A large number of Fuso soldiers retired into the fortress and set up roadblocks at the entrance to the fortress, trying to build a second line of defense to block the invading army that followed the terrain.

Faced with such a faction, the officers of the assault troops rushing to the front shouted directly in the Europa language...

"No. 3 tactics!!"

Due to some special circumstances, in the military of the Wanxiang civilization, the soldiers are completely understandable for some specific Europa language, and there is no problem in understanding.

Almost at the moment when the words were shouted, all the soldiers were ready.

In the next second, I saw only a few bombers rushing in front, and directly cast a grenade at the entrance area of ​​the Fuso fortress.

Among their human races, professional bombers are not technically inferior to the dwarf bombers, and a grenade that has been released from the hand is almost precisely invested in the entrance of the fortress.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

With the thunder of the thunder, the violent explosion in the expected did not happen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it was a sharp noise that screamed to the extreme, and a glare of glare broke out.

At that moment, the Fusang soldiers who were completely caught unprepared, the hearing and the vision directly suffered double injuries, the body that lost its balance, fell directly to the ground, continually twitching and rolling, and screaming at the same time.

The assault troops who saw this opportunity naturally did not have vagueness. The entrance defense line of the Fusang defenders almost collapsed in an instant.

This weapon, to a certain extent, is very big, because it was developed by the three top talents in the Armament Research Department, namely, Ye Hao, Jiang Zhan and Bart Wildhammer.

Based on the flash bombs developed by their Wanfang civilization in the early years, the latest improved weapons have added a relative proportion of 'ammonium' and other ingredients under the original formula, making it open simultaneously. It will produce high-decibel noise, which will cause damage to the enemy's hearing. Even in some small spaces, people can stun on the spot.

From a functional point of view, compared with the modern shock bomb, it is basically no worse.

Although in the strict sense, the shock bomb basically does not have much substantive lethality, but in the case of unexpected, the defense line used to disintegrate the enemy is basically a quasi.

The assault troops that quickly broke into the fortress showed a very high professional quality. This unit was an elite unit of Zhou Yi. It was trained by him for many years and belonged to a special weaving. The total number was 1,500. Hundreds of people.

Usually there are special tasks, or important assault missions, Zhou Yi will basically be handed over to this unit of his own.

At the same time, because of the excellent ability of this unit, it even triggered the system prompts, and reached a special special project of the Terran, so that the Luo series at that time had been stunned for a while.

Zhou Yi gave himself the name of this unit is the 'bayo knife'.

They are like the sharp-edged bayonet with the same handle, able to strike the enemy's deadly key with the fastest speed!

The bombing of the goblin bombing units, coupled with the powerful blow of the shocking bombs, caused the Fusang army's morale to burst two waves in a short period of time.

After the basic loss of warfare, facing the assassination of the bayonet force, the side of the Fusang garrison can be said to be defeated by the mountains. This mountain fortress has completely fallen in the blink of an eye.

The surviving Fusang soldiers fled from the exit of the other side of the fortress.

The bayonet force that followed closely followed the other Terran forces for a round of pursuit.

The complex and difficult mountain terrain does not have much impact on them.

After all, Zhou Yi’s troops guarded the south all the year round, and the southern part of his vast civilization was already full of woodland and mountains. This kind of terrain is simply the home for the bayonet force!

Running at high speeds in complex terrain, the soldiers' movements are still neat, and even the rifles in their hands can be refilled with ammunition and aiming shots.

But even if it is so strong, they can't keep killing.

To chase down this matter, you have to pay attention to a proper one. If you chase it, you will easily put yourself in it.

Not to mention the number of these deserters, there are tens of thousands of them, and the amount of ammunition on them is limited.

Anyway, the biggest goal of this time has been reached. After each shot, killing one enemy, it is all about expanding the results. If you are good, you will retreat and retreat in time. That is a wise move.

During this period, Zhou Yi also took part in the force and officially occupied the fortress.

In the face of the bombing of the goblin bombings, the outer trenches were in ruins. Needless to say, even the interior area, some buildings were collapsed, but this is a small matter.

After officially entering the fortress, Zhou Yi directly ordered the training grounds in the fortress to be cleared to provide a landing place for the aerial goblin bombing units.

Although the five airships of their goblin bombings are now in good condition, they continue to fly and there are no problems.

However, since there is an opportunity to land, it is natural to land, and it is better to carry out regular maintenance and replenishment.

A goblin airship slowly landed, the door opened, and a goblin in a blue-gray military uniform walked slowly.

Although it is a short goblin, but in a whole momentum, giving people the feeling, but there is no trace of weakness, his waist is quite straight, the line of sight is facing the front, every movement is full of military temperament.

After walking to the front of Zhou Yi, I saw that the goblin officer was quite neat and directed at Zhou Yi, and said at the same time...

"Gnomes bombing unit, Air Force Colonel Gao Yi, met the general!"

In this regard, Zhou Yi is also simply returning to the military ceremony, while opening...

"This time, support, hard work."


While speaking, the two men walked slowly toward the fortress. According to the instructions, in the following days, they bombarded the troops, which is undoubtedly to stay here for the purpose of supporting the expeditionary army.

After all, the other party is a local force, and it is still two players. The assembly efficiency of the Army is only faster than them.

However, they also have the advantage that the other side does not have, that is the air force.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the next case, the army's strength may be in a disadvantage, the existence of this goblin bombing force will play a pivotal role!

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