The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1915: Wonderful heart

At this moment, Luo Ji’s mood could not be calm for a long time.

Even if he has to admit that the effect of this ‘miracle heart’ is really too big!

If his understanding is not wrong, then this ‘miracle’ is best used on a four-star natural wonder.

In this way, with the effect of this ‘miracle heart’, the natural wonder of the four stars can be directly raised to the level of five stars, and the value of this prop can be maximized.

With such an idea, Luo Ji naturally couldn't help but go through all the wonders within his own civilization.

Later, he discovered that the natural wonders of his Wanfang civilization, although there are many, five-star, but there is no four-star.

However, in the next, the natural wonders of the Samsung level, in fact, there are many very high cost performance.

For example, the Star Lake and the colorful terraces.

As the only place to produce ‘Star Sand’ resources, Star Lake is of great importance. For Luo Ji, there is no doubt that upgrading Star Lake to the four-star level is definitely no problem.

As for the colorful terraces, it is no exaggeration to say that it is definitely the natural wonder of the real estate in all the natural wonders of Luo.

It is also related to important food production. If you can upgrade the colorful terraces to four stars, it will definitely make the annual grain output of his Wanxiang civilization further increase!

Just now, during this time, he is also in need of further promotion of the field area and grain output because he has swallowed a large population. After all, he can’t let his wife keep the new population in the warehouse and keep the grain. When it is more useful, when the light is used, the acquisition will be faster, and there will be times when it will not be able to catch up. The upgrade of the colorful terraces will enable him to solve the problem directly from the fundamental point of view, and he will not lose money if he thinks about it.

In this way, Luo Ji is almost entangled in this problem.

On one side is the rare resource 'Xingsha', and on the other hand, the food that everyone needs, let Luo Jisi think about it, and tangled.

Of course, during this period, he also took a moment to study the props of the ‘wonderful heart’.

According to the instructions, this is only possible if you get a repeating spectacle.

According to this idea, if he finds two repeated one-star wonders, can he also get the props of ‘miracle heart’?

However, Luo Ji soon realized that the same props, the intensity of the effect may not be the same.

The "fantasy heart" in his hand is marked with two brackets, one in brackets, marked with 'natural wonders', which should be told that it can only be used for natural wonders, and is useless for artificial wonders. of.

The second bracket is marked with 'five stars', which refers to the star rating of 'very dark pool', because the star of the 'very dark pool' is five stars, so he can get a five-star level. 'The Wonder of the Heart'.

By analogy, if it is a natural wonder of a star, then it should only be able to obtain a one-star level of 'the wonder of the heart'.

With the gradual analysis, the thoughts in Luo's mind became clear little by little.

According to this statement, can artificial artifacts also get similar props?

But in fact, the artificial spectacle is simply unable to make a second piece. This matter has long been tried.

As the territory of his Wannian civilization has expanded, the scope of the original Kyushu Ding is obviously not enough.

To this end, Luo Ji must make a choice, or to concentrate the Kyushu Ding an area, specifically to support the development of this area, or to spread it, reduce the blessing effect, but it can rain Both are dilated and expand the coverage area.

But at that time, Luo Ji, in the face of these two choices, he did not choose any one, but called the craftsmen who had cast the Kyushu Ding, and then gave him several identical Kyushu.

Obviously, at that time, he wanted to reproduce the artificial wonders, so that every area in his own territory would enjoy the blessing of Kyushu.

After a return to life, two times cooked, after receiving their instructions, the craftsmen quickly acted, and in a relatively short period of time, successfully created the second batch of Kyushu, and ordered people to enter. Royal Palace.

However, at the first reading, Luo clearly realized that it was wrong.

The Kyushu Ding, which was later cast by the craftsmen, could not open the introduction interface. In other words, the system did not give recognition.

Under this premise, the ones in front of me are nothing more than ordinary bronze tripods.

But to be honest, looking at a few of the Kyushu Dings that were later cast, Luo Ji really did not see how their shape and texture are different from the original authentic.

He then tried it a few times, but the results were all without exception.

This made him clearly aware of a mechanism of the system, that is, although the artificial spectacle is artificial, but if you already have one, you will not be able to recognize it even if you copy it out exactly. Everything you do is useless!

One night without a word, Luo Ji, who had a rest on the island for a night, apparently did not intend to stay here.

Although the development of the island of Redis is very shabby, you can't deny that the place is still quite big. It takes a little time to get it all over. Anything after that, all will be given to Chris Evans will do it.

However, before leaving, Luo Ji did not forget the assassin of the dark elf.

After the man was brought to bring the assassin, Luo Ji said quite simply...

"Ledis is dead, and now there are only two roads in front of you..."

"The first one, loyalty to him, and then step on his footsteps, I can give you a happy."

"The second article, return to me! Loyalty to me!"

While speaking, Luo Ji has slowly walked to the face of the assassin. The compelling atmosphere constantly affects the effect of the ‘the tyrant's posture, and invisibly affects everyone around.

"Now, you can make a choice."

The burning eyes looked at him like this. After a short two-second confrontation, the dark elf assassin couldn’t help but lower his head.

"Slink, willing to return..."

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Rod’ to successfully unlock the special unit ‘Dark Elf Assassin’

Hearing the sound of this system prompt, the mood is obviously quite good, and the corner of the mouth has clearly evoked a touch of curvature.

In general, his wave of this expedition is still quite rich!

The population and resources that are being counted are not to be said for a moment. It is the Hydra, a dark elf assassin, a 'magic heart' and an egg that does not know whether it is dead or alive. Very cost-effective.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and starting | | point Chinese network of genuine!)

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