The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1917: Going ashore or fishing for the sea

The system obviously won't let him get a special unit so easily.

At this time, the situation of Slink is actually very similar to that of Calgan.

Among the whole wood elves, only one of the giant eagle knights.

But Calgan does not actually know how to domesticate the giant eagle, and even the training methods of the giant eagle knight are not clear.

The reason why he had a giant eagle was because the giant eagle was injured and fell and was rescued by him.

The giant eagle missed his life-saving grace, so he fought for him. Through years of getting along, the tacit cooperation cultivated, so that Calgan played a very amazing combat power even without formal training.

After that, Luo Ji can train the Giant Eagle Knights. To a large extent, because the Giant Eagle Knight is one of the standard arms of the Wood Elf family, as long as they follow the development panel, they can unlock it. Unlock those projects, get the way to train the giant eagle and the way the giant eagle knights train.

However, as a premise, some special arms, special equipment and special buildings are not available on the development panel. There are only two methods to be obtained.

The first way, no doubt is to open the treasure chest.

The second method is to fight the indigenous people and spell the characters to see if they can get ready.

But the shortcomings of this method are also very obvious. One is to test the character, to look at the face, and the other is that even if you are lucky, you really want to get a ready-made one, you may not be able to toss out the troops, for example. Luo Ji is now.

In this regard, Luo Jixin is also more helpless.

However, one is one, anyway, it is better than nothing.

As for this Slink, what should I do? All in all, first throw it into the Mirror Division to receive training and say, by the way, loyalty should also be cultivated. How can we use the loyalty of the other party to more than 80 points before it can be used.

In this way, next, all the things on this side were handed over to Chris Evans. The next morning, Luo Ji was on the battleship, ready to return to the center of his universal civilization.

And during this period, in the deep sea...

The fisherman, headed by Pompeii Land, is undoubtedly very busy.

After all, because of the words of their fisherman, the development of their entire fisherman empire is completely a resurgence of the table.

Fortunately for many things, human craftsmen can help them get it.

Most of the time, they only need to move the components of the human artisans into the sea, and then look at the position and build it.

As for the layout of an entire deep-sea city, it is all planned by human designers, and then the fish people do it.

Compared with Pompeland’s early messy layout, it’s just a little better.

At this moment, in the deep-sea city, at first glance, it has formed a considerable scale of streets and buildings.

Most of the buildings are mainly one- to three-story bungalows. At first glance, it is called neat, and I don’t know how many obsessive-compulsive diseases have been cured.

At the same time, on both sides of the streets of this deep-sea city, there are also illuminating plants that Pompeland Rand has tossed in his early years to serve as street lighting.

Nowadays, a whole construction has just completed a small part, but a lot of fish people have called out the ‘true incense’.

You know, before this, for the situation where there is nothing, many fish people are quite dissatisfied.

Of course, these buildings, food, and other resources are definitely not for them.

According to Luo Ji, Pompey Rand’s fishermen’s army has made a lot of credit in the previous battles. Therefore, these expenses are directly directly from the rewards that should have been sent to him. Buckled.

In the meantime, as a modern person, Pompeland Rand is also very easy to understand the entire business system of the Wanxiang civilization.

The next step is how to get income. There are naturally many in his heart.

For now, Pompeland Rand, as long as they manage the fishermen under their arm, don't let them make trouble.

After all, the work that fish people can do, the world of civilizations has long been known.

Nothing more than just a few ways out...

The first one, being a soldier, is also the easiest way out.

Article 2: Engage in the fishing industry and arrest some deep-sea fish for sale. For the Wanmen civilization that has been developing in the interior, the resources of deep-sea fish are still relatively limited. Basically, the deep-sea fish caught , can sell a good price.

Article 3, employed by some maritime caravans, is responsible for the safety of the vessels protecting the caravans. Today, the maritime trade of the Wanxiang civilization is at its peak. There are many trade fleets sailing around the central continent. Trade, during this period, for business people, hiring some fish people to carry out the protection is a very good choice.

Of course, as the king of the fisherman, Pompeland Rand himself certainly does not need to be so bad that he needs to personally go fishing in the sea to make money. For him, 'Fishman Wang' is his job, the job content is to govern the deep sea city~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Wanjie civilization will send him a salary every month, basically a level with senior officials.

Compared with those who have been entangled in the past, whether they should be fishing for fish or going ashore, Pompey Rand’s recent days are undoubtedly relatively comfortable, at least he does not need to entangle this problem at all. .

However, even in this comfortable day, occasionally something will happen.

At this moment, looking at the giant python that was as big as a hill, Pompeland Rand couldn't help but take a cold breath.

"Is this the evolution of your Majesty?"

After the beating of the indigenous fishermen, the giant whale Simon, who returned to the deep-sea city, swallowed a lot of food and then fell into a long sleep.

After a while, at this time, around his body, a thick layer of scorpion had been completely formed, which was so dazzling.

When I got close, I put my ear on the giant clam. Pompeland Rand could still hear some very low-frequency heartbeats. It was almost a few minutes before I jumped, and it was incredibly slow.

Obviously, there is a possibility that evolution will occur in the behemoth unit, and Luo has already said it to Pompeland.

So at this moment, in the face of this arrogant Pompeland, it is not too unexpected, and even have a lot of expectations and excitement in my heart.

He really wants to see what the giant whale Simon will become after he evolved into Warcraft. At the same time, it will be strong!

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