The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1645: Suddenly ‘stall’

In the next three years, they are expected to increase the number of five universities in various provinces. This news has just come out, naturally it has caused heated discussion among countless people.

When the University of Der Spiegel was founded, it was full of enthusiasm. Now five more universities are about to be established. For the people, this is undoubtedly a blockbuster.

For a time, countless young students have been talking about this topic.

For college students who have college volunteers, in the past, when they applied to Der Spiegel University, it was really a thousand horses and horses crossing the single-wood bridge. They could reach the other side, and there were few successful tests. Even three times students.

Now, as soon as the new school is established, this whole situation can obviously be greatly improved.

The students who originally wanted to report to the university and receive further education, only the University of Der Spiegel can go this way. If they can’t get it, they can only drop the list. Now, there are five more roads in front of them. This opportunity will naturally become More.

With such an idea, many students who are about to lose their confidence after many consecutive declines in the list, at this moment, can not help but pick up a little confidence!

At the same time, on the other hand, the days of Luo Ji are still busy. After the season is over, the reports sent from all over the place are enough for him to be busy for a long time, and there is no time to do anything else.

Here, a little worth mentioning, that is probably the continent that he captured after he annihilated the Europa player.

Originally, he thought that the things over there should be the most correct.

But the result was greatly beyond his expectations.

Luo Ji did not bring Henry Bohr back when he returned to Der Spiegel.

Because the post-war continent, the whole state is too bad, the need for a talented person with sufficient ability to take control of the overall situation and direct governance, as the former imperial prime minister, Henry Bor, is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate.

As for the issue of loyalty, before the return journey, Luo Ji was a craftsman who set up the special monument of his 10,000-border civilization in the mainland capital.

Within the city, including Henry Bor, all people have a default loyalty of +5. Under this premise, Henry Bor’s loyalty to him has risen two times in the previous period. point.

In this way, Henry Bor’s loyalty has reached 76 points, and he has reached the level of good people. In addition, the troops stationed in the army are his army of 10,000-strong civilization. Under normal circumstances, It is impossible to do anything.

"Your Majesty, this is the latest report from the Science and Technology Institute."

While talking, Ye Hua quickly presented a report with the logo of the Science and Technology Institute to the eyes of Luo Ji.

The battlefield of this all-out war, after playing for so many years, the current situation, the players who survived the camps in the battlefield, have begun to fight development.

Who can develop faster, get more advanced technology, and more powerful weapons, can take advantage of the battles that follow.

This kind of thing, of course, is also known.

Therefore, in the past two years, he has attached great importance to the development of this piece.

However, according to the recent situation, the scientific and technological strength of his Wanxiang civilization seems to have been temporarily upgraded to an extreme. All the research and development and improvement projects have reached a bottleneck. In a short time, they want to make more Further breakthroughs have become extremely difficult.

This feeling, for Luo Ji, which has been maintaining a high-speed state of development before, seems to be suddenly "stall", which makes him feel uncomfortable for a while.

What Luo does not know, however, is that ‘stallness’ like this, when the player is in the bronze position, he will realize it.

Like him, all the way to maintain rapid development, like a car like a silver player, there are really not many...

The development of science and technology has fallen into a bottleneck, which makes Luo Ji a little depressed.

At this time, Gao Wen’s goods flew back in the goblin airship.

About the airship, the first thing is to quickly find a family restaurant, give yourself a mouth wash.

This way, in addition to eating canned food is to eat dry food, canned food and this stuff, and occasionally eat two, I feel pretty good, but if has been eating Who can ah?

After all, it is still a long-term preservation of emergency food, certainly no food prepared by the chef in the restaurant.

After Hu had eaten a meal in the sea, the next morning, he changed his clothes and went to the palace to see their emperor.

For Luo Ji, Gao Wen came back just fine.

When it comes to technology, among the various ethnic groups in the world of civilizations, the scientific and technological power of the Jingjing people is the first to deserve it.

As Gao Jing of the Goblin King, the talent BUFF that comes with the body can improve the work efficiency of the goblins. The work of science and technology research and development will undoubtedly be affected by this BUFF.

After improving work efficiency, you can quickly break through this bottleneck.

In this way, Luo Ji is also quite straightforward to talk about the development of the bottleneck and the other party said.

Although Gao Wen has always used the idea of ​​'mixing and eating death' as ​​his lifelong ideal, he is also a person who knows how to deal with wants to eat and die, first of all, he has to let Wanjie The big tree of civilization has been standing still.

If this big tree falls, will he not be crushed to death if he is to be cool under the tree?

Nowadays, the situation within this battlefield is more or less clear. Within the silver rank, except for the silver first, all parties are arrogant and seem to have gathered here. Now it is not yet possible. He mixed and waited to die.

At this point, Gao Wen quite simply took down the matter of Luo Ji.

The goblin went to the province, but also did not have to go back for a while, Luo Ji directly lost a management position in the Science and Technology Institute to him, so that his talent BUFF works.

At the same time, let Gao Wen rely on his modern thinking ability to help as much as possible.

After all, within this vast world of civilization, there are now too many things, and Luo Ji alone cannot be taken care of.

After that, time flies, and the problem of workload is removed. This summer is obviously not particularly difficult for Luo Zhi, who is blowing air conditioners.

A swaying **** is already a season change, symbolizing the harvest of the autumn, quietly, this season, for the countless farmers within the Wanjie civilization, is undoubtedly busy.

In particular, over the years, the apparently large increase in food consumption and field area has greatly increased their workload.

Although Goblin Technology has developed harvesters that increase the efficiency of crop harvesting in the past few years, the entire workload is still huge and amazing.

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