Above the battlefield, the battle that touched the three-party camp became more and more fierce, and just left the Conqueror’s airship and returned to the Luojing of the Imperial Palace. After a while, it was relatively stable.

I have said it earlier, now he is not much different from playing the machine.

And it turns out that it is.

Judging from the several frontline war reports that were sent back, the battles there can only be described by the words 'smooth sailing'. The army has long been driving straight into the battle, and the Lien Chan winning streak, the franchise of the fighters, is dying. There is no threat to him, and he does not need to worry about it.

In this way, in the recent period, Luo Ji’s attention has focused on the development of his own civilization...

"Go ahead, right, keep going! It's good, let's just drop it down!"

On the northern ground of the Wanjie civilization, on the frozen soil of the bitter cold land, a northern tribal people with a helmet on their heads are commanding a heavy forklift and placing the goods at the designated place.

In recent years, every winter, the bitter cold land will have an exaggerated blizzard, and often it is a month to start.

This has led to a significant delay in the efficiency of the reconstruction project in the winter city.

However, from another angle of imagination, the blizzard swept over, so that the people of the northern tribes had to wait at home to rest as soon as they arrived in winter.

There is a whole winter time for them to recharge their batteries and rest well. After the spring, everyone's enthusiasm will naturally become more adequate.

In the past few years, the winter city has been planned for the expansion plan. Although nearly 60% of the area still needs construction, it is undeniable that the remaining 40% of the land has already Formed a group of decent buildings.

This allowed more people from the northern tribes who moved to Beishan City and Baihe City in the early years to choose to move back to their hometowns, and also added a manpower to the construction of Dongdong City.

During this period, Hill’s days were also quite busy.

After the Beishan Fortress, as the highest governor of the entire northern region, Hill had to deal with some of the government affairs of the North, and the military affairs were basically worried.

In addition, recently, their patrols found strange trails in addition to the basic reconstruction of the winter fortress.

Later, according to a report from the third district (Robert Smith's Europa territory and Daqin territory), there was a rebel in their territory and fled to this side.

At that time, I confirmed the news of the series, and directly told the matter to be handed over to Hill for full treatment.

In this regard, Hill is naturally unambiguous, directly tuned a team of ice bear warriors and a unit of their winter army to carry out patrol and search missions on the border.

Compared with the early years, the ice bear warriors of the Ice Bear tribe are now advancing with the times, completely changing their face, wearing the white uniforms of the Winter Army uniforms, and the latest is the thunder seven. Pull the rifle.

The combat power of the ice bears has been greatly weakened in this era of hot weapons. However, the excellent sense of smell and the ability to move in the permafrost areas make them still a good player in carrying out daily patrol search missions.

At the same time, more importantly, they have excellent endurance, and in the bitter cold, they can basically go to any terrain, and the car can not go where they can go.

When going out to perform tasks, I can also put in a lot of materials, enough to support the soldiers to perform tasks for a long time, and save the time to go back and forth. It can be said that it is quite convenient.

Therefore, even in this era, in the north, the ice bear warrior is also a signature type of arms.

Later, the northern orc tribe, which also received the news, also sent a team of white foxes and white wolves with relatively good reconnaissance capabilities to assist in the investigation.

No way, the area of ​​this bitter cold is too wide. It is not an easy task to find those insurgents who have escaped in a short time.

In a way, this is really a troublesome job, but it doesn't matter.

After all, as the supreme chief of the bitter cold, Hill can't allow a group of guys who might harm her northern tribes to wander around the northern border!

"After the winter fortress, we traced all the way to a valley three hundred miles away, where we found some traces of life, but people have left."

Having said that, the soldier responsible for the report of the results, the voice was slightly paused, and then opened again...

“Analysis from the traces of the residue, the other party should be a small group of more than 30 people, and at the same time, hold a certain degree of armed forces.”

While talking, the soldiers on the side placed an object in a timely manner on the circular conference table.

At this moment, at the conference table, including Hill, the patriarchs of the northern tribes and the eyes of the orc patriarchs fell on the object.

Looking at the object, Hill's ice blue scorpion picked up a wave of waves ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is a shell...

At this time, on the round table, Wade, the patriarch of the White Wolf family, asked in a deep voice...

“Is there a trace of where they are going?”

In response, the soldier shook his head.

"No, in this environment, they probably have a considerable degree of survival experience. When they left, most of the traces were erased, which made us very difficult to track."

When the words were spoken, they suddenly caused a lot of commotion among the various patriarchs present. Because of this situation, the insurgents were even more difficult than they expected.

And when the patriarchs talked about this matter, Hill was sitting there...

"All right."

The cold voice sounded in the conference room, and the simple words made the entire conference room completely quiet, which is enough to see her position among the northern tribes.

"If the insurgents did not even have this ability, then the environment of the bitter cold land would have their lives, and they could not live now."

Having said that, Hill’s eyes fell directly on the soldier in charge of the report.

"Working hard, Captain, this matter should continue to investigate. With the valley as the center, expand the scope of the search. I have applied to my Majesty and mobilized an aerial reconnaissance squad to assist in the search. You must also increase the search. , find a result as soon as possible."

"Yes, general!"

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