The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1786: Evaporation

Among the pupils, the dark red comet is constantly magnifying.

Looking at this scene of deja vu, the Sharier flying in the air suddenly changed his face, and then he quickly ordered it...


The Winged Legion quickly disengaged from the battlefield. In the face of this situation, the dwarf helicopters were also unintentional pursuits. After all, the discerning eye can see that once the things in the sky are down, they will be terrible!

It’s too late, it’s fast!

The constant approach of the dark red comet has caused the temperature of a whole coastal area to rise in a straight line, and even the surrounding sea water has boiled up.

Eventually landed under the horror of everyone or with horror or sluggish eyes.

This time, there is no Sharier that will increase the destructive power to the strategic level of the trial day to offset the power.

The explosion of the near-destroyed land directly sounded, and the shocking aftershocks spread out with a horrible dark red flame, and instantly swept everything around! Even the warships above the sea have been baptized by the aftermath of the explosion!

Within the scope of the attack, all the enemy forces will instantly evaporate!

Then, as if the dark red fire rising from the sky, and the sky that is also reflected in the dark red, the whole area is like hell!

"Hua Hao!!!!"

At this moment, the Tang and Song dynasties, which are completely in the eyes of this scene, are almost witnessed!

He did not know what happened, the strategic level of attack, suddenly fell from the sky, faced with such a horrible baptism, at that time, people in the coastal area of ​​China, there is no possibility of survival.

In the face of this situation, the same is going to be mad, as well as Pompeland and Este.

This dark red comet can be said to completely disrupt the pace of all of them.

At the moment of the explosion, even their brains became blank.

what's the situation? what happened? What should we do next?

Not waiting for them to find an answer to these questions, above the sea, it has been reborn!

In the roar of the roar, a black helicopter flew from a distance at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this scene, I was still immersed in the sorrow of the Tang and Song Dynasties. At this time, the whole expression looked a bit sluggish.

"What happened? Where is the helicopter?!"

His dwarf helicopter, except for the one being manufactured in the factory, all the other support to Hua Tuo, and the helicopter that appears at sea is certainly not his.

The problem is that those helicopters, how to see them are their dwarf helicopters!

Their dwarf helicopters and ordinary helicopters are obviously different in appearance. In fact, he is definitely not mistaken.

However, before they thought about it, these helicopters quickly passed over the dwarf fleet and smashed towards the opposite Black Sail Fleet and Europa Fleet.


This idea was just as soon as it rose. It quickly approached the dwarf helicopters of the Black Sail and the Europa Fleet, and did not hesitate to bomb. The six aviation bombs fixed at the rear directly fell, and the bombings continued to blow up in the roar of the explosion. The naval guns of the enemy warships also further demonstrate the identity of their friendly forces.

In this regard, the Europa camp, it will not sit still, and in a hurry to signal the anti-aircraft guns to launch a counterattack, while the Black Sail fleet, Astor is also the dwarf who directs the harpy on the ship to the air. The helicopter launched an attack.

In the face of the eagle owls that are constantly approaching, the dwarf helicopters flying in the air are not at all embarrassing.

As soon as the hatch opened, the two left and right appeared in their visions. At that time, Tang Song, who was holding a telescope, almost took out his own eyes.

"Short, dwarf?!"

This time, Tang and Song can be said to be even more embarrassing.

In addition to his dwarf civilization, there are others in the battlefield of this all-out war?

At the same time, the dwarf soldier on the dwarf helicopter, the weapon in front of him, even saw his eyelids jump straight.

Afterwards, he did not wait for him to look closely. The eight barrels of the cockroach were accompanied by the sound of ‘哒哒哒哒’, and the mad spit spit up the fire snake!

All the way along the way, the horrible firepower made the eagle banshee have no chance to close, and was shot on the spot.

At the same time, on the other hand, when the situation was not good, the Sharier, who was planning to evacuate with his winged man, had not yet flew far, and he was stopped by a broken arrow. !

At that moment, Sharier, who seemed to realize what it was, had a twitching of the muscles in his eyes.

I suddenly turned around and saw that a large number of people riding the fast eagle were quickly rushing toward them.

The figure headed by him can be said to be his old acquaintance. It is the Wood Elf Air Force Major General who once played with him many times, Kargan!

"All the giant eagle knights, remote shooting cover, fast eagle slap, sneak out with me!!"

Commanded, the fast eagle squatters on the back of the eagle have been swaying down at this moment, so that their fast eagle partner will completely erupt its speed to the extreme!

Then, the figure was like a sharp arrow from the string. In the process of flying speed, Calgan quickly showed the longbow in his hand.

The next second, I saw the end of the longbow, but suddenly a spiral blade, a long bow, and a blind eye, turned into a metal spiral spear!

Undoubtedly, this is the special mechanical weapon that has been improved based on Ye Hao’s 'hunting' series, combined with the fighting habits and characteristics of the fast eagle, and this new series is named 'wind-up'. The specific model is for 'Wind-by-3'.

Types 1 and 2 were previously eliminated due to performance and some defects, and are currently the latest type 3.

Maintaining the state of rapid assault, blink of an eye, only a sigh of 铛 ,, accompanied by a few splashes of Mars, the spiral spear in the hands of Calgan, has already collided with Shari's holy sword!

"We meet again."

"The ridiculous ants, how did they defeat the sacred sword before, so forget it?"

During the speech, Shalier’s sword in his hand waved into the 'trial' mode, and above the sharp blade, he immediately set off a pure white flame, moving toward Kalgan, who was stalemate with himself. past.

In order to avoid this attack, Calgan had to retreat.

On the other hand, Shahr, who had just thrown a sword, was full of ease at this time.

He has not exerted a strategic level of attack, and he has a lot of faith in his body. At this time, his own combat effectiveness is naturally not affected at all!

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