Elf City, in the house that Schulke arranged for Zhang William, listening to the report of an elf below, Zhang William, leaning against a chair, could not help but slightly tilt his mouth...

"Yes, this thing, you are doing very well."

Obviously, in today's big forest, all kinds of rumors have been raging, saying that they have done nothing, it must be fake.

Using public opinion and rumors, that is one of the specialties of the Spiegel Division spy.

This time, Luo Ji was also equipped with several elves spies for Zhang William. Basically, all the high elves, wood elves, and prairie elves were all equipped with him. According to the situation, quietly engaged in something, no Any difficulty.

As for the outside of the house, the few Schulkes were specially sent to take care of their attendants in these days.

According to the means of the spy of the city of Der Spiegel, it is too simple to ask God to avoid them without knowing it.

But then, the spies of the Mirror Division are obviously able to settle for a while.

This controversy has already been brought up by them. Then, even if they do nothing, the elves who live in the big forest will not stop.

After a few days passed, these days for Schalke, it is simply suffering.

The rumors that spread throughout the forest and the controversy of the elders of the elders made him almost mad.

Originally invited Zhang William to enter the city, is to give each other a horse, and by the way also show his demeanor as a wizard king, but did not expect that this situation will actually evolve into this point.

Now, let alone the people underneath, even those elders, between the vague, have been divided into two factions.

Most of the elders and ministers of the higher elves naturally support him.

But the problem is that they live in this big forest, not only their high elves, but also the wood elves!

The wood elves who are responsible for cultivating Lingmu and possessing two important units of elf sacrifices and giant eagle knights can be said to be important in this forest.

The elders of the Wood Elf family were still more inclined to Schulke for this incident until they confirmed that the other party had their high-ranking arms of the wood elves.

Like the elf Druid, among the high-ranking units of their wood elves, the fast eagle is a very high-incubation unit.

The fast eagle stalker with the first-order fast eagle and the fast eagle scorpion of the second-order fast eagle, the difference in strength, can be called the difference between the world, is one of the ace of their wood elves.

However, due to the war in ancient times, many precious inheritances were broken.

Although they know how to domesticate the giant eagle and train the giant eagle knight, they don’t know how to make the giant eagle knight into the fast eagle, but let their wood elves grow out for thousands of years!

In this way, the emergence of the fast eagle's hand became a cause, and in the face of the looting of the dark elves in these years, Schulke's performance really disappoints them, for various reasons, making several wooden elves elders and ministers Attitudes have changed significantly in these days, and I began to prefer Zhang William.

Half a month later, under heavy pressure, Schulke met Zhang William again.

What is so important, according to the efficiency and time concept of their elves, it is not a rare thing to talk about it for a year and a half, or even longer.

But it was only half a month after this pressure. Under the pressure of the pressure, Schulke had clearly and surely realized that if he continued this way, he would have to go crazy.

Half a month did not see, looking at the face is obviously not good, a pair of eyes are also covered with bloodshot of Scherke, Zhang William's face smashed a can of beer, handed over.

"this is?"

"A drink from us, please drink."

During the conversation, Zhang William easily opened a can of beer and poured a mouth into his mouth.

Schulke took a taste of the sample.

Suddenly, the brow was obviously wrinkled, and then slowly spread out.

"how is it?"

In the face of this problem, Schulke slowly opened his mouth after a little sinking...

"Well, very wonderful taste."

In this regard, Zhang William shrugged directly, after taking another sip of beer, directly cut into the topic.

"You should have made a decision this time."

When he heard this, Schulke was obviously complicated at the moment, and then accompanied by a deep breath, only listening to his voice...

"We can return, but before that, Lord William, I hope that you can help us solve the troubles in the south. I must know that we are fighting the group of dwarfs in the south."

When hearing the sound of Schulke's dwarf, Zhang William couldn't help but laugh.

"Lord Schulke, IMHO, that is the dwarf, you call them dwarfs, but they will be angry."


Schulke’s brow that heard this was a wrinkle.

"Lord William, do you know them?"

"Know, not only do I know, I even know a dwarf king, although it is more general with him."

During the speech, Zhang William is quite simple and Schulke said something about the civilization of the world.

After all, this thing has to be explained sooner or later. At this point, it is time for Zhang William to ponder.

Luo Ji was crowned with a new name, the Lord of the World, without knowing it!

This is also a no-brainer.

You want to make yourself look like a cow. Forcing, then your boss must be more bullish.

Otherwise, if someone else listens, you are just a younger brother. Isn’t that a price drop?

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Ji is a good end, and the hard-hearted Zhang is blown by God.

However, there is nothing wrong with it.

After all, even those people of their 10,000-dollar civilization have already regarded them as gods. They are not dead or dead. They have run through the entire history of mankind and have always promoted the existence of the times. How could it be a mortal? It is no exaggeration to say that it is a god.

Now that I am returning to the topic, after I learned from the mouth of Zhang William that the Wanxiang civilization is like a behemoth, the original world view of Schulke is undoubtedly violently impacted, and the mood is not calm for a long time.

The can of beer in his hand, already unconsciously, has completely entered his stomach.

Seeing the other side’s reaction, Zhang William’s heart smirked twice, then faintly expressed...

"Reassure, the group of dwarves outside is not enough. I have already ordered people to bring the news back to the Wanxiang civilization. When the Dwarf King arrives, they will be able to conquer them without any effort."

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)

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