The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1900: ,understood!

Chris Evans and Pompeland Rand settled in, and it was actually quite smooth.

Mainly because his two sites are not in conflict, one on the seabed and one on the island, but not on one.

But Hassan Medvedev, the goblin civilization, is a bit of a headache.

How does this make him? On that plate, all the trees are vegetation!

The characteristics of the fairy civilization, it is clear that it is good at not being good at attacking. If you say that he is placed in the periphery as a line of defense, which side should he put? This is really a headache.

In the east, west and north, he has not explored the three directions of Wannian civilization. In the future, he must continue to push forward. Now he will throw away the fairy civilization, or then give them a place, or just Can let them act as internal defenses.

The idea at the beginning of the game is to let them act as external defenses! And if the second deployment is carried out with 'territorial adjustments', then Ji Ji has to get the blood.

As for the south, he has already bottomed out, but there is a problem. According to the original plan, in the coastal area to the south, he must definitely put the port city, so that he can build a port fortress and a naval base, so big. A piece of woodland cannot be lost.

After all, for one reason, the site is too big to be good.

A circle around, no place is suitable, if you put the inside, then a large forest will hinder their internal development, which is a bit inconvenient.

For a time, it was also a bit of a headache, so I quickly called Hassan Medvedev and explained the situation directly.

"Can you open the site and break it up?"

In this regard, Hassan Medvedev's reaction is unexpectedly simple.

"No problem, and, if you have just worried about your worries, it is completely unnecessary. Set them on the perimeter defense of Wannian Civilization. When the territory is to expand outward, let the goblin and the tree people move outward. It is."

"Can you still do this?"

The Luo series that got such an answer is obviously awkward. Co-authoring is a line of defense that can follow his expansion speed and automatically push it out? This is not the same as what he expected.

Looking at Luo's reaction at this time, Hassan Medvedev could probably guess what he was thinking.

"It is true that our fairy civilization is not good at invading the war, but it does not mean that we have no way to transfer. There are two main reasons why I basically do not fight the invasion..."

During the conversation, Hassan Medvedev quickly erected two fingers.

"The first reason is because my fairy civilization is very special. The resources of human civilization are basically useless to me. Therefore, invasion and plunder are not necessary for me."

"As for the second reason, it is also the main reason, that is because at this stage, the players in the silver segment, most of their territory is filled with reinforced concrete, and my tree unit is unable to leave the soil for a long time. of."

Having said that, Hassan Medvedev has a slight relief, organized a language, and then spoke again...

“Like we need to sleep and rest, the trees are plant life. They also need rest and recovery. In the moving state, they are out of the soil. If they want to rest and recover, they must take root in the soil.”

"In other words, if I actively invade human civilization, my tree-man army is likely to be on the way to attack, because there is no place to rest, and it is impossible to recover and self-destruct."

After listening to the words of Luo, suddenly suddenly realized.

"It turned out, I understand."

Plant life, after all, is still a plant. Everyone knows that if you want to transplant a big tree or flower, it is best to remove the same piece of soil together, so that the flowers and trees will not be transplanted to a certain extent. Die in the process.

The same is true of the tree people of the fairy civilization.

They can't move, they can't attack, but they can't get away from the soil for a long time, and they stop them.

If you attack, if you break the opposite perimeter defense, what can you do? Human civilization, the more it goes inside, the greater the intensity of development, and it will soon fall into a dilemma of nowhere to rest.

Unless they can get into the concrete and the oil road, it is obviously impossible.

Anyway, after confirming this information, it is convenient to arrange it.

"Right, if you put you in the desert and frozen soil, will it happen?"


"Amount, you look at my eyes now, as if you are looking at a devil, don't do this, there is such a terrain around my territory, so first confirm it."

Hassan Medvedev, who heard this, appropriately removed his eyes and then spoke again...

"If you are in the desert, you will lack water, and you can't. Frozen soil should be fine."

"Can the frozen soil be? Know it."

The reason why Luo Ji would ask this is because the previous battle, the cold environment in winter, seems to have no effect on the fairy civilization. It is just a place in the bitter cold place, which can accommodate a large number of goblin territory, if they can If you adapt to the permafrost environment, then he can carry out a large number of deployments, and it is possible to improve the environment of the bitter cold. At this moment, it seems that I have thought of what Luo Ji, and quickly reminded One sentence...

"Oh, yes, let me tell you about it. The frozen soil in the north of our Wannian civilization is quite cold. The annual temperature is the highest, and the hottest time is no more than ten degrees. When it is cold, it is almost minus five or sixty. Degrees, winter is often violently blizzard, one or two months."


"All said, don't look at me like this."

"Where can you really live in that place?"

At the same time as this was said, Hassan Medvedev’s facial muscles were twitching.


When you say these two words, Luo Ji’s face is taken for granted.

"That area, there are hundreds of thousands of people, and that is, the area is still only a relatively peripheral area. If you want to expand in the future, the deeper you are, the colder it will be. ”


At this moment, Hassan Medvedev only felt a bit of trouble.

"I don't think so."

"So, can the tree people stop the low temperature?"

"The tree people can't stop it, but we can't stop the goblin family..."

The Luo series that heard this, the subconscious consciousness swept over the petite body of Hassan Medvedev, and then...



Looking at the sleek smile of their knees, some inexplicable uncomfortable, what is going on? !

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