System prompt: Is it confirmed that the consumption of two hundred and fifty conquest points and 250,000 civilized points will be upgraded for the special project ‘Haina Baichuan’?

When you increase the number of points in the third level, you will increase it to this point.

However, in the view of Luo, it is still necessary.

If the gain range is calculated in the same way as he expected, then after the third level, the achievement can be increased to 24%. As a result, the effect can be said to be considerable.

Otherwise, the 12% increase in the amount of light is really subtle.

Once again confirmed, the upgraded Luo series quickly confirmed the change in the gain range, and then the spirit of the whole person was clearly enhanced.

Sure enough, the gain range has turned into twenty-four percent!

Later, the consumption of points suddenly became too high, and Luo Ji did not intend to continue upgrading.

The light is so, the ‘Haina Baichuan’ that has risen to the third level has already used Luo’s three hundred and ten conquest points.

If you don't want to say it, isn't it so fast that he earns it?

The number of conquests in the hands of today is only 3,361.

Looking down, there is a second project...

吐故纳新 (active): After launching the project, there is a certain chance to remove the negative characteristics of a designated civilization. Each time it is used, it consumes 500 civilization points. If the removal fails, the next success rate will increase by 5%. After a successful removal, the success rate bonus is cleared.


After reading the Luo of the project description, the whole person was silent for a few seconds, then hammered his own armrest.

"Spicy chicken system, just want to hang my money!"

What is the probability of having a chance? Every time you start, you need to consume five hundred points! In case of failure, give a 5 percent success rate as a consolation prize? This set of roads is clear that you want to hollow out his points!

However, Luo Ji can't deny that the question of the chance of going to that pothole is not mentioned, and the effect is quite attractive.

It has been said earlier that each civilization has different characteristics of civilization, and among these characteristics, there are good gain characteristics. For example, the gain characteristic of the dwarf civilization is to bring the gain buff when developing and using the heat weapon, and Increase product quality, while Goblin civilization is to increase scientific and technological power, etc. These are gain characteristics.

And there are positive characteristics, of course, there are also negative characteristics.

For example, the most obvious negative feature of the orc civilization is that the orphan's urban livability is reduced by one, the health situation is reduced by 30%, the training efficiency is reduced by 50%, and the order is reduced by 30%.

For example, the most obvious negative characteristic of the goblin civilization is that the nature is timid, the morale decline will increase by 30%, it is easy to collapse the morale, and the things that are manufactured are prone to failure.

There are also the negative characteristics of the elf civilization, and there is no doubt that their work efficiency is desperate.

These negative characteristics, if you can let him all removed one by one, then the final integration of civilization, will be extremely scary!

After spending ten conquest points and 10,000 civilization points, and unlocking the item “Take the new one”, Luo Ji gently clicked on the project icon, and a brand new interface suddenly appeared.

The interface is divided into two parts. On the left part, there are various icons of various sizes. These icons are all the features that his Wanxiang civilization now holds, while the right part is a furnace-like thing. There is also a button below.

Generally, people who have played games basically know how to operate. In this case, just pull the feature icon that you want to remove, pull it into the furnace, and then click the button.

At present, if he wants to improve the combat power of his universal civilization in a short period of time, Luo Ji feels that it is most useful to remove the characteristics of the orc civilization training efficiency and order decline.

As we all know, the orc troops are very time-consuming to train, and on the battlefield, they also lack tacit cooperation, and there is no formation.

In more than 90% of the battles, the orc's policy is basically to pick up the sleeves or do it! Strategy? Formation? nonexistent!

Under this premise, if they learn to cooperate and learn various complicated tactical formations, it will be conceivable how much the overall combat strength will be improved.

Between the thoughts flying, a feature icon has been pulled into the furnace, and the buttons below are illuminated, showing a number, five hundred.

Obviously, this next point, his five hundred conquest points will be gone.

But will Luo Ji be afraid?

I am an emperor of the Wanjie civilization, holding six Kyushu tripods. I will be afraid of the heavenly airlift.

The fingertips hung on the button for two seconds, and finally the ‘哼’ sounded off the project interface.

"Go back and ask my wife to help me! Spicy chicken system, I want to dig my conquest points, dreaming!"


Anyway, this time unlocking the fifth column of his Wanxiang civilization, although he did not succeed in getting the project he wanted, the effects of the two new projects were unexpected surprises.

In addition, if he wants to unlock the sixth column of the project, according to the system prompts, then it will consume 1,600 conquest points and 1.6 million civilization points.

Obviously, Luo Ji does not have this idea for the time being. Civilization points are not a problem, but the number of conquests is really terrible.

If this point goes down, he will really have to return to liberation before.

Not to mention that after he finished the territory of the Franco-machine, he also planned to settle the field for a certain period of time. During that time, the increase in the number of conquests was almost stagnant, and it is better not to wave now.

In this way, time passed quietly, within the battlefield of this all-out war, all players are in their own layout, carrying out their own strategic arrangements.

During this period, under the reconnaissance of the air reconnaissance airship, the West Sea Fleet of Luo Ji was also quickly approaching the archipelago territory of the fighters.

At the beginning of the fifteenth sea area, after the fleet and fishermen forces led by Dakbem were completely destroyed, the fighters who were so badly injured directly chose to withdraw their own territorial waters and at the same time strengthen the patrols around their territories. I plan to develop for a few years and restore some strength.

In this way, he has recovered quite well in the past few years.

But such a large naval fleet that wants to rebuild in just a few years is undoubtedly a dream.

Unless he can be as rich as the top ones in the same paragraph, he has a rich and rich heritage, using money directly, using resources, and smashing out a fleet.

But the problem is that, after so many years of beatings, the players of the Franciscans really can't afford to do this...

Today, the arrival of the West Sea Fleet is undoubtedly a nightmare for him.

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