The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1682: Who is who consumes energy?

Philip Albert's defense was broken by Chris Evans's Dark Elf Army!

When the news came out, it suddenly caused a commotion in the battlefield.

Especially for players from foreign leagues, the blow is even greater.

Because in a war, unless the other party uses any deceitful means, otherwise, in the case of the front of hard power, the opposite can break a fortress, then you can break through your ten fortresses!

In other words, it is the current hard power of Philip Albert, but it is not the opposite.

And the fact is true. In the presence of the Hydra, the value of the Fortress Fortress, a defensive building, has begun to decline.

Unless there is a terrain with any natural danger level, the meaning is not significant.

Following this momentum, Philip Albert is completely defeated, and it is a matter of time, sooner or later, unless he can change his tactical style...

And Philip Albert himself is undoubtedly aware of this, after the fall of that fortress, he directly made a comprehensive change to his next tactics.

Since there is no chance of winning the fortress, you can only change the way.

The order was issued, and the army under the command was directly reduced to zero. With the familiarity with the terrain of the enemy, the endless guerrilla tactics of the Dark Elf army began!

At this moment, Philip Albert is completely playing with a posture to see who is consuming energy.

After all, he heard from other foreign players that the Tang, Song and Huaying fleets attacked the territory of Chris Evans.

Although it is extremely uncomfortable for me to take advantage of this matter, considering that I have counted the players of the Heavenly camp before, this wave is even smoothed out.

He now wants to see, the guy of Chris Evans, in the case of his home attack, can send a large army to attack him for how long, to see who spent it!

You know, if you spend a lot of time, he has an advantage here.

Some profiteers come out of the price, although the black heart to let people vomit blood, but at least he does not have to worry about the problem of resources and food!

Thinking of this, in order to prevent accidents, Philip Albert quickly opened a news window of a profiteer, intending to buy a batch of resources and then say.

At the same time, on the outskirts of the 15th sea area, after a long road, a team of hens finally arrived in this area.

No way, unlike the fishermen in the deep sea, considering the issue of material replenishment and landing, Chris Evans's harlequin team, wanting to get here from the air, is not easy.

Nowadays, on the outskirts of the 15th sea area, the first thing about this harpy squad is naturally to find a small hidden island as their foothold.

Unexpectedly, at this time, above the sky, a line of sight fell on them.

At that moment, the two sides found each other almost at the same time.

"Eagle banshee?"

Within the pod of the reconnaissance airship, the face of an elf Druid was dignified in an instant.

The relationship between other elves and dark elves is not good, and the eagle owl is always the dog leg of the dark elf.

Now that the eagle owl is found in the sky, the elf Druid naturally raised his vigilance in the first place.

"No, they want to run!"

I didn't have time to think about it. The tacit understanding cultivated for a long time made the goblin soldiers in the pod open the door at the first time. The elf Druid jumped out of the hatch.

At the moment of the body falling, the deformation technique is directly displayed, turned into a giant eagle of Shen Jun, flew toward the group of eagle maidens!

During this period, the elf Druid’s mind can be said to be plain and clear. There are not many banshees on the opposite side. It is about ten people. It should be a reconnaissance squad. If this number, he will count It can't be dealt with, and there is no problem with entanglement.

At the same time, the goblin communicationsman in the reconnaissance airship has sent information to several other reconnaissance airships in the 15th sea area through radio equipment. The elves of other reconnaissance airships will soon be able to Come over, generally can't go wrong.

As a senior soldier of the wood elves, the elf Druid can't be underestimated. At this moment, the ten eagle banshees obviously don't want to fight hard with him. They turn and run.

However, the flying speed of the eagle banshee has always been not fast. In comparison, the deformation technique was applied, and the elf Druid turned into a giant eagle. The physical quality is comparable to that of Warcraft, and he wants to escape his chase. Kill, just dream!

Accompanied by a bright eagle, the elf Druid directly blessed himself with a simple intensive spell, then chased it up in one breath, and instantly broke a eagle with lightning speed. The wings of the banshee.

Then, his backhand was a wind pressure spell, and he was on the face of two other eagle owls. At the close range, the impact of the explosion was almost to stun them on the spot.

I have to say that his explosive first-hand offensive has given him a clear advantage.

However, remaining eagle banshee is not a fool. At first glance, this elf Druid has already caught up with them, knowing that they are inevitable in the first battle, and screaming at the same time.

This sound wave attack with a negative buff is almost inevitable. Once it is absorbed, the negative buff will be directly put on.

At this moment, the elf Druid is undoubtedly affected by the negative buff.

Hard and strong with the strong discomfort, the elf Druid keeps on moving, clenching his teeth, and while giving himself a booster spell, the sharp eagle claws match the eagle's constant The eagle owl around him launched a fierce pursuit.

During this period, the opposite banshee, also screaming, while launching a counterattack, launched a wave of fighting directly in the air.

Being sent to assist the aerial reconnaissance team in performing aerial reconnaissance and patrol missions, it shows that he is still too shallow to join the combat troops directly.

This flaw was quickly revealed in the later battles.

Although the wave of the first wave of attack, he succeeded in playing an advantage, but it is undeniable that the opposite banshee still has an overwhelming advantage in terms of quantity.

From the screaming, the counterattack on the opposite side has already begun.

The state of the elf Druid slipped all the way. In comparison, the remaining eagle owls were tacit, only one wave of counterattacks, accompanied by a large number of blood-stained eagle feathers, the elf Drew According to the body, there are already three **** claw marks!

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