The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1723: Tacit understanding

In a short distance, the strongest Swordfish troops with explosive powers first launched an offensive, and they were basically more than enough to deal with some small and medium-sized warships.

During this period, elite troops and large arms were also shot.

Pompeland’s fishermen’s army showed an overwhelming strength at this moment. How could the remaining warships on the opposite side be their opponents?

In a short period of time, that battleship was successively sunk, and the powerful fishermen were fighting, and they did not even have the power to resist.

The cruel reality, the merciless annihilation of the last hope in their hearts.

At this moment, the two commanders who chose to disperse the breakout were full of despair.

"I knew it was better than it was at the beginning..."

With this in mind, their eyes quickly look to the other side.

As a result, the scene that caught the eyes of the two people made their pupils slam.

I saw that at this moment, the foreign joint fleet led by the ‘Trident’ fleet was engaged in a fierce battle with the Europa joint fleet.

From this overall situation, there should be no problems.

But the problem is that they had previously said that they would detonate the last two rounds of the 'Trident' and the Europa joint fleet that had been slain!

The thoughts of the two fleet commanders who had already realized what they were, their faces, faded all the blood in an instant.

"Being, being counted?"

At this moment, all kinds of unwillingness, struggle and anger are finally turned into deep powerlessness and despair.

Looking at the attack of the fishermen's army, the joint fleet that is heading for destruction, the captain of the various foreign fleets that are breaking out on the other side, the look on the face is slightly complicated.

But it is also limited to this.

After making that decision at that time, the chief commander of the 'Trident' fleet directly cut off the communication with the two captains and then said the words to the rest.

"They want to break through and let them break through. We also follow our own plans to do our best to take the most enemies."

At first glance, there is no problem with this sentence.

But every captain here is not a good man or a woman.

Do your best to take the most enemies!

How can I do this?

Of course, the two fleets that were waiting for the breakout were completely destroyed, and then the fishermen’s army re-killed and then started again!

Although they can't beat the Europa joint fleet now, the Europa joint fleet is basically impossible to destroy them in a short time.

In other words, they can afford it.

The captains who understood this meaning, although they did not say a word, have already reached this tacit agreement.


Under the surface of the sea, the rapid movement of a large number of fishermen and soldiers will inevitably bring about a significant current.

Look at this point, the commanders of the various fleets that received the news, have been holding their breath, only waiting for the moment when the current is approaching, with the order of the order, the two ‘Trident’ are simultaneously detonated!

Together with themselves, the horror of the big bang instantly destroyed everything around.

A lot of sea water was directly blown up to the sky!

Feeling the shock and the aftershocks under the surface of the sea, Pombelland, who was left behind, looked stiffly at the sea turtles who were scared into the turtle shell.

Almost as soon as he completely destroyed the small foreign joint fleet and prepared to kill another large foreign joint fleet, the sea turtle communications officer responsible for transmitting the news arrived at him as soon as possible and for him. Brought Zach's latest message.

Zach, who confirmed the frontline war, indicated that he should not easily approach the besieged foreign joint fleet, but let him first send a small army to test the situation.

Zach, nowadays, has clearly established enough trust in the heart of Pompeland.

Therefore, for this embarrassment, Pompeland naturally does not want to, do it directly.

Although the previous battles, the bottom fishermen who had fallen under him had suffered heavy casualties, but one or two thousand miscellaneous soldiers could still be transferred.

It turned out that Zach’s embarrassment this time really saved his life!

At the same time, the guys in the opposite foreign joint fleet are also embarrassed, and even launched a suicide attack! It is clear that it is dead and dragging them back!

When I think about it, think about the big bang just now, and Pombelund’s face can’t help but reveal a trace of embarrassment...

A cold sweat that erased the forehead, he quickly indicated to a group of fishermen to confirm the situation.

The scene of the explosion was a mess, and the wreckage of the battleship floated above the surface of the sea. At that time, the battleships responsible for the siege were almost completely destroyed.

Only those battleships that stayed behind and engaged in long-range firepower successfully escaped.

But no one can deny that the wave of counter-attacks before the death of the foreign joint fleet directly caused them to pay a painful price.

After the confirmation of the news after the war, many Europa players have expressed their painful mourning.

Although those battleships, the cost of a whole is certainly not as good as the battleship, but this wave is broken, and the loss inside is also huge enough to make people vomit blood.

However, in this mourning, the things to do must still be done.

The re-supplement of the respective fleet battleships is the latter thing. The most important thing at the moment is to send troops and landing ships to rescue the dark elf army of Chris Evans.

At the same time, the other side...

After a long period of entanglement with the Hawks, the airborne airship, which was finally repaired, was put into the battlefield again under the guard of two dwarf helicopter squads.

The fierce roar from the aerial bombardment rang through a whole mountain.

This wave, Hua Tuo, who commanded the army to launch an offensive, vowed to make a break with Chris Evans.

"All the troops charge!!"


The passionate charge has already blown The Tiandi soldiers carrying the bolt-on rifle roared and rushed toward the enemy's outer trenches, which had already been bombed by airships.

With the rapid approach of the distance between the two sides, the soldiers near the ruins of the trenches were directly attacked by a wave of arrows.

It’s a dark elf soldier! They are now occupying the heights of the fortress and attacking the soldiers of the heavens who rushed outside.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Knights, who were high-ranking units of the Dark Elves, also took the Dark Warrior and the Spearman and smashed from the rear.

Obviously, although the outer battle line has been blown up, but Chris Evans did not intend to sit still!

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)

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