The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1965: ,Plant light

A few days ago, the seventh official trial of the Dwarf Tank Chariot ended in failure, which made Luo's mood in the near future seem a bit poor.

The R&D project of the dwarf tank chariot did not go smoothly.

In addition to the quality problems, the main problem is still some large and small technical problems, but it has not been completely overcome, so in the test field, the dwarf tanks will frequently fail.

In this case, it is obviously still early to use it in actual combat.

"Is it still tangled?"

At the same time as the sound is heard, the strange plants distributed throughout the temple of Qingluo begin to emit soft light.

Feel the change of light in the temple, and return to the Luo series of God, after opening your eyebrows...

"what time is it now?"

"It’s almost ten o'clock."

Ye Qingyu, who came in, said something silently.

"You said that it is so easy to build a tank? Slowly, can you still get a result?"

"I really can't get rid of this."

When I heard the words, the brows stretched, and then I spread my hands and spread my hands.

Looking at Luo Ji's appearance, Ye Qingying, who came in, was also teased, and then he stunned him with a white eye, and then placed the small bowl in his hand in front of Luo.


"I don't like to drink porridge."

"Glutinous rice porridge, spring is heavy, drink something good for your health."

"That, let's go."

During the speech, Luo Ji looked helplessly holding the spoon in his hand, while whistling the glutinous rice porridge in the bowl, while looking at the new objects in the temple.

"How? This lantern is not bad?"

I saw that at this moment, in the Qingluo Hall, some of the lamps that have been used as electrical appliances have long been removed. The ceilings, desks, and palaces have been replaced with a lantern.

I have to say that some special plants of the fairy civilization are really practical.

For example, the lantern grass used for this lighting, photosynthesis during the day, after the night, it can shine.

At the same time of energy conservation and environmental protection, we can also engage in greening, which is exactly two things.

The only trouble is that on weekdays it needs people to take care of it, such as watering it, sunning the sun or something, or it will die, after all, it is a plant.

At the same time, the initial cultivation can only be handed over to the goblin family. Other races, even the elves, cannot plant this lantern grass, so the production efficiency is not high. It takes a month to produce a batch, so This price is definitely not cheap.

Even so, after the first batch came out, it was still chased by the elves. After all, the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection and the characteristics of 'plants' fully conformed to the three views of their elves, and they were sold out in one day.

As for the human cities, they have not yet reached their turn.

The elves are called the near-water tower, and before the market in the elf province is saturated, other cities in the Wanxiang civilization may find it difficult to get in from the goblin family.

In this regard, Luo Ji is not in a hurry.

In the province of the elves, the efficiency of wind power generation is low. Once the electricity is excessive, it is easy to power off. Now there is such a good thing that does not need electricity, and even saves electricity. It is preferred to popularize in the elves. Nothing wrong.

Of course, this does not prevent Luo Ji from giving himself a set.

I have to say that Ye Qingyi still likes the strange plants of this fairy civilization.

After the arrangement, I always felt that there was a lot of fantasy in the temple.

At the same time, there is no need to guess at all. This special plant of the fairy civilization has absolutely great business opportunities!

After that, with the overwhelming publicity of the news reports, the lighting factories in the cities were a feeling of heart.

If this kind of plant light that does not consume electricity at all, once it is completely popular, who else would want to use the electric light?

Plant lamps are energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and do not need to consume electricity at all. From this point of view, it is undoubtedly the explosion of the electric lights.

But electric lights actually have the advantage of electric lights.

The first advantage is brightness!

As I said before, the light of Lantern Grass is weaker than that of ordinary light bulbs. Under normal circumstances, it is basically enough for home use, but what about commercial use?

If you go to some special jobs, just take a shopping mall.

Many people should have noticed that in some large shopping malls, in addition to the large rows of incandescent lamps on the top of the head, even some of the glass showcases are lit with lights, which is exactly a posture that wants to shake your eyes.

But this is the brightness they need, because they have to show their products, so that their products are in the spotlight anytime, anywhere, and the brightness of the plant lights is not enough for them.

The second advantage is the output.

It has been said before that the lantern grass is initially cultivated, and it will take a month for a batch, and the number of this batch is still small, because the population of the goblin is limited.

Although in the case of good cultivation, the service life of Lantern Grass far exceeds that of ordinary electric lights, but it does not rule out which hand is disabled. If it is raised for a few days, it will be dead. In comparison, the electric light can save too much.

Therefore, according to the population market of today's 10,000-world civilization, plant lights will be very popular, but it wants to occupy an entire market, which is absolutely impossible, because there are always people who need electric lights.

However, when Luo Ji and Ye Qingyi discussed how to increase the output of plant lights, and thus spread widely, Zhang William and the South China Sea Fleet have also successfully separated from the southern seas of their Wannian civilization.

Unlike the ordinary navy, the elves' troops are free to be too much. They don't need to be stupid in the boat. Let's say that Zhang William directly carries Ysera and Xun Ying The pickpockets flew into the sky.

This is not just the activity of the bones, at the same time, they are also through the high-altitude vision, search for the target, by the way is also open map.

After all, before this, the fleet of Luo Jiwan's civilization had not left the offshore area because of the existence of the Hydra.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning here that this time the expedition, Pompeland's goods, and also sent a small fish unit to accompany, responsible for ensuring the safety of the South China Sea Fleet under the sea.

Because of the information provided by the group of fish people he had previously compiled, there were other fishermen outside the South China Sea.

They just fled to the South China Sea because they lost to other fish and people, and they were enslaved by Redis, who possessed the Hydra.

As a premise, Pompeland also took advantage of the opportunity of Zhang William and the South China Sea Fleet expedition to see if he could assemble several batches of indigenous fish and expand the population of the fishermen.

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