Within the battlefield, time flies, after the battle of the 7th sea area, the main task of his fishermen's army is basically only the sea fleet that is aimed at those players.

And this little thing, naturally, does not require him to play this player himself.

Just as Pompeland Rand intended to go back and have a good rest, his forefoot had just returned to his capital's palace, and a waiter from the back of his foot rushed to him in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, there is intelligence on the 15th sea!"

Pompeland, who heard this, looked awkward and quickly reacted...

He remembered it!

Before he was busy taking the troops to the battlefield on the 7th sea, a turtle communication soldier suddenly came back and reported to him on the latest battle of the 15th sea area.

However, he was in a hurry to lead the troops to support the main battlefield.

After listening to the report of the Navy’s communications, Pompeland’s loss of his own narwhal force felt a bit of incredulity and pain, but at the same time he did not have time to do more tangles.

At the moment, the battle on the 7th sea area is undoubtedly the most important thing.

However, in order to avoid any moths on the 15th sea area during this period, Pompeland Rand gave them a retreat order.

According to his thoughts at the time, no matter what happened in the 15th sea area, after I finished the battle of the 7th sea area, I went back and slowly tossed.

At this moment, I think it is even more strange to think of Pompeland.

He has already issued a retreat order, what else can he do? !

With such doubts, his mood is inexplicably a little annoyed...

"Call them to the main hall and wait."

After that, Pompeland, who returned to his palace, had no feeling of rest and walked directly toward the main hall.

While walking into the hall, his gaze quickly fell to the two figures below.

One of them is naturally their sea turtle communications officer, while the other figure is quite special, because the figure turned out to be a severely disabled person with no legs at all.

In this regard, I have heard that Pompeland Rand, who had reported several times before, is undoubtedly aware of the figure. It was the swordfisher who was rescued by the Turtles of the Turtles.

For Zach, Pompeii Rand has always been full of expectations. After all, this is the rare talent in their orc civilization that has a maximum intelligence growth of four stars. It is necessary to focus on training.

Although an intellectual type of talent, the brain can move on the line, but without the legs, became disabled, after all, it is a bit lacking regret, which can not help but make him feel more bored.

After sitting on the throne above the huge figure with his ass, Pompeland is quite straightforward...

"Let's say, what do you have to report?"

In this regard, Zach made a detailed report on the situation on the 15th sea area after some hard work.

Of course, there must be some part of his analysis and speculation, and even this part accounts for a considerable proportion.

But this is also a no-brainer. He is now inconvenient in his actions. Many things he has not seen with his own eyes can only be analyzed with some clues.

But even under this premise, as long as a simple check with the rear, the answer to many things can be self-evident.

For example, their emperor did not issue an order to allow the fishermen in the surrounding waters to support them, but to temporarily retreat them.

From this point of view, it can be known that the fisherman's unit and the Europa fleet, which are under the banner of the reinforcements, are unknown!

The news that the troops sent to the 15th sea area might be completely destroyed, so that Pompeland Rand almost broke out on the spot.

Other fishermen’s troops did not say that the narwhal troops were his immediate troops!

Although physically, the whales of the narwhal family are generally inferior in physical fitness to other ethnic groups, but the narwhal is also a field where the narwhal is good at.

Among the whale-family forces, the narwhal forces played the role of vanguard and assault troops.

If this is completely gone, then his wave of damage is big enough to make him sore to the point of vomiting blood!

However, Pompeland Rand is, after all, a veteran bird who has been mixed in the world for so many years. At the moment of hearing the news, his emotions, although uncontrollable, produced a strong temper, but eventually forced himself. Calm down.

"Do you confirm that the fisherman is ours?"

Asking this question, Pompeland's face at this time can be said to be quite ugly.

At the moment, there are only two results...

The first result is that within the battlefield of this all-out war, in addition to himself, there are other players who own the fishermen’s arms, and those posing as theirs attacked the fish that he deployed on the 15th. Human troops.

The second result was that his fishermen’s forces had rebelled.

No matter which result, for Pompeland, it is awful.

Zach is undoubtedly aware of this. At the same time, he is already thinking very clearly on the way back to the capital.

"Your Majesty, the other party is on our connector."

Pompeland, who heard this, noticed that the muscles in his eyes were twitching.

Seriously, if it is the second result, it will only make him feel worse!

However, at this time, he did not easily open ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but instead indicated that Zach continued to say.

"The other side of the fishermen's unit, headed by a shark, the number of mixed fishermen under the arm, almost close to a thousand ..."

Listening to Zach’s narrative, Pompeland’s face became more and more difficult to look at.

The troops he sent to the distant waters are basically two configurations.

One configuration is one to two large fishermen's units, plus a thousand mixed fishermen's units.

The other configuration is that there are no large fishermen units, but they have deployed a strong force like a sailfish, and at the same time add a thousand mixed fishermen.

Now Zach’s configuration is exactly one of his standard configurations when he sent troops earlier!

In a way, the answer is already clear.

betray! It’s a hell, it’s estimated that no ruler will tolerate betrayal like this!

At this moment, Zach can clearly feel the burning anger in Pompeland Rand's eyes, but after taking a deep breath, he finally decided to finish his words...

"The army, headed by a shark, named Gert, the rank is a major."

As one of his strong people, in the army of his fishermen, the number of shark officers is not too much, but it is definitely quite a lot. In a short time, Pompeland is also unable to think of this. Who is Gert's shark man?

At this point, only one of his guards who stood by his voice screamed to him...

"Let's check out this shark man named Gert!"

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