It took a lot of effort. After cleaning up an area, one of the warships was very cautiously approaching the coast.

When he was exploring the continent, his scouts were poisoned, which made him have to be vigilant.

The other soldiers stayed on the ship first, and then, according to the instructions of Luo, first let a hunter team to conduct the reconnaissance.

Although the combat power of the hunters is mainly reflected in the water, in fact, after giving them a change of equipment, they can also temporarily serve as the army.

To a certain extent, it is also a amphibious unit. The most important thing is that as an orc group, they have physical resistance far beyond other races.

Even if you accidentally poison, the chance of survival is far greater than that of other ethnic units.

At the height of Luo Ji’s location, although the coastal area was only a narrow circle, he was overlooking a whole continent, but in fact the circle area was really big.

The squad of the stalker after landing was only ten people.

Among them, nine of them were carrying their thunderous seven-type rifles in the world of civilization, and one of them, behind them, carried a huge backpack like a mountaineering bag, which is a simplified version of the signal receiving and transmitting device.

As long as the one is carrying it, the submersible soldier can maintain radio communication with their rear fleet as long as they do not leave the radar signal range.

Being vigilant, the soldiers of the stalker who were carrying the thunder and seven styles, after being swept around in a circle, were in charge of keeping in touch with the rear, and the stalker who reported the situation at any time quickly reported...

"There is no abnormality at present. There are no signs of poisoning on our body. At the same time, there are no traces of the enemy in the coastal area, and we ask for the next step."

“Very good, stay alert, close to the forest.”


During this period, Luo Ji, who also received intelligence feedback, was quite a simple order.

“First let a radar car land and set up a temporary communication point in the coastal area.”

Luo’s order was implemented in the first place.

On the landing ship, a radar car quickly drove down and successfully landed on the coast.

After finding a suitable open space, several soldiers in the car quickly moved and built a simple camp in a short time.

With the support of this radar camp, the Stalker Team is fully capable of further exploration.

The distance quickly zoomed out of the forest, looking at the vast forest of towering trees, and several stalkers quickly exchanged a look.

The soldier carrying the communication device started the promotion after saying "now starting to penetrate the forest area."

This forest is very vast. It is a direct coverage of the whole continent. This has been fully understood from the information provided by the aerial reconnaissance team.

Now looking at the forest, it is almost bottomless. At the same time, it is a big sunny day today, but the lush foliage that almost covers the sky makes the forest look very dark.

Fortunately, the environment under the sea will also greatly affect their vision, so in a similar environment, they are actually more adaptive, and did not show too much panic.

At the beginning, this whole thing was also carried out very smoothly, and the squad of the stalker gradually kept a steady communication with them until the scream suddenly sounded!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The piercing voice heard the faces of several officers in the rear changed. The soldier responsible for operating the radio equipment even asked...

"Call the first squad, call the first squad! Hear, please answer! What happened?!"

However, in this series of questioning, the other end did not send any reply.

Then with the muffled sound of ‘砰’, it was probably that the equipment was damaged and they completely broke the communication.

The situation here was reported to Luo Ji as quickly as possible.

After learning the latest information, there were obviously more folds between Luo Mei’s eyebrows.

There may be ambushes in the forest, and of course he is considered.

However, as a orc unit, the stalker obviously has more combat power than the ordinary human army. According to Luo's prediction, even if the situation is urgent at the time, how much information can be fed back. Who can think that there is no intelligence at all?

“Don't it be said that the opposite side of the stalker soldiers killed them before they reacted?”

Luo Ji feels a little unlikely.

Orc soldiers have always been keen, and they also have strong wild instinct. It is not an easy task to attack them.

However, the current situation is that the ten hunters who he sent in have already had no audio. They can basically conclude that all the members have been killed.

If you send another small force to explore, then those soldiers are likely to step on the footsteps of the squad.

If you send a large number of troops into In the case of an unclear situation, if the group is poisoned, it would be too bad.

"Barenque, I am going to the sea."


At the same time, while the hatch opened, Barenque directly incarnate the giant eagle, and then let Luo Ji grab his talons and quickly flew toward the fleet on the sea.

After falling on the deck, Luo Ji stretched his muscles and said to the naval officer who ran out of the ship...

"Let Chris Evans come to see me."

After the order was issued, Chris Evans did not let Luo Ji wait too long. He stood on the head of Hydra and soon appeared within the scope of Luo Ji’s line of sight and jumped onto the deck. It’s quite a slap in the face of Luo.

"Chris Evans, I have seen you."

"Excuse me."

During the speech, while telling Chris Evans to be excused, Luo Ji directly opened the door and said...

"In the woodland, it may be full of some poisonous gas, and there are enemy ambushes. Your Hydra poison should be very high. Right? I need your Hydra to rush in to help me explore the way. ""

In this regard, Chris Evans is also directly responsible.

Indeed, as Luo Ji said, his Hydra is also a typical poison at the same time as Deep Sea Warcraft. The poison resistance is very high. At least for so many years, he has never seen his Hydra. Too poisonous.

Therefore, Luo Zhikou said that the poison gas, he naturally does not look at it.

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