The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1903: Digestive population

When I heard the system reminder, it was obvious that I didn’t want to grind for a second, and I was ready to start adjusting the time difference.

Although before that, Ye Qingyi had already traded a large number of civilization points to him. However, in order to increase the time difference as much as possible, Luo Ji quite simply opened up those relics that were used as spare funds.

Of course, it also includes the relics of Rafael Bharat and Tokugawa Masao.

There are nothing to say about the props, the general gold-level props, they are all stored in the system warehouse, not the backpack, but the points on the silver segment players will not disappoint.

After taking all the points that can be taken, Luo Ji has simply opened the panel to adjust the time flow rate.

The time limit is one month based on the neutral area. In the case of multiples, Luo Ji directly smashes all the points of civilization in his body and pulls it all the way!

System prompt: Do you confirm the consumption of civilized points and adjust the time and flow rate of your own civilization?


At this moment, it is almost a series of competitions, and the speed of light is second.

For a moment, within the Wanjie civilization, the time flow rate began to change, and this time, Luo Ji adjusted the time for, one hundred and twenty-seven years!

Since holding his wife's thigh, he has finally become a rich man who can call out the time difference of more than 100 years!

Confirmed the Luo of this number, can not help but greatly relieved.

Although with the development of science and technology, the difficulty of the next development will be difficult, but this figure, at least, seems to be very reassuring.

Turning off the interface to adjust the time flow rate, Luo Ji smoothly opened his own system map.

Undoubtedly, his 10,000-world civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, his location is a port city located in Nanhai Province.

At that time, when the territory was adjusted, Luo Ji was in the city, so after completing the territorial adjustment, the system defaulted that he was in the city.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that at that time, if Luo chose to abandon his city, the system would send him directly back to his civilized capital city.

In a way, this is a good way to return to the city at the speed of light.

However, Luo Ji did not do this.

The port city is very important for the players, because it is directly related to their own coastal defense, so the basic development will be the focus, not much difference.

The city where he is now is the third-ranked Saxon player in silver, the port city of Philip Albert.

In other words, the development is quite good, and the city's resources are also very rich. It is a pity that it is thrown away for the speed of light.

In this way, Luo Ji is now far from the location of the city of Ming Mirror, the capital of the world. He said that it is not far away, just in the southern border city of the same continent.

He did not rush to go back, but sent a few messages to Ye Qingyi, telling Ye Qingyi to pass his orders to Lu Yang and Ye Hua.

This wave, his 10,000-city civilization has come out so many cities and populations, obviously there is something to be busy.

The large number of cities took over the work without saying anything, and said that the population is good.

Of course, Luo Ji did not swallow all the population, swallowed it, and would die. This is still self-aware.

But even so, the total population of his Wanxiang civilization is now officially breaking through the 600 million mark!

It is no exaggeration to say that this population has already exploded all the players in the silver segment, and even some of the golden ranks, the total population in the civilization, I am afraid there is not as much as his Wanxiang civilization.

The resettlement of these people is obviously not easy to solve.

Therefore, in the future, Luo Ji intends to temporarily stay in the South China Sea to work, and wait until the officials responsible for taking over the province and city arrive, and settle down all the population, then return.

All in all, the most urgent thing now is to quickly create a number of shelters of sufficient size outside the city to allow those who have nowhere to live to have a temporary place to live.

At this moment, the season of Wanjie civilization is just spring. Although it is rainy, the weather is good, neither hot nor cold. The shelter is a little simpler, but it doesn't matter.

During the construction of the shelter, Luo Ji once again confirmed the situation of the city and the nearby cities.

He did this mainly to confirm the jobs in nearby cities.

What is the most important thing to want to digest the population? That's right, it's work!

You only have to let this part of the population have a job, and can work through, solve their own three meals a day, and even get a steady income, this part of the population is considered to be successfully digested.

Otherwise, what is the use of throwing them into a shelter?

Do you raise them like pigs?

In this way, it’s hard to say that it’s eating white food, raising pigs to fatten, and slaughtering meat. And they don’t even have the value of a penny. It’s better to kill them directly. And the location of a shelter.

Whether it is the way to survive or the way people live, the focus is on showing their value.

Although this is not very good, it is not important for a person who has no value.

Even though the world is now advocating equality for everyone and the world is filling chicken soup, in fact, can you say that Einstein is the same as a social waste that waits for white food all day long?

This sounds funny.

Valuable stay, no value to be eliminated, survival of the fittest, weak meat, this is the rule of the past!

The initial assignment of tasks for these people is undoubtedly the responsibility of their official civilization.

After simply confirming the various jobs, Luo Ji directly called some people, put dozens of tables, began to register the population in those shelters, and confirmed each person's specialties, work experience and other information, some A skilled worker with a skill is undoubtedly able to get a better working arrangement.

For example, several shipyards in this port city can now be lacking. It is a good errand for a good income, but not everyone can do it, and it requires relatively professional technology.

As for those who basically can't, he has other arrangements.

For example, in the assembly line production plant, the work of some assembly line production plants is extremely boring, but there is basically no requirement for technology.

For example, mine mining, and even to some extent, the mine is still a good job, because in his place, each mine is packaged and eaten, there are staff quarters, and various benefits are also very good. Ok, this is the rule of his universal civilization.

It can also be seen from the above that Luo Ji also attaches great importance to these hardworking workers.

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