Next, Luo Ji is undoubtedly planning to let his army take a period of rest.

Hassan Medvedev’s civilization is too special, and he will probably need more time to prepare for the battles that follow.

At the same time, orc soldiers who have experienced a long period of madness also need a good rest to recover.

During this time, the Orc Legion’s casualty report was quickly sent to Luo’s eyes.

His orc soldiers, their own immunity, are very strong after all. Therefore, forces like the Terran, the Tiger, the Rhino, and the Tauren are affected by the paralyzing toxins, which is actually relatively small.

Basically, when they were evacuated to the coastal areas, the effects of the paralytic toxins on them gradually emerged.

Therefore, most of the recruits at that time were some orcs with relatively weak physical fitness, among which the Kobold and the werewolf were the most.

In this way, the casualties of the orc forces are mainly concentrated on the kobolds and werewolves.

In this battle, the strength of the Kobolds was 12,000, and the strength of the Werewolf was 85,000.

According to the statistics of the post-war report, after the fight, the Kobold soldiers killed 1,272 people and seriously injured 2,091.

Werewolf soldiers killed 727 people and seriously injured 1,334 people.

The number of casualties of other ethnic groups is basically reduced to three or even two digits.

As for the number of lightly injured soldiers...

Minor injuries are basically meaningless for orc soldiers. Therefore, most of the Orc Legions will not waste time counting the soldiers who are slightly injured. The number of soldiers killed and seriously injured will be counted after each beating.

As a premise, the orc family also has the resilience conferred by the 'speeding regeneration' project. Therefore, in general, even if it is a serious injury to a soldier, unless it becomes a disability directly, otherwise, just give them time. They will be able to recover as ever.

In this way, this wave of force loss, Luo series is still acceptable.

However, during this time, other aspects of the loss can be a bit large.

For example, he continues to trade medical resources and equipment from Ye Qingyi.

For example, the goblin bombing forces have a lot of napalm bombs, as well as shells that are consumed by human artillery units, and so on...

There is probably a number of Luo Ji in my heart. For this report, I don’t even want to see it. I watched the troubles and directly indicated the officers who had left me. I went back and found an opportunity to send it to the Military and Political Department. After the verification, Then send it to the Ministry of Finance, don't bother him.

During this period, the depth of the continent covered with tree vegetation, Hassan Medvedev, who also received the frontline battle report, also raised a bit of dignity in his heart.

"The combat power of the giant beasts is so strong that it is so strong? There are a hundred and twenty tree-man warriors. Not only have they not been able to take them down, but they have also folded thirteen?"

"Yes, yes, sire."

"And, you just said that the other side has a horse that will use a fire attack?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Detailed talk!"

In the face of Hassan Medvedev’s question, the subordinate apparently did not dare to neglect and quickly said everything he knew.

After listening to it, Hassan Medvedev had a lot of thoughts.

"Warcraft? Is it a special unit made by Chris Evans? It's really troublesome!"

The bad news can not help but let Hassan Medvedev fall into meditation.

In this battle, he can say that he has opened too many cards, and the next battle is probably not good.

Between the thoughts, Hassan Medvedev opened his own system panel and sent news to Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao, who are also players of the foreign camp.

"The offensive of the Europa United Army is a bit fierce, I am afraid I need your support."

"But the forest battlefield you set up is full of the poison of those plants everywhere. How do you let us support you?"

Rafael Bharat, who received the news, asked directly.

This is a very difficult problem. Like this army that likes to use a poisonous environment to fight, it is obviously impossible to act with other military forces unless their poison gas also has a recognition function, which can only cause damage to the enemy, but This is obviously not possible.

On the other side, Tokugawa Masao, although there is no opening, it is almost a meaning.

For this, Hassan Medvedev, obviously also considered, I saw him directly telling the news...

"In the peripheral area, there are no poisonous flowers and paralyzed mushrooms in the peripheral area. In the process of fighting between my army and the other side, I need you to go around the outer area and launch an attack from the side."

To be honest, at the beginning, Hassan Medvedev really did not think about letting other players in the exotic camp support him.

On the one hand, of course, it is because, unlike the plant life of his majesty, those poisonous gases are causing great harm to human soldiers, and they are not indifferent to the enemy. Therefore, calling the army of other players is a hindrance to him.

On the one hand, it is because he is very confident about his defensive strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the player with the strongest defensive battle in the entire silver rank

But this time, he had to admit that the Europa United Army was not so good.

Especially in this battle, attack the orc soldiers who came in.

In the case of strenuous exercise, if an ordinary soldier inhales a large amount of poisonous gas, it will not take long for the toxicity to break out completely.

And the physical qualities of the orc soldiers are simply strong, and they have been playing for so long after they started to let the paralyzed mushrooms spurt the toxins. The toxins began to attack, which is for Hassan Mead. For Weijiefu, it’s just a little weird.

At the same time, he also made it clear that he needed a little reinforcement.

In this regard, Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao, who are just on the mainland at the moment, have not said anything more.

Under the premise of being inexplicably injured by a wide range of friendly forces, Hassan Medvedev will definitely support if he needs support.

Not because of anything else, just because everyone is now a grasshopper on the rope, if it is finished, everyone will die together! Basically, no one can escape!

In this way, Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao, who took things down, quickly went to find foreign players who were also on this continent, ready to assemble forces and support.

As for the exotic players hidden in other continents around...

At present, the fishermen’s army has blocked the sea, and they simply cannot come, or don’t expect it.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

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