The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1889: Rogue speech

A big fight, let Luo series almost locked the victory.

At this time, in the hands of Hassan Medvedev, although there are still troops, he knows clearly that this has not been played. The only suspense is how long he can hang himself.

Influenced by the bloodline of his own special race, as a fighting nation, Hassan Medvedev has actually had a much more peaceful personality over the years.

But at this moment, it was so bad that it was the extreme situation. It was still that he couldn’t help but violently swear...


Excited emotions probably affected the wound on his shoulder to a certain extent, and his face was white with pain.

Cure flowers, it is indeed a very good cure, but even if the system gives the gold-level life-saving magic, you have to nurse for a few days, let alone this?

Today's Hassan Medvedev, although out of danger, but the wound on his shoulders, is still still faint, constantly reminding him what he had encountered before.

This made him look ugly, but he couldn't understand it.

Hassan Medvedev himself has always been very mysterious. Many players who have had some understanding of him think that he is a player like a plant civilization. In fact, it is not at all!

The true identity of his special civilization is the fairy civilization, the full name of the race, the forest fairy.

Their goblin family is very petite and their body is extremely fragile. They basically do not have any combat power, but they have quite good concealment ability, especially in the presence of a large number of tree units. In case.

The idiots who know each other know that he is a tree man, and that the enemy’s attention is often concentrated on the tree-man unit, but in fact he is not at all.

This misunderstanding of thinking has kept him in a state of concealment. After many years, no one has ever discovered their true identity.

Who can think of this wave, but he still turned over the ship in the gutter? !

After all, in that position, why do human soldiers appear? That is deep in the forest. It is an area that is basically separated from the main battlefield. It is impossible because his position is exposed.

Even if he was dead, Hassan Medvedev didn't want to admit that he was accidentally bumped into the opposite soldier because he was black and had a bad luck.

But no matter what he thinks, then, Luo Ji obviously did not intend to be vague with him.

In the face of the Xuanjia Army and the Orc Legion, which had just won a big victory, the army of the low morale was defeated, and soon the army of Luo Ji was forcibly blocked at the doorstep.

In the heart of the idea of ​​swallowing the face of this special civilization, Luo Ji did not rush to kill, but rather quite a few people to move a few sounds, picked up a microphone, and began to persuade.

After two days of ideological work, a system prompt suddenly rang in the ear of Luo Ji...

System prompt: Raksha player ‘Hasan Medvedev’ has surrendered to you, is it acceptable?

Along with the sound system prompts, Luo Ji’s eyes also popped up a window.

The content of the window, to put it bluntly, is a defeat clause, and it is a little more straightforward to say that it is a land-cut compensation.

Players who are convinced that they have no chance of winning can choose to initiate a surrender, hand over part of the land and props, and ask the superior to accept their surrender to end the battle.

Those who are interested can also bargain with the opposite side to gain greater benefits.

Accepting surrender is undoubtedly beneficial. If the props are not mentioned first, then the territory is good.

As everyone knows, under the effect of the gold declaration of war, in order to annex the other city's territory, it is necessary to pay the corresponding civilized points.

And to this stage, even if it is to annex a poor city, I am afraid to pay hundreds of thousands of civilization points. As for some cities that have developed well or have abundant resources, basically one will have millions of civilization points, and even some top level. The city needs to consume millions of civilization points in order to swallow it.

Do not mention some of the props savings, and then consider the daily consumption, the general level of deposits in the hands of players in the silver segment, almost at the level of fifty or six million, up to 70 million deposits, in the silver segment, even in the silver segment, even It’s a rich man.

Therefore, the annexation of the city territory of the same segment player is not an easy task for the players in the silver segment.

However, if you accept the surrender, as a gift, the other party will give you the city territory, you do not need to consume any of your civilization points.

As a premise, if the number of compensation for the other party's land cuts reaches ten urban territories, it will save you nearly ten million, or even more than ten million civilization points. This figure is even for players in the silver segment. It is also quite attractive.

However, how can Luo Ji accept? What he wants is not this!

Do not hesitate even hesitate, decisively refuse!

Later, Luo Ji took the microphone directly and said loudly...

"I said Comrade Hassan Let's talk about how to talk face to face? Don't be afraid what I will do, because if I really want to do something, you can't do anything."

Listening to the hooligans who spoke down from their own homes, some of the officers and soldiers who understood the Europa language had a subtle look on their faces.

Chris Evans, who was standing next to him, couldn’t help but reach out.

This is the case... It’s true that it’s true...

In this regard, it means that there is no such thing as a Luo series. Looking at the forest in front of the scene, he continues to say...

"Everyone can see that you have no chance of winning. The only thing that is still uncertain is how long you can still dying, but that doesn't mean anything. Come out and talk, maybe there is a turn."

Having said that, Luo Ji has a slight relief and then speaks again...

"Of course, if you don't come out, I won't swear with you. My army will continue to advance and sweep everything in your territory. At that time, we don't need to talk!"

After the words were finished, Luo Ji sat down directly and was not in a hurry.

What he should say is already finished. I have to give a little time to the opposite side. Think about it?

The other party did not let him wait too long, it was almost ten minutes. In the distant forest, there was a sudden commotion. A tree-shaped man of sixty or seventy meters was in a group of trees. Embracing and coming out.

"I am Hassan Medvedev, what do you want to talk about?"

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