned, knowing that it was going to suffer, so I quickly issued an order to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield.

In fact, there is no need for Tang and Song to say that the chief commander of the dwarf fleet responsible for front-line command is rich in experience.

As early as before the Tang and Song Dynasties issued orders, he had already indicated that the fleet was ready to withdraw.

Now that the order is determined, it is naturally more ambiguous.

Through the sea, watching the steel fleet that began to evacuate toward the periphery of the battlefield, Pompeland Rand, after chasing after his squadron of killer whales, contracted and returned to the battlefield.

No way, if he chooses to chase the fleet of the Tian dynasty, then this chase will directly take away a small force. At that time, the main battlefield of the 7th sea area will not be easy to play.

It is precisely because this is clear that the Tang and Song Dynasties are only so simple.

If you don't chase, then my fleet will naturally be safe.

And if you catch up, then I will take your troops and run away. When the main battlefield is over, you will not be able to collapse.

Pompeland, who knows this meaning, is not happy, but he knows that even if he wants to solve the enemy, he has to make a sequence.

You can't play two punches with this one. If you do this, you can play it. In the end, you probably won't kill anyone, and you will crash yourself.

In this way, this wave, Pompeland Rand is also a clear target, to solve the foreign joint fleet led by Philip Albert, is the main task of the Europa camp.

As for the Tian Chao camp, let them know how to say it for a few days.

When they solved the foreign joint fleet, they were followed by the gang!

A section of the road was evacuated, confirming that Pompeland had returned to the main battlefield of the No. 7 sea area with his killer whale troops.

The Chief Commander of the Dwarf Fleet, who received further instructions, once again commanded the steel fleet of His Majesty and sneaked back.

As I said before, this embarrassment is equally significant for their Heavenly camp. How can it be so easy to give up?

The line of sight swept, and the targets of the two super battleships of the Dwarf Fleet were equally clear, once again staring at the giant whale Simon opposite.

The flying gunfire struck, so that Pompeland, who was under the sea at the time, burst into a thick mouth on the spot.

"Dry! This is a gang!"

In the face of the dwarf fleet that played back the carbine, Pompeland Rand was a bit disgusting.

If you keep in the area all the time and stare at the opposite dwarf fleet, your strength will certainly be kept for a long time.

And if you don't do this, then the other party can repeatedly jump on the edge of the battlefield, constantly disgusting you.

It is a pity that another monster in his hand, Craken, was not hurt in the previous battle. He has not recovered yet. Otherwise, in this battle, he directly solved a monster and everything was solved.

The life of the Dwarf Fleet, such as the cannon, can also pose a relatively obvious threat to his giant whale Simon, so that Pompeland can not ignore the existence of the other.

This time, in addition to the killer whales, he also transferred two whales from the whales to the whales of the sperm whales. The body size was properly over 35 meters. The most important thing is that their heads are iron enough!

The killer whales quickly spread out and the whales with two sperm whales quickly rushed in.

In the face of small warships that are on the way they must pass, the two whales of the sperm whales are fearless, and the head of the warhammer is so simple and violently colliding.

Among the fierce sounds, the two small warships that they hit, the entire armor above the hull, were smashed on the spot. The gap in power is still very obvious.

This is not to say that the whales of the sperm whales are more powerful than the whales of the killer whales.

This is like the difference between 'building weapons' and 'human weapons', only because the areas they are good at are not the same.

At this moment, I saw only two whales of the sperm whales in front of the sea. It is like two huge warhammers opening the road ahead. The whales of the killer whales are behind, maintaining a rushing formation and letting them quickly The two super battleships towards the Dwarf Fleet approached the past.

In this regard, the submarine and torpedo boats distributed around, of course, it is impossible to watch them close up.

The release of a large number of deep-water bombs and deep-sea torpedoes directly brought up another line of death blockades in this area, preventing the whales from approaching.

Taking advantage of this time, the two super battleships also saw the opportunity, and another round of shelling, then turned around and ran, quite simply.

Such a move, watching Pompeland Rand eyelids straight.

Because he knows that the other party is now deliberately disgusting with him, one can only choose one, and the disgusting multiple-choice questions are placed in front of his eyes. How does he choose?

During this period, the foreign joint fleet on the other side is undoubtedly aware of the movement here.

After learning that the Dwarf Fleet of Tang and Song Dynasties successfully helped them to contain some of the fishermen’s strength, they naturally had to hurry and output.

However, the super battleship of the Philip Albert Royal Navy fleet, after being sunk by a giant whale Simon, is now only two and a half.

As for why it is two and a half, it is because one of them is now nearly half destroyed.

The heavy losses are estimated to have reached the point where Philip Albert can spit out a blood.

The guy in Pompeland Rand, the strength at sea is too abnormal. This beating is now a life.

However, can they retire?

Obviously not!

Their foreign alliances are the priority targets of the Europa League. Once the control of the ocean is completely lost, the first one will suffer from them. The Heavens will have to go back to the next row.

In this way, at the moment, they have no choice at all.

At the same time, on the other hand, in the face of the dwarf fleet that repeatedly jumped on the edge of the battlefield, Pompeland Rand ended up with a gloomy face and sent a unit to guard against it.

This feeling of letting the other person get rid of it is really bad.

In the face of Pompeland's move, the dwarf fleet of Tang and Song Dynasties naturally retreated slowly.

In this regard, the fishermen’s units that have long received orders are naturally gradually chasing them out. Obviously, they are not planning to let them continue to jump again and again.

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