After the battle of Xixi border was over, the season just entered golden autumn, and winter had to be followed.

Unlike the modernized army of human civilization, the season has a relatively obvious impact on a special civilization such as the winged human civilization.

So next, according to Scarlett Winslet's idea, she intends to temporarily retreat and switch to offense. While preparing for the winter, she can also feel the details of the opposite side further.

So, the wingmen's army that pressed on the western battlefield began to retreat after receiving the order.

与 此 At the same time, in a woodland more than 400 miles away from the western battlefield, several troops from the main battlefield were almost completely separated. After receiving the news, they immediately evacuated.

Apparently, during the entire front battle, the troops hiding in this woodland were the prayer units of the Winged Army.

Now the frontline troops have begun to evacuate backward, so they naturally have to leave as soon as possible.

As a functional unit that does not have much fighting power, the prayer unit definitely needs human protection.

However, it was surprising that the guards deployed by the Wing Men's Army were pitifully small.

There are only three hundred Templar knights.

Although it is a high-ranking unit, it is not enough to think of the number.

事实上 In fact, Scarlett Winslet naturally has her considerations for the reason.

The best protection for the prayer unit is not to be found by the enemy! Let them provide faithful support for frontline troops in a completely hidden and safe location.

Take this as a premise. If the guards sent are more powerful, once the battle gets bigger, you can't hide it if you want to hide it.

In this way, with a small number of high-ranking arms, the basic security of the prayers is ensured, and then the main focus is to hide, avoid the enemy, and even the main battlefield, hiding in an area where the enemy can't find it. Is a wise choice.

Facts have proved that this approach is indeed correct. The war in the west has hit the present, and the situation of the prayer unit has been very safe.

Of course, there are not many troops in the west of Gaosu, and there is no time to take the initiative to attack, it is estimated that it also accounts for a lot of reasons.

After carrying everything and erasing all traces that could be erased, the three hundred Templars began to **** the troops to evacuate.

The whole process of them shows two words, be careful!

Their hiding place originally deviated from the main battlefield and was unlikely to be discovered by the enemy. Now, they have evacuated, and they have not any hint of relaxation. They have even been careful not to choose the shortest route, but to choose a detour , Ready to take the troops, bypass this area, and return to the winged civilization city from a more peripheral route.

In a way, they are overly cautious.

However, it turns out that this level of caution seems necessary, because after they left, the woodland completely deviated from the main battlefield area and welcomed a new group of guests.

That is five red fox people with beautiful brown-red fur. There is no doubt that this is the Fox Scouts under the command of Luo Ji.

Luo Luoji had sent out all the reconnaissance teams in his hands during the previous battle.

As for the reason why the reconnaissance team appeared in this position completely deviating from the main battlefield, the reason is simple, because Luo Ji said when giving an order ...

"Prayer troops are very special. Compared with protection, they may choose to hide more. Pay attention to searching those areas that are off the battlefield. The more remote the location, the more focused the search!"

That's why the Fox Rescue team appeared here.

I have to say that the Fox people are very talented in carrying out reconnaissance tasks. They are alert and possess a flexible mind while also possessing extremely sensitive senses. Some human scouts cannot What they can see, they can quickly capture the senses of the orcs, for example now ...

"Someone has lived in this woodland for a long time, and there should be a lot of it."

One of the red fox scouts, after confirming a few locations, said quickly ...

虽然 "Although traces have been deliberately erased, it is impossible to completely cover up some things left over from long-term life."

After a while, the red fox scout sucked his nose.

不过 "However, there is no smell left in the air. Considering the seasonal factors, these people have been away for at least three days."

He said, the Red Fox Scout turned to look at the four scout team members scattered around.

"Go and gather all the nearby reconnaissance teams, we have to figure out which direction they are evacuating!"

Xun quickly gathered several Foxman reconnaissance squads, and began a nearly carpet-like search centered on this woodland.

For troops of a certain size, once they begin to move, it is almost impossible to completely cover their whereabouts.

锁定 After locking in the trace of the other side ~ ~ Fox People Reconnaissance Team sent two teams to report the situation, while sending out two teams, followed the trace.

On this way, the Red Fox Scouts responsible for tracking these traces can be said to have clearly felt the caution of the other party.

The group of guys on the opposite side of the road were just picking the hard way.

After walking out of the woodland, through a hilly area, he slammed into a large mountain forest.

The rugged and difficult mountain road exudes a breath of persuasion.

If they are hunted down by a human army, then their vehicles and some large equipment must be left at the foot of the mountain.

见 "Hell, the guys on the opposite side are a bit cautious, aren't they? They don't rest in the mountains, and sometimes leave some wrong information to mislead us."

的 A light rain last night made their tracking a little more difficult, and also made the mountain road more slippery and difficult to walk.

Using this as a premise, coupled with the deliberately misleading information left by the other side, the mission of the Red Fox Scouts was also not performed smoothly.

Leaning on the trunk of a big tree, during this time, it can be said that a red fox scout who had been miserable enough to bite the rations in his hand fiercely, but also couldn't help complaining.

By comparison, their captain is calm ...

"The more cautious you are, the more important the goal is. This time, we may not be able to do a great job."

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