With the official service of the Orca-4 attack submarine, the first submarine unit of Luoji Wanjie Civilization was also officially established.

In the next few years, the weather was smooth, and during this period, Bai Ze's Zhaoye Jade Lions officially advanced to second-order Warcraft.

With this as a premise, if you think about what Mia said in the past, you can clearly realize how unreliable ‘it wo n’t be long’.

But anyway, this is a good thing after all. In addition, those beasts that fell asleep in the early years have also awakened in the past few years and formally completed the evolution from beasts to first-order Warcraft.

Today's civilization of all walks of life has six storm eagles and seven black armored rhinoceros.

And here, it is worth mentioning that one of the six storm eagles and seven Xuanjia war rhinos is a cub, in other words, it is not yet an adult, and now it is about five meters in length. Zhenger Ba Jing's combat power.

Therefore, the official combat power is actually only five storm eagles and six black armored rhinoceros.

Originally, according to Luo Ji's expectations, I wanted to take this opportunity to adjust the flow rate of time, so that the giants in my hands can quickly breed more offspring without shame and impatientness, so as to increase their own hands in one breath. The number of strategic units.

However, the system apparently did not give him the opportunity to mass produce the beast, or in other words, did not give him the opportunity to drill holes.

The probability of this offspring's reproduction is simply not low.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because Luo Ji made new discoveries.

That's the offspring of the Storm Eagle and the Storm Eagle. It was Warcraft at the beginning, and it didn't need to be slowly cultivated from the giant wing war eagle. This is a good thing.

The only pity is that in the new generation of the storm eagle and the black armored rhinoceros, no magic core was found in the body.

In addition to this, it is worth mentioning that I am afraid that the storm eagle and the black armored rhinoceros have grown.

As far as they are concerned, although they are still first-order Warcraft, they are bigger than in earlier years.

At present, the largest storm giant eagle has grown to forty-three meters, and the largest scorpion warrior has grown to forty-six meters.

It is enough to see that breaking the limits will greatly improve them.

At that time, the collection of these news was confirmed, of course, it is inevitable to care about when these storm eagles and black armored rhinoceros can be promoted to second-level Warcraft.

In this regard, Mia only gave a three-word answer.

"do not know."

To be honest, even Luo Ji did not expect that Mia would give such an answer.

Because in their civilizations, Mia is already the top Warcraft researcher, and she does n’t even know. Who knows?

In this regard, Mia herself was helpless.

It has been said earlier that the Warcraft evolved from the beast has no magic core and is completely different from the ordinary Warcraft.

The advanced level of Warcraft and the advanced level of the wizard are actually similar. To put it plainly, it depends on the strength of mental power and elemental power.

But these monsters do not even have magic cores, and the power of the elements in the body is even less touching. How does this make her sure?

So, after learning about this situation, Luo Ji himself was relieved.

OK, since you can't force it, you can only let it go.

In the next few years, I immersed myself in operating my civilization of all walks of life, and cultivated the farmland for development. The days were really fulfilling.

Especially as he watched the military strength of his civilization across the borders grow stronger day by day, his grasp in his mind became more and more sufficient.

On this day, a sudden system prompt reminded Luo Ji, who was dealing with government affairs in the House of Government, that his nerves were obviously tense, and he quickly relaxed again.

It was the invading army he sent out to withdraw.

It's a whole bunch of bronze treasure chests. There's nothing to say. Conquering points this time is less than last time, only 472 points.

However, since it is a vegetable abuse bureau, Luo Ji cannot ask too much.

Anyway, in this wave of actions, he had already set his mind right from the beginning. He was just losing points instead of gains.

Taking into account the expansion of the new continent over the years, and the collection of the conquest points acquired by the indigenous people, now the conquest points in Luo Ji's hands have reached 2,377.

Looking at the numbers, it's pretty impressive, but when I think of my tossing for so many years, I get so many points, and Luo Ji can't control it, and I feel a kind of stomachache.

At this moment, if Luo Ji wants to upgrade a special project, there are actually a lot of level 4 and level 5 projects waiting for him to upgrade.

However, these items are not something that can be solved with a few hundred points. I'm afraid you can just click twice to completely clear his savings.

In this way, the extra points are used to launch the ‘Tugunaxinxin’ project and remove the negative features, which has become a cost-effective approach at present.

Anyway, once the five hundred conquest points, he can use it now.

After that, more than 2,200 conquest points were left in my hands just in case.

After making the decision, Luo Ji trot all the way to the Qing Luo Temple, ready to borrow his wife's hand.

As for which negative characteristics to remove, he had already thought about it, and that was to remove one of the negative characteristics of the goblin civilization, the defective product!

It is the advantage of goblin civilization to produce a large number of products with extremely cheap manufacturing costs and ultra-fast manufacturing speeds, but in contrast, things produced like this carry a negative buff, which is to increase the probability of failure.

In the past, Luo Ji's way to reduce the probability of failure is to let the talents of the dwarves and human races help to improve the design.

But even so, the negative buff of the failure probability cannot be completely erased, at most it is reduced to 10% or 5%.

And now, he only needs to erase the negative characteristics of this "defective product", and the possibility that the products manufactured by the goblin civilization will break down can become exactly the same as other civilizations, in other words, it is back Come to the normal level ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Come, wife, take one! "

To be honest, at this moment, Luo Ji is still a little nervous. If he fails this time, he will definitely not bet on the second time in a short time, and he cannot afford the second time.

In this regard, Ye Qingxuan did not have any psychological pressure and directly reached out.

System prompt: Congratulations to the celestial player ‘Luo Ji’ for successfully erasing the goblin civilization ’s ‘missing product’

When I heard Luo Ji reminded by the system, I could say that I was relieved in an instant.

After finishing this matter, just when he was about to dispatch an invading army and go out to brush up again, the system prompt that had just stopped is ringing again.

System prompt: Your friend ‘Gao Su’ sent you a call for help. May I accept it?


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