Hua Tuo’s proposal has undoubtedly won the unanimous approval of everyone.

Promoted to the golden section, let alone they are, even Luo Ji himself, my heart is not a bottom.

It is natural that everyone can reach a consensus and carry out a group.

In this way, this whole thing can be said to be extremely smooth.

After talking about this, within the group, there was a Tianchao player who asked another thing...

"Right, after the end of the all-out war, who do you know about the situation in the foreign camp?"

"I don't know."

"Unclear +1"

"Next, there are probably many players in the foreign camps who want to be promoted to the gold position. We must first figure out that they are enemies and friends."

"Yeah, this thing is not clear, it is really uncomfortable."

Looking at the group, the topic of discussion by everyone, Luo Ji is also a face thoughtful.

Indeed, this matter is very important.

If the foreign camp, choose to camp with the Europa camp, then their players in the camp, after the promotion, in addition to beware of the players in the Europa camp, they must also be careful to guard against the players in the foreign camp, and vice versa, if the other party chooses to hug the camp with them. If there is a temporary joint effort, there is nothing wrong with it.

And in the days of the players, when they were so pondered, within the group, Hua Wei’s news came out.

"I know a few things about this. In the days of our camp, the lords of the Golden Division have already talked to the ally of the foreign camps. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the foreign camps do not seem to intend to hold a group with us. stay neutral."

For such a result, it is not unacceptable.

The foreign camps dare to make such a decision. Of course, they have their emboldened strength. The loss of a large amount of fighting power in the silver segment is indeed a small loss for them.

But in the end, the strength of the gold segment is the real core.

In the foreign camps, the players in the golden section have always been in a wait-and-see state, and they have not acted rashly, which has allowed their core combat power to be maximized.

Although the silver segment is now a heavy loss, as long as the players in the gold segment are still there, their foreign camp will not be embarrassed.

Moreover, if you really want to say that, the world war at the silver level, the loss is really heavy, and it should be the Europa camp.

After a game, the silver ranks list, not to mention the top ten, the top 20 players, no one is the Europa camp.

Basically all were replaced by players in the Heavenly camp.

Among them, the Tang and Song Dynasties, which were originally in the third place of silver, replaced Chris Evans with the trend, and rushed to the second place in silver, and the seventh in China, the third in silver.

As for Luo, the current ranking is the sixth silver!

Although not in the top five, but it is enough to make the silver ~ ~ segment, the players of the various leagues stunned, but also inevitably somewhat forced.

Basically, within a segment, the top 100 players, even the top two players, the players in each league will have an impression of their names, and the individual memory is particularly good, even directly.

And the name of "Luo Ji", before that, it is the top 100, even the top three hundred, there is no such person!

How did it suddenly appear in the seventh place in the silver segment?

In fact, before the start of the all-out war, Luo Ji’s ranking in the silver ranks was exactly one hundred. After all, he was, to a certain extent, a half newcomer.

Before the start of this all-out war, he had just been promoted to the silver position for a few years.

As a result, this comprehensive war was a dozen, and the ranking points, which were almost at the bottom, rose to the sixth place in a positive number!

That comprehensive war, how many things Luo has done, can be seen.

It was said that Ke Xiuwen’s rankings were faster than the rockets, but in fact, the promotion of this wave of Luo Ji’s rankings is really amazing.

However, I have always been doing nothing.

What about the sixth silver? After a while, he has to be promoted to the gold position. The ranking of the silver position has long had no meaning for him.

Other Tianchao players obviously know this, so everyone basically did not manage this, but seriously discussed how to develop next.

It is certain that the military will be given priority.

In other respects, it is a little behind when it lags behind, but the military force must be mentioned, otherwise it will not be played.

However, they have all developed to the present point. It is not easy to make any breakthroughs now.

Now it is possible to engage in a scientific and technological research and development project. It has to be studied for several years before it is possible to produce some results. Some civilizations that lack corresponding talents and study efficiency are even more likely to be in the past ten or twenty years.

But they know that if they refer to human history, their efficiency is actually quite fast.

Moreover, at this stage, they have developed, and there is still a reference for knowing what to do, and knowing a general direction, there are so many points in the heart.

Can continue to develop this way, everyone will soon have to enter a direction of loss and reference, can only explore the state of the forward, and at that time, is the time to truly test people!

Within the group, everyone chatted and chatted, and inexplicably became a trade fair.

In order to improve the strength as quickly as possible, at this time everyone is taking out the props that they can't use, and want to exchange some props that are useful to them.

For a while, the good things are really quite a lot.

The gold-grade props are the main ones, the worst are the silver-level props of rare grades. As for the black iron and bronze props, they are not qualified to appear unless it is a player who wants A large number of skill books for the Black Iron and Bronze classes were acquired.

In fact, this is also a routine. A wealthy player can purchase a large number of black iron and bronze skill books and then use them in large quantities.

For example, an engineering construction team, the workers in this team, can not be each talent, 99% are ordinary workers.

As a premise, they can give ordinary workers a black iron or bronze skill book to improve their construction efficiency, which is also a way to accelerate development.

Anyway, the price of that level, the players in the silver segment are fully paid.

Now that I am returning to the topic, this temporary trade fair, many players are taking out the props of their own box.

For Luo, this is really a surprise.

The only troublesome thing is that everyone basically asks for a change of things, or a prop that you can't match the props on the opposite side. As a premise, you can post a little bit of civilization points so that the price Be fair, but if you want to buy purely by civilized points, then basically no one is willing to sell.

This makes Luo Ji a little depressed.

If you can only exchange with props, then the chips in his hand are relatively limited.

It is because of this situation that he is not hesitant.

After all, this is a free trade, not an auction house. Once the parties have negotiated, they can complete the transaction directly.

In other words, the hand is fast, the hand is slow!

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