The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1990: ,experiment

Alas ,!

After sending away the expeditionary fleet, Luo Ji did not rush to return to Der Spiegel. Now that he is here, he plans to take a trip to Drucker Province, where he also has some things to do.

The island where drók Province is located is not far from their main continent of civilizations of all walks of life. On the airship of the Conqueror, Luo Ji soon reached the municipality of 卓 drók Province.

"Chris Evans, met Your Majesty."

Over the years, Chris Evans, who has been a low-key man, hasn't seen him for a long time, but his looks are not bad. It seems that he has been quite comfortable in recent years.

In fact, it is true. How many people who can get to this point will be dead-headed? After so many years, there is nothing confusing, even after Chris Evans can't deny that the days of civilization in all realms are indeed more comfortable than him.

There is heating in winter, blowing air conditioning in summer, and eating out in the restaurant every three to five. Today, you can eat Haidilao, and tomorrow you will eat spicy incense pot. He didn't need to worry about things at all. He went to work at eight in the morning and got off work at five in the evening, and had an hour to eat and rest at noon, which was unprecedented ease.

Alas, for Luo Ji's arrival, he still tightened his nerves a little.

Unlike Gao Wen and Zhang Williams, they have been familiar with Luo Ji for a long time, and there is no pressure to chat in private, but Chris Evans considers his situation, and at the same time, he is thinking for his own safety. Therefore, it is still very obedient.

After entering the urban area, this road can be regarded as a collection of boat and car totons, of course, first settle down at the residence, eat a meal, sleep, no matter what, we will say the day after tomorrow.

As for tomorrow, he intends to go to bed and wake up naturally.

He made a special trip to the Duke province this time. There was indeed something to do, but the matter was not particularly urgent, and it was not a short day or two.

的 The rest of the day undoubtedly allowed Luo Ji to keep up his spirit.

In the morning the day after tomorrow, after breakfast, he started to do business.

The black car carrying Luo Ji and Chris Evans drove all the way out of the city. After leaving the urban area, he entered a special area where civilians were not allowed to approach.

He deployed the outer guarded by heavy soldiers, proving that this area is unusual.

事实上 In fact, it is indeed not ordinary, because the deepest part of this area is that special five-star natural wonder, extremely dark pool!

After Shaliel fell into the extremely dark lake, so many years did not move, Luo Ji pondered that the other party should be completely dead, and then never tangled with this matter.

Near the extremely dark lake, there is also a research institute set up to study the dark matter produced by the extremely dark lake.

After all, such a special spectacle that can transform a mutant race is placed there, and Luo Ji certainly cannot do nothing.

Therefore, at the beginning of this research, the dark substances were tested in an attempt to confirm the composition of the substances.

After that, under the premise of getting permission, he began to experiment with animals such as mice or beasts, and now there are several successful cases of transformation.

Luo Luoji came here this time, no doubt to confirm this.

After entering the institute, Luo Ji and Chris Evans walked all the way to the back of the institute under the leadership of the staff.

Transformed and mutated individuals, all concentrated in the courtyard at the other end of the institute.

Before Lu was officially approached, Luo Ji had heard the roar and hiss of beasts from behind the high wall in the distance.

The thickly reinforced courtyard gate that was clearly reinforced slowly opened. At that moment, Luo Ji saw through the opened gate at first glance a wild boar confined in an iron cage.

At this moment, the skin and bristles on the body of that beast are completely transformed into an ominous black, the body is more burly than the ordinary wild boar, and the two fangs near the mouth are also thicker and sharper.

But the most eye-catching, it is those red eyes, full of animalism and anger!

As soon as they came in, the mutant wild boar slammed into the cage that trapped it while making a low roar of ‘wheezing and whining’.

A whole huge and heavy alloy animal cage was rattled by it, and some of the pillars of the animal cage were even slightly deformed.

You must know that the cage holding the mutant beast was forged by a low artisan, and its solidity is beyond doubt.

Under this premise, the mutated wild boar was able to bump the pillar into a slight deformation, which is enough to see how strong the opponent is.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this animal cannot be born."

For this situation, the staff members who walked ahead were obviously used to it.

The wild boar's character is inherently irritable. After using dark matter to mutate it, the animal nature in that bone can be said to have been further stimulated, and it has become even more violent than the original, and almost completely lost its reason.

Basically, when you see someone coming in, it becomes like this.

In fact, for this battle, Luo Ji was very calm from beginning to end.

What a joke? For so many years during his naval battle, what scenes have he never seen? Can you be scared by a wild mutant wild boar?

Don't say this mutant wild boar is still in a cage. Even if it rushes out, Luo Ji will not be afraid at all.

So and so ~ ~ After glancing over the mutant wild boar, Luo Ji's attention soon fell on the group of people who had been in the courtyard for a long time.

At this moment, a group of researchers in white coats are conducting a serious observation around another animal cage.

I was probably in the courtyard. The roar of all kinds of beasts was too noisy. Those people did not notice the Luo Ji who came in at all.

The staff member who was in charge of leading the way wanted to say something.

But he was stopped by Luo Ji, saying that they should continue to work and do not disturb them.

Then he took a step, gently stepped up, and glanced at the beast cage being watched.

I saw that the cage of the beast turned out to be a rather burly hyena.

No doubt, they should have used dark matter on that hyena too.

Now that hyena in the animal cage, his whole body is crazily convulsing, his eyes are raised high, and he is about to glow with scarlet blood. The open mouth of the scorpion keeps sending out fullness. Grumpy and painful growl.

罗 After Luo Ji came over, this state lasted for about five or six minutes, and then, the dark red blood began to overflow from the nose and ears of that hyena.

The original irritable roar gradually became weak from this moment, and then about two minutes later, the burly body was completely paralyzed in the beast cage with a twitch, and the transformation failed!

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