The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1840: Making money is a problem

"So, how can we make money?"

Bohr, who is no stranger to the trading system and currency, quickly realized this problem.

And the fisherman’s soldier said in a natural tone...

"That is of course work."

Having said that, the fisherman’s soldier thought for a moment and then spoke again...

"In any case, it is not a secret. I will tell you directly. There are only two ways for our fishermen to make money now."

During the talk, the fisherman erected two fingers.

"The first way is to be a soldier. Like me, I can get a salary every month, and this second method is fishing."


"Yes, although the fishermen on the human side will also take fishing boats to go fishing in the sea, but some rare deep-sea fish are still difficult for them to fish in. Compared to our fishermen, it is relatively easy. ""

While talking, the fisherman pointed directly at the other direction.

"Beside the port market, there is a fish market, catching fish, selling it there, you can make money."

Of course, there are a lot of complicated procedures, such as renting booths, paying rent, and so on.

These things, when he was a soldier, were not particularly clear, so they did not intend to elaborate.

Then after a long walk, they quickly arrived at the destination of the trip, which is the store in front of them.

Said to be a shop, in fact, is a greenhouse, not even the door, completely open.

There is a signboard next to it. On the signboard, the words "customized for fishermen's life" are written in Tianchao and Europa.

Yes, in this port market, there are shops specializing in the business of their fish and people. After all, there are fishmen stationed in various sea areas of the Wanjie civilization.

Although the market is not big, but the competition is not fierce, so the business of these stores is unexpectedly okay.

"Under normal circumstances, things like houses and furniture can be done here. If you have any needs in the future, you can come directly to this store."

While talking, the fisherman soldiers walked straight into it.

"Boss, did my last custom-made furniture do it?"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man sitting in the shed pointed to the box that was almost one person tall next to him.

"Where is there."

Obviously, they are not doing this here, it is only responsible for handing over the goods and picking up the business.

The fisherman, also by this opportunity, came over and took his previously customized furniture.

Put the box on his shoulders easily, and after paying the last paragraph, he glanced at the sky.

The rain is getting smaller and smaller, it looks like it is about to stop.

But they still have some time, the fishermen simply speed up the action, and take them to the fish market next door to take a look.

Fish people appear in the fish market, it is basically impossible to buy fish, they are all selling fish.

Therefore, many vendors and guests, when they saw the presence of fish people, were subconsciously surrounded and wanted to see what was good.

Let the fishermen’s soldiers pay a lot of money, and this will give a thorough explanation.

In the meantime, the West German who had been smashed all the way, could not help but open his mouth...

"Human, are you not afraid of us?"

Hearing this, a vendor standing there was scratching his head with a strange face.

"Ah? I am afraid of you?"


This resentment was actually to make West Germany somewhat speechless.

I have to say that this is the biggest difference between the people of Luo Jiwan's civilization and other civilizations.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the impressions of recent generations, orcs, dwarves, goblins, elves, and even Warcraft, these things seem to be part of their lives. They have seen big since childhood, and they have never seen anything in the scene. ?

In the early years, the dragon lirk of the lizard family also strolled around the edge of the Yangtze River. For a long time, everyone is not used to it?

Even after so many years, they look at the orcs who seem to be all the same, and gradually can see the difference in looks.

I didn’t care for the West Germans who were full of faces. It’s not easy to do business in the rainy days. I have to be busy with the vendors of my business. When they saw that they were not selling fish, they rushed back to their stalls and sipped. Get up, I hope to call a few guests.

The fishermen’s soldiers obviously did not plan to stay here more. The rain is also stopping, or go back to the sea.

Returning to Boer and West Germany in the tribes, it is inevitable that they will be called by their respective fathers.

Some of the things that the two men said later made both Flanders and Feikelen look strange. However, after all, the two were the fishermen who could be the patriarchs, and their attention quickly shifted to the issue of 'making money'. .

For the time being, the issue of 'making money' is still very important.

As for the two ways to make money, as soldiers, they first arrived, and there is no such plan for the time being.

In this way, it is only the way to fishing.

Fortunately, this is not difficult for them.

The things here are naturally reported up soon.

Finally, through Ye Qingying, passed to Luo's ear, for these things, Luo Ji's attitude is actually very clear.

That is ‘as long as they don’t make any trouble, then leave them alone. ’

At the same time, on the other side, on the fourth continent, after a period of cultivation, with the gradual recovery of the injury, the original honest Hydra, now obviously become somewhat less honest, or Say you want to move...

However, the elf dragon Ysera and the two storm giants brought it a sense of oppression, so that the Hydra was a bit unable to make up his mind.

During this period, Gao Wen, who was stationed on the No. 4 mainland, did not hesitate to complete the entire occupation work, but also learned from the report of His Majesty's soldiers.

Out of his cautious personality, he naturally has to prevent it in advance.

This best way is undoubtedly to let Chris Evans come forward and appease the Hydra.

However, having Chris Evans in contact with the Hydra is not a small risk, so he must first ask for the meaning of the series.

After receiving the request, Luo Ji finally gave permission.

Chris Evans, who left the house, was slightly more complicated.

After he officially announced his surrender, Luo Ji did not abuse him, and quite simply placed him in a room with a good environment to quietly recover.

However, whenever he realizes that he has lost the player's identity, his mood is always inevitable...

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