The appearance of the Winged Legion is obviously making it difficult for Hua Tuo.

The situation that had been opened by him was inevitably deadlocked again.

Although the dwarf helicopters of the Tang and Song Dynasties can be said to be able to fight in the air, the wingers are more flexible after all, and they also have higher flying heights than the dwarf helicopters.

This made their battle on this side, although not unilaterally embarrassed, but not as good as expected.

Thanks to the conditions negotiated with Ye Qingyi before, the Tang Dynasty’s dwarf helicopter manufacturing factory, after completing the manufacture of a group of dwarf helicopters, quickly used Ye Qing’s trading channels to directly send them to the frontline Huaying. In the most direct way, the combat capability of the dwarf helicopter unit has been increased.

After forming a certain size of the air formation, it was finally able to circumvent the winged corps and the harpy.

Until this moment, Tang Song had to sigh, the transaction with the trader before, is really cost-effective, and this transportation efficiency, his two dwarf helicopters can be regarded as the value of flowers!

On this side, Hua Tuo made it clear that he was going to fight the war with the Winged Legion.

The information sent back from the 7th sea area, although the pressure on the two people has increased dramatically, the distance between the two sides is actually quite far, almost separated by three sea areas. At the same time, the Tianchao fleet along the way will certainly not be easy to put. They came over, so Hua Tuo actually has time!

At the same time, the deep sea of ​​the No. 7 sea area is home to the front line camp of the Pompeland fishermen.

This time, Delk rode on the battleship of Europa, and returned to the country with his dark elf army and Europa's reinforcements. His fishermen and his army naturally wanted to support the past.

Not only to support Chris Evans, but also because he knows that on this road, the players of the Heavenly Fleet and the foreign leagues will never let them live too comfortable.

However, the battle on his side, after all, has just been busy, as the supreme ruler of the fisherman's empire, Pompeland naturally does not have to do everything, especially after he has Zach's right arm.

Now a lot of things, he is directly thrown to Zach to do.

For example, this time with a part of their fishermen's strength, **** the Dark Elf army and Europa reinforcements along the way.

This matter is not big, it is not small, Pompeland wonders that he does not need him to go out.

Mainly during this time, he felt that he was too hard to work. You must know that in the past, for a long time in the past, Pompeland, who took advantage of the fisherman’s advantage, did not say how bad the food was. His days However, it has been very comfortable.

Basically there is no player who can threaten him in the true sense.

At the same time, inside the fishermen, you said that you want to build it. In fact, there is nothing to do.

There are not many things on the bottom of the sea, but there are not many, but what can the fishermen do?

The things that Pompeland needs to do are basically a few...

The first thing is to solve the basic problems of fish people living, eating, and living.

The second thing is to build a trading system that does not require too much complexity to maintain the most basic economy.

The third thing is to recruit troops, train soldiers, annex other fishermen, and expand their own territory.

The fourth thing, occasionally deal with the troubles of the various ethnic groups and maintain their own rule.

Other than that, it is basically gone.

Take away some of the bits and pieces, you are counting on your fingers, and the things that the fishermen need to do are really only a little.

After all, at the bottom of the sea, can he still go to research and development, or what else can't be developed?

This very special situation directly led to Pompeland's busyness in the initial period, and in the very long period of time behind him, he was very leisurely compared with other players.

To give a simple example, I went to rest day, Luo Ji got up at 6 o'clock every morning morning exercise, after breakfast, after 8 o'clock in the hall of the government, began to deal with the day's government affairs, and then according to the number of documents sent, work until the evening five or six The hour, even late at night.

And Pompeland, in the 365 days of the year, he was almost no more than three hundred days to sleep until noon...

This day is certainly no exception.

After waking up in a confused way, the open mouth of the **** mouth, could not help but yawned Pompeland, directly causing the surrounding sea water to surge, and issued a '哗啦啦' sound.

Twisted and stiffened neck, this decadent appearance, it is estimated that many players who are busy with various government affairs all day long, mad at the table.

In the early days of the early morning, when they knew that no one was tracking, they quickly arrived at the meeting place.

"The patriarch, here."

Along with the sound of this sound, in the distant seaweed, a shark man is waving at him.

Flanders saw it and swam quickly.

"The patriarch has been seen."

"Okay, in an extraordinary period, this kind of thing will be avoided."

While speaking, Flander swept away behind the two sharks, and when he thought of flashing in his mind, he asked again...

"Bol did not come back with you, is he staying on the 15th sea?"


After hearing the question, the two sharks nodded.

"So what information did you bring back this time?"

For his own younger son, although he is very concerned about the heart of the rich, the sharks are still in a state of being watched. After he leaves for too long, it is inevitable to be suspicious.

So, after confirming that his younger son is temporarily he quickly turned the topic to the right business.

In this regard, the two sharks are also very simple, directly telling all of Boer's words to the rich.

After listening to the chips that Luo Ji opened, Fu Langde’s heart was also slightly surprised.

"The autonomy of a sea area..."

As the patriarch of the shark family, he is naturally not as innocent as Bohr.

He soon realized that the autonomy of the sea area is not much different from the other party's giving, but no one can deny it. This is indeed quite tempting!

Between the thoughts flying, Flander quickly dropped a parcel on his back.

"You two are now returning to the camp. It is very likely to be irritating. I brought you some food. You two are temporarily hiding here. Except me, or the fisher with my hand, don't Any other fisherman will come into contact, and within seven days, I will come again."

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