The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1878: Who is poisoned?

"Li Ge, are you a knife?"

Zhou Cunyi, who was carrying the thunder seven-type rifle, re-raised the rifle and walked toward Li Zicheng without hesitation.

Li Zicheng, who heard this, turned a blind eye and reminded...

"Call on the shackles, no discipline, and your little boy will come to me with this set. After this, I will retire and go home to accompany my wife and children!"

Li Zicheng was the army who participated in the war in the South, and went to the battlefield as a reserve soldier.

However, after the war in the Southland was over, the war did not subside, so he stayed in the army. After that, he participated in many battles. The accumulated military power also made him mix up. Dangdang.

However, at the age of the year, when he joined the army that year, he was not young. Now in the army, he is a veteran veteran in any sense. It should have retreated from the front line.

Originally, according to his qualifications, staying in the rear, as an officer is no problem, but Li Zicheng himself wants to retire.

When he joined the army, his wife’s child was only three months old. Now, let’s not say that it is soy sauce. The children are already in elementary school. He has never seen a few faces, his children, seeing He is just like seeing a stranger, which makes him very embarrassed to his wife and children.

And when Li Zicheng was so pondered, Zhou Cunyi, who was coming toward him, suddenly changed his face...

"Be careful under your feet!!!"

At the moment of hearing this, Li Zicheng’s first reaction was to run away quickly, but it was still slow.

I saw a blue-purple vine with a full arm thickness, which had been wrapped around his ankle. Then he only felt a whirlwind, and with just one thought, the whole person had already been hanged by the blue-purple vine!

"Li Ge!!"

Faced with this situation, Zhou Cunyi was subconsciously shooting to interrupt the vines to save people, but he heard Li Zicheng screaming...

"Behind you, there are also behind you!"

Even if he didn't hesitate for a second, Zhou Cunyi immediately made a pre-rolling action.

In the rolling work, the whole person quickly turned back.

Sure enough, there are more than one blue-purple vines like this. In a blink of an eye, they are surrounded by them, and even many soldiers around them have already been recruited.

"Custody, you concentrate on dealing with those vines, rest assured, I can save myself!"

While speaking, Li Zicheng exerted a force on his waist, and quickly pulled out the military dagger at the waist with a hanging lap, and then he turned toward the blue-purple that wrapped his ankle. The vines are cut off.

I don't know if the blue-purple vines noticed his movements and began to tighten.

At this moment, Li Zicheng can clearly feel that the thorn on the vine has completely penetrated into his flesh and blood!

If the light is painful, as a veteran who has been a soldier for many years, he certainly can bear it. After many years, he has smashed several shots. What is the flesh-and-blood injury? The problem is that after the initial pain, he feels that his right leg is gradually losing consciousness.

In this case, Li Zicheng’s whole heart was suddenly sinking.

"Everyone is careful, this vine may be poisonous!!"

In the loud noise, Li Zicheng, who clenched his teeth, quickly clenched his dagger, maintained his hanging belly, and began to cut the vines that had entangled himself.

However, those vines are unexpectedly tough, and the military dagger in his hand is absolutely sharp enough, but cutting the vines is not easy at all.

Moreover, the harder he cuts, the tighter the vines roll.

At this moment, his entire trouser tube has been completely soaked by his own blood.

It was almost a slap in the face, and Li Zicheng, who had completely cut off those **** vines, quickly fell to the ground.

In the process of this fall, he was almost instinctively adjusting his posture. At the same time as landing, he was ready to stand up after two rolls and unloading the force.

However, Li Zicheng at this time was obviously a small injury to his right leg. When he got up, he lost his conscious right leg. He could hardly provide him with any support, lost his balance, and fell to the ground on the spot. .


"Li Ge, how are you?"

At this time, Zhou Cunyi, who solved the blue-violet vines, was rushed in two steps and made one step.

In this regard, Li Zicheng just said a bite.

"I can't die for the time being."

While talking, Li Zicheng quickly rolled up his trousers and glanced.

Still not waiting for him to respond, Zhou Cunyi, who was next to him, had already taken a breath of air.

I saw that at this moment, Li Zicheng’s calf, starting from the ankle, has completely turned into a strange blue-violet.

This obvious poisoning symptom makes Zhou Cunyi's face look ugly again.

Immediately, he pulled off a rope on his own equipment, and then he took Li Zicheng’s right leg below his knee to to slow down the spread of toxins.

Afterwards, Li Zicheng, who was not told by the points, rushed outside the battlefield.


"Don't talk, stay physically! I will find a place to deal with the wound!!"

On this side, Zhou Cunyi took Li Zicheng to break through. On the other hand, the battle between the Orc Legion and the Shuren Army was also more and more fierce.

At this time, on the center battlefield, the bodies of both sides are already piled up.

On the side of Hassan Medvedev, quite a simple transfer of his own tree man war.

This wave, he should have been mobilized in advance, and the battle of the tree man is more than the number of previous games.

At first glance, the shackles are also very scary. Even if you know that the strength of these squadrons is not comparable to his behemoths, the pressure on the number of troops is not small.

In the roar of the roar, the dragon's target of the dragon's horns is clear, and the battle against the opposite tree will be smothered. The four heads of the sacred armor are also quite simply launched.

On the other hand, Hydra Bailey breathed a breath of smog and took a battlefield. Within the area, it was filled with its purple-black poisonous mist.

The poisonous mist with corrosive power, even if some plants meet, will not feel good, the tree people can still support because of the stronger system, but some ordinary trees and plants are in this poisonous fog. It quickly died.

It’s really the same sentence before, who is poisoned? This is really not true!

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