The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1774: Misfortunes

Within the battlefield, the seasons have quietly changed. The weather in the midsummer sea can only be described by the words 'moody and irrational'. The sudden thunderstorms caused the sea to be roasted in the raging sun at the previous moment, and instantly became violent. stand up!

In the bang, the lightning struck the dark sky, and below the sea, the waves surged and picked up one huge wave.

On the outskirts of the mainland on the 4th, the Tang and Song Dynasties played a spirit of 120,000 points, commanded the joint fleet of His Majesty, and maintained the highest level of alert, because he knew that under this weather, the Black Sail fleet would occupy Great advantage!

Without any accident, they appeared in the thunderstorm!

Astor can wait for too long on this day. The joint fleet of Tang, Song and Hua Tuo is too dominant in the military. After the early rounds of confrontation, even their black sail fleet has gradually fallen into a disadvantage. It is difficult to continue the confrontation with the other party.

At that time, Eske, who realized this, changed the tactics quite simply. He took the initiative to take the black sail fleet and quit the sea. Then he carried out the harassment attack tactics and patiently waited for the opportunity.

At this moment, the black sail fleet that rushed in the thunderstorm storm broke the waves and launched an attack directly toward the steel fleet in front of him, which completely opened the prelude to this attack!

The attacked Tianchao combined fleet naturally began to fight back in the first place.

However, on the surface of the thunderstorm, the light is so dark that they feel like they are in the night. This kind of environment makes the battleships with the firepower output mission very uncomfortable. It is too unfavorable, and the whole hit rate is Has been greatly affected.

At the same time, under the surface of the sea, a huge tentacles suddenly slammed out, and there is no need to think about it. It is the deep sea giant Craken shot!

This thunderstorm not only gave the black sail fleet cover, but also gave the fishermen a cover.

The tentacles that broke through the sea seemed to have sounded some kind of signal. Under the sea, a large number of fishermen began to attack the deck of the joint fleet, clashed with the dwarven soldiers and human soldiers above, trying to occupy Deck space.

The fishermen's forces combined with the strong attack of the Black Sail fleet, coupled with the huge weather advantage brought by the Thunderstorm, made this wave of attacks extremely fierce.

The helpless combination of the Tianchao fleet, under this situation, seems to be able to compete with the opposite side.

Fortunately, the dwarf fleet is best at hard work, and in a short period of time, it will not let the battle collapse.

Just as the Tang and Song Dynasties wondered about the wave of attacks on the Black Sail Fleet, the Tianhai Fleet, which was responsible for pulling up the blockade line, suddenly sent a message, and their blockade line was broken!

By virtue of the weather, the Hydra cooperated with the fishermen's army and tore their defenses in one breath. Then, the Europa United Fleet was also pressed.

At this moment, the Tianchao Fleet, which is responsible for the perimeter defense, is struggling to kill, but it may not be able to stop watching this situation.

The house leaks all night, and this wave is not a single thing for the players of the Tian Dynasty.

I don’t have time to think about it. Tang Song quickly connected to the voice communication with Hua Tuo, and then quickly said...

"Ready to retreat! The peripheral blockade has been broken. Although everyone is still struggling, but at most half a month, the Europa United Army has to press to the sea. At that time, I can't stop it. they!"

Hua Tuo, who heard this, his face was obviously cloudy and uncertain.

They have already reached this point. Now, the ongoing war of attrition with the Winged Legion has already begun to bear fruit. Now let him retreat? Isn't that a failure? How can this make him reconciled?

Between the thoughts and the flight, Hua Tuo quickly opened the system map, and while listening to the rapid scanning of the line of sight, he only listened to him quickly...

"Four months, no! Three months, give me three months! I can kill Chris Evans!"

"What are you talking about? The Europa United Army can be pressed to the sea for up to half a month!"

"But after pressing to the sea, they have to log in. After landing, it will take time to reach the front line, and I have now reached the deepest part of this continent."

"They have human transportation. After landing on land, the movement efficiency is much faster than you expected! And by then, the surrounding waters have to be completely surrounded by the fishermen, the black sail fleet, and the Europa’s steel warships. Even if you can kill Chris Evans, you will be trapped on this road!"

The character of the dwarfs has always been hot, and the Tang and Song dynasties are no exception. In the end, his emotions have become obviously violent.

"You are not very cautious on weekdays? How did you become so embarrassed at this time? Listen to me and hurry to retreat!"

With the great slogan of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Hua Wei, who was far away from the mainland of the 4th, could not help but slammed his eyebrows.

"But after the retreat?"


"Are you feeling that I am now giving up the chance to kill Chris Evans and retreating, can we still have a chance to turn over?"


Listening to Hua Tuo’s remarks, Tang and Song consciously wanted to say something, but his mouth was vainly and he could not say a word.

This silent state has only lasted for two seconds, and the voice of Hua Tuo has already sounded again.

"After I retreat, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to give us a second chance. Chris Evans will survive and regroup. When it comes to the strength of the Europa camp, it will take a few years for us to Get the footsteps of the group of exotic players!"

Hua Tuo’s remarks made Tang and Song completely unable to refute.

What is the situation of the foreign alliance now? They have basically lost control of the sea area and within the battlefield of this all-out war, losing control of the sea area and ‘waiting death’ is equal!

Hardly doing two deep breaths, calming down the mood of Tang and Song, while sorting out the thoughts, Shen Sheng opened...

"What are you going to do? Go with Chris Evans?"

"Of course I don't intend to go with him, but my next plan may require you to take a risk."

"Less nonsense, say it!!"

In the face of this urging, Hua Tuo directly sent his map to Tang and Song.

Listening to the system prompts in the ear, Tang and Song quickly choose to accept.

At the same time of synchronization, Huaying’s voice rang again...

"Do you see the line on the system map?"

"See, you are planning..."

"If the Europa United Army presses into the Inland Sea, then you will take the fleet directly to retreat. It takes time for them to land and rush to the frontline battlefield. In order to reach the front line as soon as possible, they will definitely choose the shortest route."

Having said that, Hua Tuo took a slight relief and then continued to say...

"I will kill Chris Evans' army as much as possible during this time, kill him, and then retreat from the marked route. If it goes well, my route can completely avoid the rear. The reinforcements that came in, and what you need to do is to pick me up with the fleet and arrive at the marked location after receiving my message."

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

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