The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1833: Innocent and helpless

Pompeland, who ruled the fisherman's empire for many years, can be said to have been a long-time.

Coupled with the deterrence of the giant whale Simon.

A simple appearance, it is obvious that within the empire, many fish people who are ready to move are honest.

Later, Pompeland Rand integrated the whales and the forces attached to their whales at the fastest speed, and began to calm the civil strife in a very strong posture.

This matter, for Pompeland, is not too difficult.

Because the relatively difficult sharks and squid people are no longer here.

In a way, it may be a good thing.

After all, if the two races are there, then he will decide the difficulty of civil strife, and I am afraid he will rise to two levels.

In the process of calming civil strife, as the left and right hand that he attaches great importance to, Zach, Pompeland Rand is undoubtedly concerned about it.

So he directly called the patriarch of the sailfish family, Jalente. When he asked, he realized that Zach’s whereabouts were unknown because of the raids of the sharks and the squid.


Pompeland, who was informed of this situation, was making a roar, and there seemed to be two angers in his eyes. He was burning and scared, and the fishermen around him were stunned.

According to his character who ruled the deep sea for so many years, a traitor like this is absolutely necessary to arrest and destroy the whole family. While venting anger, it is also to shock other fish people.

However, just as Pompeland Rand thought so badly, the words of Luo Ji suddenly flashed through his mind.

Subsequently, his expression suddenly became somewhat unnatural.

Now that he has left the control of Luo Ji, he stayed in the deep sea and did not go back. How can the other party take him?

But after the idea was raised, it was not a few seconds, and Pompeland quickly realized another thing.

That is, he seems to have lost the identity of the player now. If he betrayed Luo, will the system restore his player qualification?

But what if the system does not restore the player's identity after the betrayal?

At that time, once the battlefield of this all-out war is lifted, how does the system handle his inexplicable player who has become an NPC player? If it is together with the battlefield, what should I do directly?

Although Pompeland is not particularly smart, it is not an idiot after all. Some things, after calming down, can still be understood.

The uncertainty in this made him obviously become somewhat unacceptable.

At the same time, at the other end, after a long journey, the main fleet of the Tianchao camp has arrived at the periphery of the 7th sea area.

Probably it was long before they expected that they would take the No. 7 sea area. Therefore, after the defeat, the players of the Europa camp, even if they were unwilling, had to order the withdrawal of the fleet and army forces stationed on this side.

If the arrival of the fleet today, this road is completely unimpeded.

The Pioneer Fleet in front of the road looked far away, the port area was a mess, and there was nothing to be said about it. After experiencing such a long journey, first look for a port to stop and take a breath.

During this period, Hua Tuo was quite simply looking up at the sky.

The airship is flying over the clouds, so he doesn't know where the air force of Luo Ji is. He wants to see now, is the airship really so cow|force, can keep going all the way Flying from the fourth continent to this side, at the same time, can keep up with the speed of the fleet movement.

To this end, Hua Tuo even took a military telescope and came over.

And this thing, including many players in Tang and Song Dynasties, obviously knows, so by this time, many people are also ran out to plan a fun.

As a result, they didn't wait for them to think more. They saw the sky, the thick clouds were surging, and an airship was slowly showing up, letting the players of China and the Song Dynasty headed down directly Take a breath of air.

"I am going! Is it really like this all the way, stop and go straight?"

"The airship I am developing myself, the latest achievement, that is, flying in the sky for four hours."

"I have less than three hours, and I can't use it."

"Hell, this is the black technology,"

The facts are so in front of us, and now this scene can be said to be a surprise to all players in the sky.

Among them, the impact on Hua Tuo is undoubtedly the biggest. Fortunately, he did not say anything stupid before, or else he would be embarrassed.

But even so, the horror in my heart is enough to make him unable to remain calm.

Imagine that his airship, if you can have such performance, the entire support and combat capability can be doubled directly!

Just when Hua Tuo thought about it, Luo’s air force had already found a spacious open space and gradually landed.

After that, Hua Tuo was also very simple, so I found the Luo series directly.

Other Tianchao players, met, and subconsciously followed, obviously, everyone thought of going together.

"Luo brothers, I hope to make a deal with you."

When I heard this, Luo looked at it with a slight glimpse. The line of sight subconsciously swept through Hua Tuo, and the group of players who came to the sky, apparently did not expect that this happened just now.

However, his reaction was quite quick, only to listen to his quick opening...

“What do you want to do with the deal?”

"Okay, don't ask me to yell, just call me Hua Tuo, and you will be called Da Yu, I always have a feeling of being mocked."

In this regard, Luo Ji is also a faceless hand.

"Well, Hua Wei, what trade do you want to do?"

"I hope to be able to trade the design of your airship."

After that, Hua Tuo has not waited for Luo Ji’s opening, and he has already spoken again...

"Of course, I can exchange gold-level props with you!"

Hua Wei was also trying to get a design map to exchange with Luo Ji ~ ~ but then carefully thought, in addition to some gold-level props in his hand, it seems that there is nothing particularly good Things, then it became like this.

When I heard the words of Luo, it was not a surprise in my heart.

Huaying’s airship unit was completely destroyed during the battle with Chris Evans, so Luo Ji did not know that there was an air force in Huaying.

At this stage, every player wants air troops, so it is not a rare thing for the other party to see his airship, but...

"I am sorry, I am afraid this is not possible."

Luo Ji said with a helpless face to Hua Tuo...

"I don't want to trade, but because I am an airship, it is a special equipment of special civilization. Even if I give you the design, you can't make it."

Although this goblin airship has undergone a lot of improvement by their human and family research and development personnel, in a strict sense, it is no longer a complete meteorite equipment.

But you can't deny that this goblin airship is black technology, because it uses the core technology of the goblin civilization, and other civilizations simply can't do this.

"It turned out to be the case."

The people who heard this matter were slightly disappointed in the hearts of the people, but this made them understand one thing.

It is not that the people under their hands are not technical, but because the black technology of the special civilization of others is not reasonable, this is very helpless.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

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