On the day of the festival, on the central street of Der Spiegel, the gorgeous parade completely opened the curtain of this festival.

Even the cold winds of winter can't stop the enthusiasm of the people.

The streets and alleys are full of lights, and the celebrations of the major shops in the city have pushed the festival atmosphere to the top.

Compared with the people who are busy watching the parade on this day, or who are rushing into the shopping malls of major shopping malls, the representatives of the parties who are invited to come to the capital to participate in the celebrations are relatively calmer.

If Zhang William and Gao Wen, they are still calm at the moment, then Chris Evans and Hassan Medvedev, who first came to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, are all magnificent palaces. Shocked.

The orc civilization is the first special civilization to be annexed by Luo. They have become a member of the Wanjie civilization in the early days.

This directly leads to many buildings of the Wanxiang civilization. When building, they will habitually consider the body shape of the orcs.

This is especially true of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Royal Palace.

The two gates at the entrance are just 30 meters high. The scale of a whole palace is so great that it can be seen!

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a large number of gourmet drinks have already been placed.

Luo Ji did not have a table, and it became a form of buffet, so that everyone can pick it up at will.

During this period, all the friends in the temple, such as Rayong, Zhao Wei, Bai Ze, and Guo Zhen, who have not seen each other for many years, are also grouped together in threes and fives, chatting and chatting, and laughing from time to time. The sound proves that everyone is in a good mood at the moment.

During this period, as a new member of Hassan Medvedev, Zhang was taken care of.

And Chris Evans, Luo Ji is a look at Gao Wenduo.

Both William and Chris Evans were both players. Even though the two sides were not in line with each other, they were unhappy, but they were basically able to restrain themselves. They would not make any contradictions in this occasion.

But the problem is that the three tribes of the Grey Elves, the Wood Elves, and the Prairie Elves are also here. Although Luo Ji thinks that these are the patriarchs, they should all have a sense of proportion, but it is better to pay a little attention.

In this regard, Chris Evans also understands very well, do not find himself uncomfortable, consciously keep a safe distance with the gangs that will not interfere with each other, then pour a glass of champagne and try again. The court food that their dark elves could not do at all, for a time, the whole state was also very comfortable, and did not feel any dissatisfaction.

However, at this time, I just had a piece of grilled lamb chops, and I was ready to enjoy Chris Evans in the dish. The brow suddenly wrinkled...


"what happened?"

Probably I found out that the sheep platoon was full of mouthfuls of oil, and asked subconsciously.

And Gao Wen, he is also considered to be half an acquaintance, and now together, there is no feeling of embarrassment, from time to time can still chat two sentences, getting along is quite pleasant.

After hearing Gao Wen’s question, Chris Evans shook his head first, then groaned with a strange look...

"I feel like someone is staring at me."

"Maybe everyone is just observing new students, and getting used to it."

The lamb chops in the handle were smashed with a slap in the face, and I ignored the image and licked my fingers. Then, I picked up the second piece unceremoniously, completely unimaginable, in the small belly of their gnomes. In the end, how can I get so much to eat?

In this regard, Chris Evans also shrugged some indifferent.

Anyway, he had long wanted to understand. In a short period of time, it would be fine to manage his own three-point land. Other things are still less.

At this moment, in a corner position, Robert Smith drank the champagne in his hand and wanted to suppress himself, but the horror in his heart could not be suppressed.

"God, is it really Chris Evans?!"

Obviously, the sight that Chris Evans has always felt is from this one.

At the moment of realizing the identity of the other party, Robert Smith almost instinctively lifted the plate in his hand and blocked his face. At the same time, he continued to step back several times, for fear of being seen by the other party.

Before that comprehensive war, the specific situation, Robert Smith is obviously not clear, only through limited intelligence, I know that they have won.

At that time, he confirmed the news, his mood was slightly more subtle.

Originally, nothing is wrong.

But the problem is that the next issue of the newspaper, did an exclusive report, and the content of this report is mainly around the new dark elves and the goblin family who belong to their Wanxiang civilization.

From that report, Robert Smith, who saw the word "The Dark Elf King Chris Evans", was shocked by the whole person, and the first reaction was to believe it!

What kind of joke? That's the second big superstar in the Europa camp in the Europa camp!

The strength of the Wanxiang civilization is indeed very strong, but to say that Chris Evans can beat the second silver? Robert Smith is a little unbelievable.

After I pitted myself, I was disheartened and simply concentrated on farming. No matter what other things, Robert Smith obviously didn't know the military power after their 10,000-city civilization. What a terrible thing is.

However, Luo Ji and Chris Evans did not have a good time to play, and the situation at that time just made him a cheaper.

At the dinner party of this festival, Robert Smith, who remembered this, naturally had to confirm it with his own eyes.

At first glance, the whole person was completely stupid.

In a meeting of the major leagues of the Europa camp in his early years, he actually saw Chris Evans, so he recognized the other party at a glance.

The whole person was suddenly flustered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time a full-scale war, he did indeed return to the 25th, in case the defeated pot of the Europa camp was on his head, this time He appeared in front of Chris Evans. People were excited and what did he do?

But in fact, Robert Smith is purely thinking about this time.

The reality is that Chris Evans has no impression of him at all.

Although in terms of strength, Robert Smith is also a veteran of the Europa camp in the silver position.

But who is Chris Evans? It is the second silver, the top fighting power in the same segment, super big!

For him, the top 30 players have a little impression, as for the rest? All are classified into ‘miscellaneous fish’, just abuse!

And Robert Smith and he are not an alliance, he will remember that this talent has ghosts.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and the starting point of the genuine!)

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