"Call - **** - call - **** -"

Tang Song and Hua Wei, who heard this, couldn’t help but make two deep ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ breathing.

Other than that, they really don't know how to calm down their feelings at the moment.

This surprise is overwhelming, and it has become completely scared!

Let's drink a bit of water and calm down.

No matter how Luo Ji killed the three guys, the situation is that he has done too much!

It was enough to let the Saxon Fryer fry before dying a Philip Albert.

Now in the Raksha camp, a Hassan Medvedev, a Francis plane camp, a Rafael Bharat, a Fusang camp, and a Tokugawa government.

In other words, within the foreign camp, the players at the Daxie level, all to see the bird of God! This time, the foreign camp is not going to blow up!

According to their original expectation, it was to disguise Luo as a united army of Europa, to suppress the players of the foreign camps, and then, after the end of this all-out war, they could join forces with the foreign camps to deal with their common enemies, that is, Europa camp.

But the problem now is that Luo Ji has done too much, and things must be reversed!

After this game was over, in the silver ranks, the Europa camp suffered heavy losses, and the top-level combat power of the foreign camps was completely destroyed. All of a sudden, they became the only ones in their daily camp.

This is likely to result in a passive group of Europa players and foreign players who have become weak.

As for the hatred before? That's a fart! Those who are dead, who are already dead, and who are alive, must of course take care of their own interests before they have the strength to consider other things.

In other words, according to this momentum, their Tianli camp may be joined by players from the Europa camp and foreign camps.

Of course, they are not afraid of the silver ranks. Anyway, the opposite battles are almost dead.

But what about the gold segment?

The other players in the gold ranks of the other camps will not shoot against the opponents of the low-level players. The system is limited, the shots are inconvenient, and there is not much benefit. It is only a small reason. The biggest reason is because the players in the golden section of each other are in each other. Check and balance.

Once the player in the golden section responsible for checks and balances collapses, the silver segment is not far from death.

This matter, they did not remind in advance, they are also wrong, but who can think of Luo Ji to turn the three to kill the three? !

I was killed by one, but there was no problem, but if I accidentally killed all three, the problem would be big!

"If you don't do it, let's just kill the rest of the foreign players."

Tang Song, who said this, was full of anger, standing on the side of Hua Tuo, and quickly stopped him!

"Quickly pick up your dangerous thoughts!"

"What do you say?"

"In this case, although the top-level combat power of the silver ranks has been eliminated in the foreign camps, there are still many good battles. We simply continue to smash the pots to the Europa players according to Luo's plan."

"But even then, they are likely to continue to hold the Europa players."

"You also said that it is possible, but there is only this possibility. If we kill all the foreign players now, then the players in these two camps will hold a group of 100%!"

Having said that, the thoughts in my mind are finally clearly clarified, and after spitting out a long breath, I will open again...

"We give the Europa players to the Europa, then end the battle. After going out, let the alliances of the foreign countries be directly formed. As a result, the other party has no possibility of accepting the alliance, and even if they do not accept, they may Choose to stay neutral and cultivate your health."

“But what if things are going in the worst direction?”

"This chance is relatively small. Although the players value the interests, but the Europa players and foreign players have been so savage before, the Europa camp has killed so many people, saying that the alliance will form an alliance? The big league of foreign alliances, It has to be measured a few times, not everyone can accept it."

Listening to the discussion between the Tang and Song Dynasties and Hua Tuo, Luo Ji remained silent throughout the whole process.

The reason for this check and balance, can he not understand?

At the beginning of his life, it was really only Hassan Medvedev who was eyeing!

You said that Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masahiro are both good-natured, what kind of fun? It’s ok now, is it cool?

It’s really troublesome to give people trouble when it’s cold.

According to Hua Tuo, they came according to the original plan.

After the two sides negotiated, the murderous squadrons of the outer seas, the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the Huaying squad swept in. During this period, they still showed their faces on several other continents.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the foreign players hiding in other continents are absolutely staring at the movements of the sea. Nowadays, when the joint fleet appears, they don’t want to see it.

No, the news soon exploded in the internal group of the foreign camp.

"On the outskirts of the sea, there is a fleet of heavens, and the battle is very big!"

"The dwarf fleet opposite the Tang and Song Dynasties seems to be among them."

"What is the situation? Should the Tianchao fleet be defeated by the Europa League?"

"It may not have been defeated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was only a heavy blow. After the other party was born, the people of the Europa League decided to clean up us first, and then take the sword to the camp."

"And now, the fleet of the Tianchao camp has been regrouped and killed?"

Within the group, various speculations continued, and at this moment, another message was sent out.

"Played up! The latest news, the Tianchao fleet and the Europa fleet are playing in the sea!"

The foreign players who confirmed this news, the spirit is obviously alive, anyway, the Tianchao camp should still stand with them!

At this moment, the foreign players who have completely destroyed the maritime forces have begun to ask God to worship Buddha. The Heavenly Fleet must win.

For foreign players, it is really waiting for Tang Song and Hua Tuo to save the world.

In the meantime, this battle at sea was also a decent picture.

In order to make this war appear more realistic, Luo Ji even went down the blood, sinking several warships, as well as Tang and Song and Hua Wei.

Of course, they certainly can't take out their main battleships and sink them.

Most of these warships, which are designed to increase the fidelity of war, are warships that are ready to be retired and eliminated.

After all, after the need for the card segment, everyone's scientific and technological power is in the big bang, followed by a large-scale replacement of the military equipment, of course, the battleship is also one of them, it is just in the place to come in handy.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

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