After a while, Chris Evans, who received the news, was psychologically prepared, but after learning the exact news, a whole facial muscle was still unable to control and produced a convulsion.

The guys of the celestial dynasty, they really started.

The fleet at sea did not say for a moment, and the other side captured a port city in one breath, which made Chris Evans feel a little bad.

At that time, he evacuated the troops from the city and brought back some news. There was a steel monster mentioned in the news.

As a modern person, through a brief description, Chris Evans's mind is undoubtedly the word "tank" soon emerged.

Throughout the whole battlefield, tanks can be built at this stage. Apart from the Tang and Song Dynasties as the dwarf civilization players, he can never think of others.

The emergence of such a powerful land-based weapon made Chris Evans feel pressured.

What he needs to do most at the moment is to get back the collapsed port city as soon as possible.

For the Tang and Song Dynasties and Hua Tuo who initiated the expedition, as long as they do not have a frontline stronghold, they cannot stay here for a long time.

After that, Chris Evans intends to be defensive.

After all, his main army is attacking the territory of Philip Albert, and now if he reconciles the main force, his previous attack will be in vain.

To this end, let the main force continue to attack, and he has to take a defensive side here, there is no way.

In the face of such a situation, Chris Evans's confidence is still quite sufficient.

After all, it is the second player in the silver rankings list, but it is not so easy to plant!

Now turn the perspective to Philip Albert.

At this moment, the offensive efficiency of the Dark Elf army undoubtedly involves more situations.

If they can use the power of the Hydra to solve Philip Albert in a short time, then the Tang and Song Dynasties on the other side, I am afraid that the days are not good.

In the midst of a booming sound, it took a lot of time and effort. Under the unremitting efforts of the Dark Elf army, the collapsed valley finally cleared a path.

At this time, the time was long. After a long sigh of relief, Delk quickly ordered the whole army to re-advance after a brief rest.

As a result, there have not been many roads yet. The Hydra, which opened in the front, stepped into the carefully arranged minefields...

The violent explosions roared incessantly. Obviously, in order to hinder their advancement, Philip Albert made all the means that could be done.

Mines that have significantly increased the amount of gunpowder to fill, the explosive power is quite amazing, and the density is extremely high, but if you want to hurt the Hydra, it is obviously a lot worse.

In this way, Delk also directly let the Hydra shoulder the task of 'sweeping', pushing all the way forward.

After letting them pass the minefield safely, it is natural to comfort the grandfather.

Among the dark elves, the status of the Hydra is extremely high. Even a general such as Delk can't use the 'instigation' tone to command Hydra. It is necessary to 'consult' Only then.

It was blown up by the mines, and although it did not cause much damage to it, the emotion of the man became a bit violent.

At this time, Delk, who knows what to do, hastened to send several live cattle and sheep.

It is not an easy thing to eat meat, not to mention the lively cattle and sheep. With them, it can be said that it greatly increases the transportation cost of military materials.

But there is no way to do it. If you want to let this man get mad, it’s useless to get some dead cows and dead sheep.

The Hydra's blood basin is wide open, and like many snakes eat, the Hydra also swallows the prey and then slowly digests it in the stomach.

After appeasing the Hydra, Delk directed the army to continue.

He is not in a hurry. The closer he is to the battlefield, the more he should be calm.

Philip Albert's line of defense was there, and he couldn't run. After the distance was near, he should start to adjust his state. He rushed up and rushed, but he was easy to lose.

As a veteran, Delk apparently would not make such a low-level mistake.

But Philip Albert will not wait for it.

During that time, they also sent small units in a row, and harassed the dark elf army camps day and night, apparently did not intend to let them rest.

And just as the two sides continue to see the move, the offensive and defensive war is completely started!

Looking at the Hydra, which appeared far away, inside the fortress fortress, it directly pulled up the highest level of alarm.

A Taiwan mortar fired a white phosphorus bomb at the first time, and launched a blow against the advancing Dark Elf army.

The power of the white phosphorus bomb is obviously useless to the Hydra. The main target of the attack is actually the main force of the Dark Elf army.

As for the Hydra, Philip Albert prepared a special armor-piercing projectile for it!

In the roaring sound of the cannon, a large number of armor-piercing bullets launched a fire attack directly toward the Hydra. Feel the threat that the armor-piercing bullets brought to it. The Hydra gave a violent humming sound and quickly displayed it. Intensify the spell, let your huge snake body wrap under a burst of magic, and then start a crazy push.

During this period, the Dark Elf army under the command of Delk was also a continuous move. The predator smashed the firepower, and the Dark Elf Master began to sing the spell. A large number of eagle slayers launched the cull from the air. The enemy garrison launched a deadly attack while putting on a negative buff.

Beyond the defense line, the war is raging.

In the face of all the fighting power, the long-awaited troops stationed in the army, even if it is a strong dark elf army, it has to pay a lot of money under this intensive artillery attack.

Constantly confirming an entire battle, within the fortress, Philip Albert, who saw an opportunity, decisively issued an order.

Behind the fortress, the three airships that had just arrived at the front line quickly took off, carrying a full napalm and flew towards the main battlefield.

At that moment, watching the three airships that appeared far in their own vision, Delk, who was commanding the battle behind, his face changed significantly.

Before the terrible bombing of the napalm, he was still vivid, and now the airship is showing up again, how can he not be surprised?

Without hesitation, the signal was sent out, and the Hawks and the Banshee troops changed their targets in the first place, and they rushed to the three airships to fight and forced them to crash before the three airships flew over them.

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