After the fleet of the Wanxiang civilization easily solved the outer Europa patrol fleet, the huge fleet was docked.

At the time of their arrival, the Europa Fortress at the port had long since become a ruin.

The landing Marine Corps can be said to have taken control of the entire port in a short period of time, and at the same time organized the army and quickly pressed to the urban area.

Until the announcement of the occupation of the broadcast, resounding through the entire port city, the faces of the Europa people all had obvious worries.

Many of them are still thinking about what to eat for dinner a minute ago...

As a result, for a while, their city was occupied by the enemy? What the **** is this happening? !

On the other hand, after the landed Marine Corps quickly cleared out an open space, the airships of the Conqueror, which was taken by Luo Ji, were headed by the airships.

Going down the airship and looking at the port fortress that has completely turned into a ruin, Luo Ji squats on his chin, and his face is thoughtful.

Should he feel that Gao Wen’s BUFF is really fierce? If you just fry it, you can blow up this effect?


"Gao Wen, if I remember correctly, I should ask you to reduce some damage to the surrounding buildings..."

"Amount and his majesty, they have a lot of anti-aircraft guns underneath. In order to avoid their own losses, we can only carry out high-altitude bombing. There are some accidental injuries, and there is no way to do so."

Gao Wen, standing next to him, spread his hands in an innocent way.

In this regard, Luo Ji is too lazy to go deeper, anyway, it is not a big deal, and then directly put a wave of hands...

"Forget it, just like this."

A port fortress is nothing, no more.

For the 10,000-world civilization with a large number of air forces, the fortress's defensive value has become very limited in addition to its use.

Can be taken down in full, let him pick up a ready-made squadron, it is naturally easy to relax.

But now it's gone, at most it's just a little troublesome, it's not a big deal.

After simply resetting the army for a while, Luo Ji directly occupied the city hall of this port city.

After dinner, in the conference room of the City Hall, headed by Luo Ji, a group of generals who went with the army, except for the individual responsible for duty, basically gathered here.

Luo Ji did not intend to stay here more. After all, the main purpose of his expedition was to plunder the magic crystal mine, so as to avoid the dilemma of his depletion of the magical resources.

However, this side is a frontline stronghold, and the degree of importance is quite high. He can't stop taking a city.

In this case, even if he wants to stop, the opposite Europa player can't stop!

In this way, it is the most stable practice to simply hit it down.

With such an idea, Luo Ji’s line of sight fell directly to John Saar sitting on the side...

"John, the things here are handed over to you."

Luo Ji handed this matter to John Saar, and naturally he also had his consideration. Now the army of the dwarfs is dominated by the army.

According to Luo's expectations, the next thing he needs is naval power and air force.

Therefore, for the temporary use of the Army's combat power, let the dwarf army stay here to occupy the site, stabilize the frontline stronghold, and search for scrap resources by the way, and not waste.

John Saul, who received the order, calmly took this matter down, and there was not much pressure in his heart.

This is not his conceit, but when he landed during the day, he has already had a preliminary understanding of the military power of this Europa player.

At this stage of development, what is the main point of the military strength of human civilization? Look at the equipment! Look at technology!

Just before, John Saar got a rifle from the Euro bus soldier and took a few glances.

Their dwarfs are talented in the field of hot weapons. When he gets his gun in his hand and simply plays with it, he knows what he is.

It is not as good as the thunder seven of their civilization!

As a premise, their dwarf soldiers, when operating hot weapons, have a huge racial trait and a bonus of talent BUFF.

Then add his own 'Dwarf King' talent BUFF, and further enhance the combat effectiveness of the hot weapon unit.

This multiple gain BUFF plus, the gap between the military strength of the two sides, can be said to be opened at once.

In this way, it is no wonder that John Saar did not have much pressure after taking the order.

After that, Luo Ji stayed in this port city for a week.

After all, I have just experienced a long journey, the soldiers need a little rest, and the warships and airships need regular maintenance.

During this period, the Europa player who was seized by the port city was also very efficient. From the military fortress closest to the city, an army was transferred and killed.

The number of troops, the visual inspection is about 20,000, this is exactly a wave of attacks, the Europa player should want to confirm the situation of the city, and see if it can pass a wave of attacks ~ www.wuxiaspot. Com~ directly grab this fallen city.

But he obviously wants to be disappointed.

Although only a few days, the dwarf engineering soldiers who went with the army still slammed the hammer and directly knocked out four dwarf bunkers out of the city!

The dwarf bunker is a special military facility for the dwarves, and it is divided into two types...

One is semi-permanent, and the effects of all sides are better, but at the same time it takes more time and resources to build.

The other one is temporary, and the whole effect is naturally greatly reduced, but it is faster in manufacturing and saves materials. In the case of emergency work, it can be done in a short time.

At this moment, the four dwarf bunkers outside the city are undoubtedly the latter.

Although the defensive effect is greatly reduced, but this location, but John Saar carefully selected, one is an excellent fire output point.

At the same time, within the bunker, they also equipped their special forces of the dwarfs, the annihilator troops!

The ‘annihilator’ can be said to be one of the high-ranking units of the dwarfs. Every annihilator is equipped with an eight-tube dragon gun!

After the enemy entered the range of the range, the eight-tube fire dragon guns turned, accompanied by the sound of the ‘哒哒哒哒’, a sweep, with this firepower, killing the opposite is really as easy as mowing!

A round of sweeping shots, called the horrible firepower, is directly triggering the ‘deterrence’ character of the annihilator’s troops, madly attacking the morale of the Europa army, and the gap between the two armies, the strength, can be said to be revealed at this moment!

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