The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1770: World of Warcraft Scholar

"Your Majesty, it’s almost time to go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony."

After reading a document, I exchanged some information with Ke Xiuwen, and it took twenty or thirty minutes to pass.

Under Wang Kai's reminder, turn off the Luo of the system interface, and after drinking the tea on his desk, he rushed toward the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Luo Jilai actually was punctual, and even compared with the scheduled time, he was three minutes earlier.

However, Mia is coming earlier.

Walking through the passage connecting the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the House of the Politics, Luo Ji’s forefoot stepped into the Hall of Supreme Harmony and the guard of the Guards at the back of the squadron ran quickly and told him that Mia was already outside the hall. It seems that it has been waiting for twenty minutes.

Luo Ji, who heard this, nodded and directly indicated the Guards on the side, bringing Mia in.

"Mia, see your majesty."

Mia, who walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, wore a purple-black scholar's robes and slammed into the Luo series.

In the 10,000-world civilization of Luo Ji, these robes on the scholars are not casually worn. According to the color of the robes and the badge pattern above, it is possible to clearly tell everyone their identity, which is an important status symbol. .

At this time, the purple black scholar robes worn by Mia are worn by scholars with sufficient qualifications in the World of Warcraft Research Association, and Mia itself is also the honorary president of the World of Warcraft Research Association.

Warcraft research scholars, here they are also a career, the main work is to study the ecological habits of various kinds of Warcraft, growth and so on, etc...

This time, she wore this scholar's robes, which shows that she is represented by the World of Warcraft Research Association and the Association of Unlawful Teachers.

At the same time, the thick stack of report documents in his hand also fully informed Luo Ji of the purpose of her trip.

No nonsense, Luo Ji raised his hand and gestured to the side of the Guards to give the seat, let Mia directly start her research report.

Speaking of it, this matter was still told by him a few years ago.

The behemoths that have successfully evolved into World of Warcraft are the goals of Mia's research over the past few years.

Before the Luo series, he asked Mia a question, that is, those monsters, why can't they cast some attacking spells?

For this problem, Mia was also very strange at the time, because according to her research, these giant beasts have successfully evolved into Warcraft, but it seems that they will not use attacking spells at all, and the power of the elements in the body is also less felt. accident.

At the beginning, Mia thought that they had just completed evolution and were not used to it. After a few years, the situation should be improved.

But the result is that, in the past few years, let alone the few World of Warcraft that evolved later, even the earliest dragon that evolved from the behemoth to Warcraft, it has not learned any attack method~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ surgery.

Simple to strengthen the spell, it has been used quite slippery.

At the same time, the strength of the elements in the body is still weak, which is barely enough to reach the standard of a preliminary master.

But according to the standards of Warcraft, this is really too little.

This can't help but make Mia feel even more strange.

Later, under the proposal of several young scholars of the World of Warcraft Research Association, they began to seek breakthroughs, using the latest medical test instruments developed by Goblin Technology to carry out further physical examinations for those Warcraft.

Then after a period of observation and comparison, Mia quickly found new discoveries.

Are those Warcrafts absorbing the power of elements? The answer is yes!

And the total amount of their ability to absorb elements from nature every day is no worse than other Warcraft.

But the problem is behind...

As everyone knows, there is a magic core in the body of Warcraft, which is the heart of Warcraft, and also the source of their strength. The power of the elements that are inhaled into the body of Warcraft is basically stored in the magic core.

However, after careful research by Mia and others, they finally discovered that these World of Warcraft, which evolved from the behemoth, did not seem to have a magic core...

Of course, it seems that there is no, not 100% certain.

After all, they can't kill one, then solve it and see it? This kind of thing is impossible.

But in any case, the conclusion of this conclusion made everyone in the World of Warcraft Research Association surprised.

How can Warcraft not have a magic core? Even the weakest first-order Warcraft, there will be such a finger-sized magic core in the body.

Warcraft does not have a magic core, it is equivalent to some animals, the body is missing an important organ, which is incredible.

After realizing this, a group of Warcraft research scholars led by Mia was once again involved in the research.

They began to try to convert their own ideas.

No magic core? Row! They accept this fact and think about it from another angle. Human Masters and Elf Masters also don't have magic cores, but they can also cast spells! Because of their elemental power, they are stored in a place called the 'spiritual sea'.

This thing is somewhat mysterious. The 'spiritual sea' is a place where a person's consciousness stays, so the size of the 'spiritual sea' often determines the strength of this individual's mental power and the body's mana.

These evolved behemoths have no magic cores, and will their elemental powers be stored in the 'spiritual sea' like the human mage and elf mage?

With such new ideas, Mia began to change direction and start new research.

After the accumulation of previous experience, this time, their efficiency and progress have become faster but the result is not consistent with what they expected.

The power of their elements is also not stored in the 'spiritual sea'...

"So, what the **** is going on?"

At this moment, I was holding my own chin with one hand and couldn't help but pick an eyebrow.

And just as he asked, Mia gestured to Barenque next to a few pages of reports and handed it to Luo.

Luo Ji took a look, actually still a graphic report.

Look at that whole outline, it should be painted according to the corner of the Dragon Cook, a perspective view of the body structure.

At the same time, this perspective is marked and distinguished by different colors, and then with arrows, so that the look of this picture of the Luo series, his face reveals a thoughtful look.

"As seen by your majesty, the power of the elements that were inhaled by them, after turning around in their bodies, nearly 90% of them were scattered..."

Having said that, Mia’s voice has already brought a bit of subtlety.

"And the power of the elements that are scattered is largely absorbed by their muscle tissue."

“So you mean, are they using the power of those elements to strengthen their bodies?”

In the tone of Luo's speech, with a few points, the Mia, which is located below, is nodding in a complicated mood.

"According to the research results of our World of Warcraft Research Association, I am afraid it is true."


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