The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1910: Civilized hammer

Three days passed by, watching the steel fleet slowly appearing above the sea, after receiving the emergency report of the banshee, the army had already been mobilized to prepare for the strike in the coastal area. It’s hard to hide the horror in my eyes.

At the other end of the sea, the mankind living on the mainland has an amazing steel battleship, which he knows.

However, the steel battleship he saw at that time, and what he saw now, can it be the same thing?

Whether it is in scale or in terms of firepower, it has already reached an incredible level.

At this moment, in the face of the terrorist fleet that came from the sea, the forehead of Radis has begun to overflow with a drop of cold sweat, and the morale of the troops has been affected.

They can clearly see that the dark elf soldiers who are spreading out in the coastal areas and preparing to meet, the look on their faces is not a general shake, obviously, in the face of such a battle, their psychological pressure, Absolutely small.

Hardly doing a deep breath, holding his emotions, Redis, just want to signal the troops under his arm, look at the range distance, and use the artillery to attack those steel battleships at sea.

The result was in the next second, and a roar of guns from a distance instantly disrupted all his plans!

The use of the troops of Reedes is obviously not a predator of the weapon of the weapon. As a premise, how can the poor range, possibly the battleship of the battleship?

Amazing range distance, the flying guns hit the entire coast, and mercilessly waved the civilized hammer to the opposite dark elf troops!

"What is the impact of this exaggerated attack distance? Retreat, all staff retreat!!"

This wave, undoubtedly, was caught off guard by the opposite side. Redis screamed and gestured to indicate that the dark elf soldiers were kneeling down.

The dark elf rifle, which was spread out, was instantly turned into a wreck under the baptism of the South China Sea Fleet.

During this period, Terrell, who was on standby at the rear landing ship, sang high and directly led the gryphon knights under his arm, rushing to the distant islands.

On the other landing ship, Bacas saw it, and he did not hesitate to order his own pterosaur rider to attack.

At this moment, the two air units took the shot together, and the squad was not surprising.

It is impossible for Radius to stop them with his eagle owls.

In front of the Griffin Knight and the Pterosaur Rider who launched the group charge, the obstruction of the enemy eagle owl is almost as fragile as a thin piece of paper.


In the roaring sound, Trelle, the burning fire of hatred in his eyes, clenched the flame sword in his hand and smothered it toward Radis, who was deep in the enemy's line.

"That is, Teller?"

At this moment, after seeing his dear nephew, the heart vaguely knew what this was. Redis, his face was obviously gloomy. While pulling out his waist-shaped sword, he quickly ordered the dark elves in the rear. The wizard casts a weakening spell, weakens the BUFF for the Griffin Knights and the Pterosaur Riders who are trying to launch an air raid, and also signals the Dark Elves to attack and try to shoot each other.

At this moment, the gap between the strengths of the two sides can be said to be very huge. This battle, the side of the Wanxiang civilization, almost occupies an overwhelming competitive advantage.

But even in this case, you can't deny that it is very disgusting to give you a weakened BUFF and then let the back-end troops slam your way.

Even the fierce Gryphon Knights and the Pterosaur Riders, in the face of this routine, are uncomfortable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Redis quickly fled with a few black knights around him.

"Damn! Where have you escaped?"

In the hands of the flames of the sword, after getting rid of the entanglement of the opposite rear squad and the harpy, the emotions with the obvious violent Terrell, riding the gryphon, flying at the top of the battlefield, while watching Search for the traces of Redis.

"Ledis! You get me out!!!"

Compared with the same year, Teller has actually matured a lot. However, according to the age of their elves, Terrell is still too young, and this time it is his own kill. The father's enemies, whose emotions are out of control, are inevitable.

Through the telescope, I have been observing the Luo of the battle. At this moment, I am still not flustered. The whole person has a breath of breath from head to toe.

The follow-up landing ship gradually landed on the ship, and also wanted to find the hateful Barkas of Redis, and he quickly rushed out with his Xunlong cavalry.

During this period, there was a shrill humming sound on the island.

Hydra! The opposite of the Hydra appeared!

Although in the previous battle, his Hydra was seriously injured, it has not recovered yet, but the situation at the moment, Radius can not manage so much In addition to sending a Hydra to suppress Outside the enemy forces, he could not think of any way to help him reverse the situation.

As a strategic-level unit, the emergence of the enemy Hydra did bring pressure to both Trelle and Bakas.

The raging Hydra, who led the Bucks of the Xunlong cavalry, could not get close at once.

Terrell is no exception. In a short time, he can only control the gryphon under the seat and hover in the air.

With the power of the Hydra, Radius, who has finally stabilized the situation, has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief. On the battlefield, the variables have been reborn!

I saw the coastal area, and a horror figure that Radis would never have unfamiliar appeared.

"The Hydra? How is it possible?!"

Looking at the moment, the Hydra, which appeared in the coastal area, the expression on the face of Redis was full of incredulity. This completely exceeded his expectations, and even made his facial expressions appear a bit sluggish.

He did not think of it, in this battle, there will be a second Hydra!

Not to mention Redis, even the Hydra that he had left was obviously stunned.

Obviously, I didn’t think that it had the same family, and I still met in this situation...

There is no doubt that at this moment, in the coastal area, it is the Hydra Bailey!

With the appearance of Hydra Bailey, the dark elf force of Chris Evans officially landed at this moment, and involved in the battlefield!

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