The final inspection was completed at approximately three in the morning, and all preparations were completed.

Next, the factory ceiling slowly opened, exposing the almost dark night sky.

Apparently, according to Stephen Nogabanna, after the final confirmation, they intended to launch the military satellite overnight.

Without any ambiguity, after confirmation, the launch vehicle carrying the artificial satellite slowly lifted off in the sound of a boom.

During this period, Stephen Nogabanna, who was on the other side, but was very concerned about the launch situation, directly instructed him to make a live broadcast through remote command, so that he could directly watch the entire process of satellite launch at the same time .

At this moment, in the living room of his residence, he was staring at the screen in front of him.

看着 After watching the launch vehicle officially launched, Stephen Nogabanna, who was sitting on the sofa, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart that this military satellite always made him successful in the sky, right?

As a result, the idea has only just risen, and it has not been a few seconds. Then in the live broadcast picture, there was a sudden exclaim.

的 The person in charge of the scene shooting at that time also quickly pulled the shooting lens towards the sky at this moment.

In the night sky, the tail flame ejected by the carrier rocket is too conspicuous, and it almost illuminates the night for a few minutes. At this moment, you don't even need to resort to any equipment, including Stephen Nogabanna. Everyone in it can see clearly.

After this launch, we haven't reached high altitude yet. The flight path of the carrier rocket has clearly deviated from the original set orbit!

"What exactly is going on?!"

I still haven't waited for Stephen Nobbana to respond. The person in charge at the scene was already crazy!

After all, the carrier rocket is out of this situation. As the project leader, he has to bear the greatest responsibility!

At this moment, the scene was obviously a bit of confusion. In the roar of the general manager, the speed of several staff members typing on the keyboard almost brought up a phantom, and they were confirming it as quickly as possible.

"It is impossible, there are no problems with the internal equipment of the launch vehicle, and the program is completely error-free! They are running normally."

Although the rocket has been launched, it is clear that they can still confirm to some extent the conditions inside the launch vehicle and even the artificial satellite. The result of the confirmation is that there are no problems.

But this result is obviously not satisfactory to the person in charge.

"You tell me it's working properly? Then tell me what's going on now !?"

At the same time as the chief executive was roaring so much, he was flying in the mid-air carrier rocket, and one of the propulsion devices had not run out of fuel and had not reached the designated altitude, but had fallen off ahead of time.

乐 The pleasure is great now.

The propulsion device on one side has fallen off, but the propulsion devices on the other side are still pushing, and the flight path that has been deviated originally is at this moment too far to find the north!

随着 With the rapid deterioration of the situation, the monitoring system below, which monitors the condition of the launch vehicle, is also starting to continuously issue alarms.

不 Without a minute's effort, the launch vehicle that had not burst out of the atmosphere had already completely disintegrated in midair together with the military satellites carried on it! And crashed in the roar of the explosion!

This situation, but scared everyone stupid.

哪个 Which link did you fail to do well and failed?

But the complete disintegration directly in the air is no longer a problem! But there are problems from head to toe!

Seeing the scene's chief person in charge, he slammed on the ground and sat down on the ground. He felt like he was finished.

在 During this period, as the culprit of all, the spy had already changed another face while in chaos and mixed with the rioting crowd. Now who knows who he is?

As for what did he do?

This matter is easy to say, he moved the screws on the launch vehicle and the satellite!

Theoretically, the screws on the carrier rocket and the artificial satellite can almost be said to be fixed. It is impossible to move without professional equipment, provided that you do not have alchemy, but once you do, it is too convenient .

It is easier to move those screws at the same time than to move complicated equipment and components.

An alchemist, as long as you put your hands on it, in a blink of an eye, you can easily disassemble and reorganize a screw. Who can see the problem?

If you want to move the component equipment, not only will it take more time, but at the same time, when they make the final confirmation, they will check the monitoring system and there is a great possibility that they will directly find the problem.

So, from the beginning, the spy didn't focus on those equipments, but took the opportunity of final confirmation to quietly put a hand on the carrier rocket and move the screws.

At the beginning, there will not be any problems, but as the launch and ascent speed of the carrier rocket is getting faster and faster, the exaggerated impact force is enough to cause those problematic screws to collapse one by one, and finally directly Cause the launch vehicle and military satellite to disintegrate in the air! Destroyed clean!

In the face of this situation, through the live broadcast of ~ ~, clearly seeing Stephen Nojabanna, it is naturally furious. The first reaction is to adjust the monitoring and check the matter clearly.

He doesn't even need to doubt, it is definitely a good thing from the spy sent by that guy in Gao Su!

Finally, the suspect was directly locked to a staff member.

However, the staff member seemed to have disappeared from the world, and he couldn't find it anymore.

Think about it too, how could they find it?

You know, the staff member was decomposed into cells in the toilet compartment as early as two hours ago, and then the cells were decomposed into a series of constituent substances such as water, protein, and electrolyte.

估计 Now it is estimated that it has been integrated with the sewage in the sewer. Who can find it?

This situation, while letting Stephen Nogabanna's full of anger vent, but also made him feel a little chill.

The spies sent by Gao Su to their civilization are extremely invincible.

And it is precisely because of this that he has to hide his position even more.

合格 A qualified ruler, in addition to having excellent governance, must also know how to ensure his own safety. It would be too funny to die under the assassination of an enemy!

Ps (ps: Please support genuine creation, qq reading and the starting point of genuine!)

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