The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2011: Basic numbers

After seeing the situation of the 'preserved egg', Luo Ji went straight back to Qing Luo Dian. While showing Ye Qingxuan the elf fruit, he also signaled her to launch the ability to turn the elf fruit into a 'commodity' In this way, this elf fruit can be stowed into the system backpack, which is more convenient to carry.

A few days later, according to Luo Ji, Wang Kai went to find Mia and check the condition of this mutant dragon egg.

Although Luo Ji feels that it has been a long time since picking up this mutant dragon egg, for Mia, it will take so much time. After all, the time concept of the elves has always been like that.

The only time concept in the world of civilization that is more exaggerated than the elven clan, I am afraid there is only the fairy clan.

The joining of the Leprechauns completely made the Elves completely lose the status of the first longevity race in all civilizations.

Now to return to the subject, after simply checking the condition of the mutant dragon egg, Mia said quite plainly ...

"This mutant dragon egg grows very well. It should be the reason that the power of the elements provided to it every day is very sufficient. Compared with the previous, the internal element fluctuations have become stronger. Cub, it should already be taking shape. "

When I heard Luo Ji's remarks, her spirit was obviously refreshed, and she quickly started questioning.

"How long will it take for this egg to hatch?"

"This one……"

Mia groaned a little, and the whole person seemed a little confused.

"This kind of situation has not been encountered before, after all, according to my personal estimation, if it is fast, it will take 20 or 30 years, and if it is slow, it may take hundreds of years."

"Quick words twenty or thirty years ..."

Although Luo Ji also knows that in the time concept of the elves, it is really fast in the 20 or 30 years. Even for them, the life of an ordinary human is a blink of an eye, but Luo Ji who heard this said , I can't help but say a few words in my heart.

Of course, he doesn't seem to be qualified to spit out the elves now, after all, his concept of time is also changing.

As far as Luo Ji is concerned, what happened more than ten or twenty years ago can almost be described by the words 'previous years'.

After all, after confirming that there is no problem in the growth of this mutant dragon egg, Luo Ji will inevitably ask him how the Warcraft horses of the civilization of all walks of life have been cultivated and domesticated.

I honestly, it is really very difficult to cultivate Warcraft horses without system help at all.

During this period, Mia's rich knowledge of Warcraft can be said to have helped him a lot.

At present, there is no problem in domestication.

From the second batch, the Warcraft horse cubs born directly on the horse farm are a little wild, but they are much better domesticated than the Warcraft horses they just caught.

Alas, good domestication is one thing, nurturing is another.

I carefully calculated the time, so many years of cultivation, but the number of Warcraft horses has been growing slowly.

The root cause is, of course, that Warcraft is pregnant with a cub and the chance of giving birth to offspring is much lower than that of ordinary beasts.

Coupled with the very low initial base and the growth rate, of course, it can't be mentioned at all.

Even after being cultivated for so many years, there are only 161 Chiyan horses and 193 chasing horses.

Yes, the number of red flame horses is even less than that of chasing horses!

Someone must be surprised at this time.

From the time point of view, the civilization of Wanjie civilization has obviously cultivated the Chiyan horse for a much longer time. Why is the number of Chiyan horses less than chasing horses?

The root cause is actually very simple.

That was the beginning of the civilization of Wanjie, there was only a red flame horse accidentally born!

Then increased the number of red flame horses by mating that red flame horse with a half blood horse.

Therefore, in the first ten years or so, they cultivated Chiyan horses in the civilizations of all walks of life. It was very difficult to cultivate them. It was only slightly improved until later.

By comparison, although the chase horse was obtained later.

But they were very lucky, and let them capture a whole group of Warcraft horses.

This makes the basic number of chase horses a lot from the beginning.

Under this premise, breeding and increasing the number of ethnic groups is undoubtedly much easier than the Red Flame Horse at that time.

Anyway, these two Warcraft horses are obviously far from being equipped on a large scale.

Although in terms of quantity alone, it has been able to equip two hundred-man teams.

But the problem is the basic number. Both groups have more than one hundred Warcraft horses. Under this premise, if Luo Ji formed two hundred-man teams, it would be equivalent to drawing Warcraft horses cultivated over the years. Mostly dropped.

At that time, when he entered the battlefield, in case of serious damage, wouldn't he have to deal with the painstaking efforts of the previous decades?

So, so far, Luo Ji's focus is still on increasing the number of Warcraft horses.

How can I wait until he has increased the number of Warcraft horses in both groups to more than 500 horses, and then consider the matter of forming an elite army.

According to Luo Ji's personal prediction, it should not take long.

The most difficult time to cultivate an ethnic group is when the population base is too small. At that time, you have no way to increase the population.

只要 As long as the population base is up, then **** can begin.

Of course, cultivating Warcraft, if you want to cultivate the effect of snowballing, it is definitely impossible, that's what it means.

Next, between the seasons, the time is like a white horse passing through the gap, and it will pass in a flash.

In the past few years, the changes in civilizations of all walks of life have been considerable.

On the main continent, under the circumstance that Luo Ji has mastered the scientific and technological capabilities of the tribe, goblin and dwarf tribe at the same time, he has survived the early difficulties of Luo Ji, and the development speed ~ ~ entered again Take-off phase!

During this period, the pile of information that Meng Xuan sent to him at that time really helped a lot and made him develop extremely rapidly in the field of computer.

It took only four years later to completely evolve the second-generation transistor computer into a third-generation integrated circuit computer.

This makes the computer's power consumption lower, smaller, but faster.

At the same time, the operating system has also been completely established, forming a complete system, and can run a variety of programs stably, which is a leap-type development!

In comparison, the new continent is almost half a century behind the main continent, but this is also no way out. It feels like it is a remote village with a backward development.

即使 But even so, great results have been achieved in recent years.

It is difficult to get everything right. After their civilization successfully established the first city on the new continent, the hardest time has passed.

After that, the development speed has obviously increased rapidly. So far, the cities on the new continent have officially increased to three.

At the same time, due to a series of preferential policies given by Luo Ji, a large number of immigrants have been attracted.

Today, the total population of the three cities in the New World has reached 1.87 million.

Although there is no comparison with the main continent, the millions of people still scare the local indigenous people.

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