The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2017: Persecution is tradition

一 As soon as the game is over, the troops arranged in the arena beforehand are obviously busy with the two teams of almost rioting fans. At the same time, Luo Ji is also busy ...

"I said, you two, can you calm down? It looks a little bit okay? People who are hundreds or thousands of years old, can you really stand up after watching a game ?!"

Inside the box, looking at the two men who were unkempt and covered with fruit stains, Luo Ji was speechless except speechless.

Why don't you say that the more you live, the more naive? After a certain age, this person becomes more and more speechless.

However, Luo Ji was speechless, and Luo Ji was not angry.

Because he can see, the two goods are really just fighting there, and they are not moving.

Otherwise, according to the strength of these two goods, it will not be the same as playing on the street, hitting the back, and actually throwing fruit ...

But in Luo Ji's view, this is actually a good thing to some extent.

The Elves and the Dark Elves are better off walking on the court than on other occasions.

In the final analysis, in the past so many years, the two teams of fans have been fighting each other, it has not happened rarely, especially the dwarf and orc tribe brothers.

But as long as there are no casualties and rise to the level of hatred, Luo Ji will basically not care.

Because this is not from the sense of hatred, but from the sense of competition.

If there is competition, progress will be made. What's so bad about this?

After gesturing Hu Che and Aike to look at the two goods and send the two naive ghosts separately, Luo Ji was finally able to fight back home.

However, during this time, the military forces in charge of public order in Der Spiegel were still not peaceful.

Because tonight, the major bars will definitely be dominated by the two teams of fans.

I win over there, drink to celebrate, and over lose, I drink with sorrow.

Then, whether it is a win or a loss, a few glasses of wine will suffice, and something will definitely happen. This night, obviously, there is no end to it.

In comparison, Luo Ji, who still has a headache about these things, as the host of the World Cup, Ye Qingxuan can be happy. The fans of these two groups are really powerful. This year's World Cup, let her make money!

充足 After sufficient financial resources, in the following North Korean meeting, Luo Ji no doubt made a proposal to increase the tank regiment to eight.

In addition, six battleships have been retired. While alleviating financial costs, three research and development projects, 'Anti-ship Missile', 'Satellite' and 'Goblin Submarine', have been set up!

I have a feeling of squandering financial funds.

In this whole process, Minister Wang of the Ministry of Finance is completely abandoning his struggle. He has just been in the office for a few years, and now he has begun to wonder when he will retire.

Their civilizations, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Construction and Engineering were basically persecuted by their Majesty. This is, to a certain extent, almost a tradition.

Minister Xiaojun Wang should be considered lucky because he only took office when he was 50 years old. Compared with the previous ministers, he took office when he was 20 or 30 years old.

Regarding the claim that he has been persecuted the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Construction and Engineering, Luo Ji said that he is relatively innocent, there is no way! If you want to develop, then you have to create these things.

And if you want to develop these things, then you will definitely need to invest financial resources.

的 The importance of artificial satellites naturally goes without saying.

The same goes for anti-ship missiles and goblin submarines.

It is no exaggeration to say that after the successful research and development of the aircraft carrier, he only needs to develop anti-ship missiles and goblin submarines. In this way, he will have the prototype of the civilization of all walks of life in the future.

At one congress, he ordered almost everything that should be ordered. In the next long period of time, Luo Ji was obviously able to live a more calm life.

On weekdays, I approve a batch of documents and occasionally pay attention to the progress of various projects. This day is also quite comfortable.

与 此 At the same time, on the other side, a low whale roar broke the tranquility of the whole fish-man province on the outskirts of the southern seas of Wanjie civilization! Many fishermen, while being startled, looked subconsciously toward the deepest part of the sea.

I saw that at this moment, the water-blue giant cocoon like a hill, with the water-blue ripples spreading out circle by circle, gradually broke apart.

During this period, Pompeland, who received the news, came here almost at the fastest speed, and just saw the scene of the giant whale Simon breaking the cocoon!

The blue water cocoon shattered completely, and the huge body of the giant whale Simon burst out directly!

巨 Simon, who has just completed the evolution, seems to be venting his power crazy.

The blue water waves constantly spreading out make the surrounding sea water frantic.

At this moment, the exaggerated movement directly led to a whole deep-sea area, which caused a turbulent current, so that the whale people led by Pompeland were afraid to approach easily.

In the face of such exaggeration, Pompeland is obviously inexperienced.

This area is not far from his mermaid province. If Simon is allowed to rag like this, what kind of disaster it will cause will not be considered at all.

At this point, Pompeland had no other choice but to bite his head and yell ...

"Simon! Calm down, Simon!"

I don't know if his shouts worked ~ ~ Or just completed the evolution from a long sleep, and the whaling Simon, who woke up, is still very weak. After a short period of raging, it gradually calms Came down.

That body, which was already so incredible, swam slowly in the deep sea, then fell to the remaining giant cocoon, ate it with a big mouth, and it looked like it was obviously very hungry.

In response, Pompeland, who was slightly calmer, approached carefully.

He waited for a certain distance before he could see the change in Simon the giant whale.

The size of the tadpole is obviously larger, and to what extent, because no accurate measurement has been performed, it is temporarily impossible to make a judgment.

Under this premise, the more obvious change is that the skin of its main body has completely turned into a kind of water blue.

At the same time, the permanent scars left by the lightning strike in the early years also faded during the evolution.

Then continue to get closer, you will soon discover that its skin is not just a color change.

Instead, there are dense and small scales! It is almost like a gorgeous water-blue scale armor, draped over its huge body.

At the same time, there is a spiral long horn like a unicorn on the forehead.

I have to say that this change is still very big, making Pompeland for a moment not sure if the other party is Simon ...

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