The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1801: Blood flower bloom

Undoubtedly, this advantage of the deep sea race is the greatest strength of Pompeland.

In a way, he is invincible!

Thinking of Pompeland, here, a whole face, obviously eased a few points.

At this time, in the deep sea, a soldier of their killer whales and a turtle carrier arrived at him as quickly as possible.

"His Majesty!"

"What happened? I am not asking you to follow Zach to protect his safety?"

At the moment of seeing the killer whale soldier, Pompeland’s face was obviously sinking...

"Don't you say that Zach has an accident?!"

Obviously, it is not easy for their orc civilization to get a reliable strategist. For Zach’s right arm, Pompeland Rand still attaches great importance to it.

"No, Zach is not an accident, it is the battle on the other side of the sea..."

Pompeland, who heard this, was obviously relieved.

As for the battle in the other side of the sea?

Ok, he almost guessed it.

Since they have been attacked by the Tianshi reinforcements on the other side, there are dozens of other sea areas around the mainland on the 4th, and there will be no peace.

Exhaled, this wave, the Europa League is obviously planted, at this time, Pompeland, is ready to give his own fishermen a retreat order.

Unexpectedly, the next sentence of the killer whale soldier, let him completely ruin the whole person.

"Craken is dead!"


At that moment, Pompeland Rand only felt that his brain was blank, and even the heart was leaking several shots.

Then, finally, he slowly took a breath, and grabbed the soldier of the killer whale in front of him...

"What did you say?!"

In the case that he has almost prepared himself and even made a prediction, the situation in front of him is still completely beyond his imagination, and even makes him somewhat unbelievable, even with an entire emotion. There was an instantaneous loss of control.

At this moment, the soldier of the killer whales can clearly feel the emotions of their knees, how unstable they are, and then quickly rushed to the sea turtles who came with them to make a gesture, indicating that the other party is rushing to get the whole thing going. Tell them clearly.

In this regard, the sea turtle communications soldiers naturally did not dare to temper, and quickly said everything they knew.

Even after listening to it, Pompeland’s face was still full of incredulousness, or unwilling to believe.

Is this a joke with him? Is Craken dead? !

Looking at Pompey Rand, whose face was cloudy and uncertain, the turtles on the side of the sea were not directly retracted into the turtle shell, and they simply could not speak.

In desperation, the killer whale soldier who can only come from a colleague has a hard scalp opening...

"Your Majesty, Zach has sent soldiers to confirm the body of Clarken. What should you do next?"

The whale man is his own family, and the killer whale family is his confidant. Pompeland Rand is emotionally violent at this moment, but he is not willing to take his own heart.

In this way, Pompeland, who has made several deep breaths and forced his emotions to calm down, spit out six words in a gloomy face...

"Retreat, the whole army retreat!"

For Pompeland, who was originally reluctant, Craken’s death can be said to further strengthen his determination to retreat.

When the war hits now, his losses are already big enough. The death of a strategic-level unit is even more worthy of the word 'worry'. Pompeland does not intend to let this loss figure continue to grow. .

At the same time, more importantly, since the other party has the means to kill Craken, it means that they can kill the giant whale Simon.

Kraken, in the end, is only a giant beast of the squid, and the giant whale Simon is his life.

Craken is dead. Although he is equally painful, his loss is nothing but the strength of his fishermen.

But if the giant whale Simon died, the shaken, but his whale family ruled!

Both are light and heavy, at a glance.

Pompeland Rand never intended to take this risk, and retreating has become an inevitable decision.

What he didn't know, however, was that while he issued this order, a Tianchao fleet quietly entered...

Under the surface of the sea, a flashing blue light illuminates without warning.

Then, not waiting for those whale soldiers to return to the gods, accompanied by a burst of violent currents, a branch of blue light, as if the spiral spears formed by the sea, to the thunder, The body of the whale soldier is running through the body!

On the burly and huge body, a blossoming and **** flower blooms one after another.

Suddenly, I was attacked from under the sea. The whale soldiers, their faces looked a little worried, until the sound of the screaming sound rang in their ears...

"Enemy! Enemy!"

The whales who suddenly returned to God, the state at the moment can be said to be shocked and angry.

In the roar of the sound, in the distant sea, the blue light has already turned on again.

It was completely beyond the attack of their imagination, and it was not so fast. It was almost at the same time that the blue light was shining, and the attack had already hit their eyes.

Between the electric and the flint, the whales subconsciously crossed their hands and guarded their chests.

However, this level of defense, in the face of the sea, the attack from the air is not effective.

At this moment, the attacking giant whales and killer whales are the squadrons of Luo Ji!

At the same time, the crew was equipped with the first force of the spell-enhanced harpoon gun!

Two rounds of attack, the first unit of the stalker can be said to be fully fired, not only triggering the intensive spell on the harpoon gun, but also the harpoon loaded into it, all of which are used as one-time consumables. cross.

The first unit, a total of 800 elite hunting divers, two rounds of shooting, directly consumed 1,600 spell harpoons, and this does not count the magic crystal energy consumption on the harpoon gun.

Not to mention that after a breath of breathing, the third round of attacks swept over.

Needless to think, after this wave is finished, Luo Ji estimates that there is some meat pain.

However, the effect of such a defeated game is also the result of the group's intensive spells. In the sea of ​​water, the whole effect and power is simply doubled.

The horrible penetrating attack of the spell harpoon, even if it is a thick and wrinkled giant whale, once it is hit by the attack, the body will have multiple **** holes.

After all, this spell-enhanced harpoon gun, paired with the Spell Harpoon attack, was originally tossed by the giant whales and whales in order to smash the deep sea beasts. Although the body is burly and the skin is thick and thick, it is obviously more than enough to hit them with this equipment.

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