The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1855: Tentative deployment

To make the worst plan, Luo has obviously sent a large number of anti-virus masks and oxygen cylinders to the front line through the trading channel with Ye Qingyi.

If there is no other way, then he can only let the soldiers of the Army troops carry an oxygen bottle and put on a gas mask to attack.

Anyway, he did not intend to be so persuaded.

"Chris, do you have any thoughts?"

In the next battle, Luo Ji will undoubtedly need Chris Evans's Hydra to help out, so when I was pondering, I never forgot to ask the other person's thoughts.

In this regard, Chris Evans directly said that there is no problem, and at the same time actively asked about the next arrangement of Luo.

Obviously, for Pele (Hyde), Chris Evans is still very confident.

Although the opposite is a magical creature, Chris Evans did not feel that the other side could easily hurt his Hydra.

In comparison, this embarrassment, even if he is, can clearly feel that it is not good to play.

Judging from the current situation, even in the heyday, as an attacking party, he took his own dark elf army to kill him, and he could not say how much he could grasp and definitely win the other side.

It now appears that Hassan Medvedev, the fifth silver, does have two brushes.

So he is also a little curious, how will Luo will deal with this tricky guy!

In the face of this doubt of Chris Evans, Luo Ji did not hide and squat, directly indicating...

"At the moment, the most troublesome thing for me is the poisonous gas that may appear in the other woodland. Because of this, I must let the soldiers have all the oxygen cylinders and anti-virus masks. The cost is not to be said, the load is increased, and there is fighting. Time constraints have greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of my army."

Speaking of this issue of Luo, the tone inevitably brought a little helplessness and headache.

"From the information collected so far, combined with some of my personal speculations, those poisonous gases are likely to come from some plants. In order to solve this problem, I have to figure out which plants are poisonous as soon as possible. At the same time, how big is the scope of the envelope."

Having said that, the words "headache" are already written directly on Luo's face.

"What is certain at the moment is that the coastal areas and the periphery of the forest do not seem to be filled with poisonous gas. I intend to play two waves first. I will try to talk about the opposite side while opening the field of vision."

At the same time as speaking, a ship's military transport ship has already been docked. A large number of soldiers who have been equipped with gas masks quickly landed and spread out and marched toward the distant woodland.

For the situation here, these soldiers obviously have a preliminary understanding.

Every big tree in this forest can become an enemy.

With this in mind, the soldiers who are gradually approaching the forest are not ambiguous at all.

With the command of the team officer, some of the bombers took out a piece of incendiary bomb directly and threw it toward the forest.

After the explosion of the incendiary bomb, it quickly formed a fire and quickly spread to the inside of the forest.

Throughout this process, they have clearly discovered that the trees outside are really just ordinary trees, and they are the shelters of those plants.

And with the spread of the fire, the life of those plants inside is obviously hidden.

At that time, the rifles were armed, and the army soldiers standing on the periphery could be said to be clear at this moment.

I saw the fire in the sea, and one of the trees that looked at the shape and did not differ from the surrounding trees suddenly moved.

This action seems to have brought about a certain kind of chain reaction. In the face of the threat of fire, many big trees around it have shown a real attitude.

Even on the trunk of the big tree, there are things that are suspected of being like the five senses.

At the same time, their height is also high or low, some are only two or three meters, while others are five or six meters, even ten or twenty meters, or even higher...

As for the shape, if you want to say what their shape is, then the most accurate description should be trees that look like humans! After that, simply call them the tree people.

However, before they think about it, a more burly tree man appears.

This tree man is the one that was previously labeled as a 'firefighter' by Luo.

Above the lush branches, a large number of thrift continually spew out special liquids and begin to extinguish the surrounding fire.

The other tree people, because of the emergence of 'firefighters', were completely calmed down, and at the same time realized that the tree people they had exposed were directly glaring at the arsonists who were arson, and while they were snarling, they no longer Camouflage, a large number of tree people appeared in a surrounding area, and then rushed toward them with heavy steps!

At that moment, almost the pressure of pressure from the front of the face, let the officer responsible for commanding the front line troops to scream loudly...


Without nonsense, the intensive gunshots filled the entire forest perimeter.

According to the power of the thunder seven, the bullets that came out of the way in the moment of playing on those tree people, naturally a burst of wood chips.

However, the extent of the wound does not seem to have caused much substantial harm to those tree people, at least their actions have not been affected.

Those who are two or three meters in size are the fastest and the most numerous.

From the forest area, they rushed out like a tidal wave, sweeping past the soldiers of the army.

This scene, watching the rear of the Luo series, eyelids are straight jump.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Army were shooting insanely, trying to shoot the trees that had been rushing to them.

However, those tree people, however, seem to be invincible. Some of the tree people have even been opened with dozens of bullet holes, and they continue to charge. This is really a ghost for Luo and the soldiers. !

In this way, in the face of the treemen who have already rushed to their eyes, the soldiers can only fight the scalp and the other side to fight the bayonet.

A wave of positive killings, those tree people's movements, not particularly flexible, although the strength is very strong, but it has not changed to the state of state, it is no exaggeration to say that in this field, they are completely inferior to Some orc soldiers.

However, to a certain extent, they are more resistant than the orc soldiers, and the bullets hit them, as if they were not used at all.

In a round of fighting, they used this advantage to resist, so that the Luo series of troops paid a lot of casualties!

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