Without tangling Gao Su's wonderful metaphor, from the ants that can be crushed to death to the flying southern cockroach, how many times worse is it?

To some extent, Gao Su did admit that the silver ants and Scarlett Winslet in other silver bands are indeed not on the same level.

Some time later, Luo Ji also began to shift position according to Gao Su's meaning.

After all, when the system sent him into the battlefield, it actually had a certain random component. The only thing that was certain was that the system would not lose allies too far, at least near the battlefield. As for the specific position, it all depended on the character.

And Luo Ji's next goal, that is, Scarlett Winslet, is obviously not on this side.

What can he do in this situation? With only his army, he began to shift the battlefield.

As for the means of transfer, some large units and mega-units that cannot carry normal transportation can only come slowly, while those with a leaner body size can transfer directly by train.

Yes, there are trains in Gaosu's civilization, and they are still typical internal combustion trains.

At the same time, so far, Luo Ji has a preliminary understanding of the development stage of Gao Su, a special civilization.

That's the development of science and technology in Gao Su, not much higher than him.

Compared with other golden civilization players in human civilization, I am afraid there is a gap.

Take this internal combustion train for example. According to Luo Ji's expectations, the golden segment players of normal human civilization have developed for such a long time. How can this standard configuration be a high-speed train with magnetic levitation?

Therefore, the special civilization of Gao Su is obviously a typical functional civilization. To a certain extent, he has the scientific and technological power of human civilization, but it is slightly worse than the normal human civilization.

And those exaggerated rock giants, and even from the perspective of Luo Ji, are a series of strange means of Sao operation, which should be from the special power of this functional civilization!

As for the specific situation, that can only be known after asking Gao Su himself.

Luo Ji, who took the train, successfully arrived in the capital of Gaosu after spending some time.

He didn't choose to go straight to the battlefield, because it would be useless for him to go alone. His army is still behind, and the army's marching efficiency is not as fast as when he took the train.

So, instead of rushing to the front line, a light pole commander might as well go to the capital and discuss the whole situation with Gao Su. By the way, he can talk about the current situation in person and think about how to fight go back.

After getting off the train, Gao Su sent him to pick up his car long ago.

The other party did not choose to meet him on any formal occasion, but directly asked Luo Ji to take them to their residence.

After arriving at the place, Luo Ji motioned for the other guards to wait in the outside hall, while he himself, under the guidance of an attendant, led Wang Kai towards the inside, and finally came to the garden of this mansion.

I saw that in the middle of the garden, Gao Su was carrying a chair, sitting in the garden leisurely basking in the sun, watching Luo Ji's eyes rolled ...

"Where are you retired cadres?"

While talking, Luo Ji stepped directly towards Gao Su.

He didn't realize that when he said that, Wang Kai, who had been following him, had a subtle look on his face.

At that moment, Wang Kai really wanted to remind them to say a word.

"Your Majesty, when you take a break, you basically have the same virtue."

Of course, this is also thinking in my head. As the chief of guards, how can Wang Kai tear down his family?

With Gao Su, the two have known each other for a long time on the Internet, and have met in the real world since then. They are also friends who have met Ji, so this time they met, Luo Ji was not uncomfortable.

In the face of Luo Ji's ridicule, Gao Su, who was sitting there, just wanted to say something, but unexpectedly, when he just opened his mouth, the whole person sent out a sudden cough.

Gao Su couldn't help but reach out and cover his mouth.

The next second, when I walked to the previous Luo Ji, I couldn't help flashing a shock in my eyes.

I saw that at this moment, Gao Su's hand covering her mouth, between the fingers, there was a lot of blood overflowing from it!

"What's the matter ?! You vomit blood as soon as I come ?!"

The unexpected situation completely changed Luo Ji's face.

At the same time, it was at this moment that he realized that Gao Su, sitting there, was pale and scary.

"Are you seriously injured or sick? I have medicine here."

During the conversation, Luo Ji quickly took out a bottle of elf elixir from his backpack and was preparing to irrigate Gao Su.

As a result, Gao Su, whose cough was full of blood, waved his hand and signaled not to use it.

"No, it's useless."

"What's no use? I'm an elixir, no matter if I'm sick or seriously injured, a bottle goes down and everything is gone. If that doesn't work, I still have a nine-turn Zijin Dan here."

I have to say that Luo Ji is definitely interesting.

However, facing this battle, Gao Su still shook his head.

"I'm not injured or sick, so it doesn't help me whether it's an elf elixir or a nine-turn purple pandan."

"No sickness or injury? What the **** is your bleeding volume? Don't tell me what is special ketchup, are you trying to rectify me?"

In the second half of the sentence, Luo Ji made it clear that he was alleviating emotions. After so many years of combat, could he still confuse tomato sauce with blood?

That **** smell was almost on his face!

Looking at Luo Ji's pair who didn't figure it out, he sweared. Finally, Gao Su changed his breath, and took a deep breath while slowly speaking ...

"OK ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let me change my clothes first, and then I will tell you about it."

While talking, Gao Su, covered in blood, walked towards the room with the help of a servant.

After a while, the blood on his body was washed away, and he changed his clothes and came out.

After a while, Luo Ji apparently calmed down. When Gao Su coughed up blood, the attendant in the garden was nervous but not panicked. From this, we can see that Gao Su's blood cough I am afraid it has been going on for some time.

Now looking at Gao Su, Luo Ji did not ask any more, just waiting for him to say.

In this regard, Gao Su didn't fool him, and after sitting down again and drinking saliva, he said directly ...

"My body is not quite the same now as normal people. I am missing half my heart, a whole liver and a quarter of my lungs."


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