The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1667: How can this be done?

Nearly 70% of the stalls in this port market are the merchants of their Wanxiang civilization, and the rest are the local vendors.

In this market, you can see a big eater quite frequently, and you are copying a lame Tianchao and bargaining with the booth owner. It feels very interesting.

The Great Food Empire, now nominally governed by Hussein Ibn, has not officially relegated to his universal civilization.

However, this does not prevent Hussein Ibn from promoting their well-being in the world.

Especially after the Tianzhao camp and the united front of the foreign camp, Luo Ji did not need to hide and squat, and quite simply established a maritime trade route, and successively supported a lot of supplies to the food territory, and let Hussein This announcement, they have become the closest ally of each other.

Luo's generosity has made the people of the big food basically have no resistance to him. Even in today's big empire, the national flag of the big food is hanging side by side with the banner of his universal civilization.

It is enough to see that in the past few years, Luo Ji’s brushing in the territory of the big food has been quite smooth.

And this series of moves is to prepare for the easy acquisition of a whole piece of food in the future, which is a very important first-hand layout.

Now that they are on the right track, their maritime caravans of Wannian civilization will be filled with cargo from the Yangtze River port every year, and then they will do business along the way, while sailing through the Nanhai Port, Dashang Port, Daqin Port and Raksha Port. An important port, other ports that are large and small, after this lap, return to the Yangtze River port.

This is the annual maritime trade route of their Wanxiang civilization shipping merchants.

Of course, when there is a war, the Luoji will issue a ban on the sea. At that time, all the merchant ships on that sea area will have to be docked in the nearest port.

On the other side of the West China Sea, he was undoubtedly sent off long ago. Now the merchant ship that has been docked has already been docked.

However, in a short period of time, this ban on the sea will not have much impact on the merchants.

After all, they are carrying a full cargo, even if they sell fast, and want to buy the goods of a ship, it will take a month or two.

After that, they had to go to the big food city to purchase new goods.

In other words, they would have been here for a long time.

During this period, if the business people’s affairs have all been completed, the ban on the sea has not been lifted.

Then, according to the personality of the merchants, they will directly change their trade routes.

Some people are left here, watching the ship here, and they are taking the caravans to take the land trade.

After all, there is a big food territory, and going north is the orc territory. On that side, all kinds of goods are also quite popular.

This information is when Luo Ji drinks tea in a tea shop in the market. Several businessmen who listen to the next table say that they are talking about this matter.

"Young master, time is almost up."

Confirming a moment, Wang Kai sneaked up and said softly.

"Okay, let's go."

With two guards, Wang Kai and Luo Yunqi, they left the tea shop and went back to the port area without hesitation.

Nowadays, this port has basically been blocked. In the port area, it is the warship of the West Sea Fleet.

After the airship took off, a warship of the West Sea Fleet was officially sailed under the command of Wang Wei.

Above the warships, the flag of Europa flutters in the wind. This wave, they undoubtedly have to play the name of Europa, and work hard...

At the same time, the other side...

After experiencing the battle on the plains, the army of the Fusang side can be said to be unable to stop him. The Zhouyi, who basically determined the victory, commanded the army of the Majesty, all the way to the city, the sound of guns and guns, accompanied by The fall of the last city brought the curtain of war that lasted for several years.

This piece of mainland, temporarily occupied by Zhou Yi personally, as for the talents responsible for governance, the rear of the Wanjie civilization has long been ready to ship to the mainland by ship and boat.

In the past few years, as long as they are really talented people, there is absolutely no need to worry about the lack of opportunities. After all, they need too many places to use people now.

Without strength, it will soon be exposed, and then roll out.

The survival of the fittest, the weak meat and strong food, no matter how the times develop, the iron of these eight words will always be carried out extremely thoroughly.

Now if you open the system map, Luo Ji will find that his territory is already very exaggerated.

Before the official war began, the territory of his Wanfang civilization was basically inferior to the modern Tianchao.

Now, after unifying a whole continent, he has occupied two continents on the 15th sea and the Fuso Islands to the east.

Compared with the central mainland, the two continents on the 15th sea area are actually a lot smaller. This is to know the number of players.

You know, the central continent of Luo Ji, but the splicing of the territory of seven players!

The two continents on the 15th sea, one is made up of two Europa players' territories one is a splicing of two Fusang players and a Gaul player's territory In fact, together, they are still not as big as the mainland.

But that is also relative.

Coupled with the Fuso Islands in the east, all the territorial areas are added together. Luo Ji’s heart roughly estimates that his current territory is about four times that of the modern Tian Dynasty!

Of course, the population is not that much.

After all, it was just finished, especially on the mainland of Europa. The three foreign players’ army was burned and looted in various cities. Everywhere, the population of the city was basically ten.

In addition, because of the scarcity of materials, there has been a famine for a long period of time, and a large number of people starve to death.

This is the second to go, count all the populations that he occupied the city. At present, the total population of this 10,000-century civilization is only over five billion.

However, this is already a very abnormal situation for ordinary players whose population can only be maintained at an average of tens of millions under normal development.

At the same time, Luo Ji also clearly realized that if he had to expand on such a large scale, the manpower of governance would not be enough.

After all, under normal circumstances, can the Fuso people, the Gaolu people, and the Europa people who have just returned to use it directly? Certainly not!

So far, the output of talents is mainly based on his Wanxiang civilization. How can this be done? According to this situation, he is afraid that he will have to develop stably in the last five or six years.

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