The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2073: On the training methods of bear children

The sudden impact of the sacred power was like an invisible sledgehammer, smashing it severely, making it a little dazed, but failed to knock it off.

I guess I didn't expect it to be the opposite. This one turned out to be a bear child with a tyrant.

The strong repulsion of the divine power by the body makes the mood of Nieder Hogg even more violent.

龙 A roar of dragons, 挟 with a thick Long Wei, crushed directly towards the group of four-winged holy wing species in front of me! The faces of the trial knights at the front changed slightly.

Alas, Nieder Hog was still too young after all.

According to its current age, death is equivalent to being a human ghost who is in elementary school.

Although it was born with Long Wei because of race and ancestry, the deterrent power of Long Wei is relatively limited, and its influence on the group of four-winged holy wings is naturally relatively small.

At least that group of trial knights did not have the tendency to be scared at all. Not only was it not scared, they even took advantage of the opportunity of Nieder Hog to be struck by the sacred counterattack. In front of them, formed a line of defense.

The previous attack of the Blade of Judgment did not cause any damage to the monster in front of him. This situation really surprised them, and could even be taken aback, but this did not mean that they were afraid.

Facing this situation, the first reaction of the judges headed by that judge was to increase the attack strength of the blade of the judge.

It was said earlier that the strength of the wingman civilization's divinity can be adjusted to a large extent based on consumption and output strength.

However, in actual combat, compared with the big moves that need to be charged, the small moves that can be instantaneous are obviously more practical.

But looking at the current situation, it seems that the damage of the small move is not enough, and you must increase your strength!

I saw that at this moment, with the crazy output of faith, the power of that stalk of judgment is constantly rising. Within a short time, the pure white judgment blade has exceeded two meters, but they Still did not stop.

Since the previous one-meter-level judgment blade could not be broken, the two-meter level may not be enough. In order to effectively kill the target, the judges and judges continue to improve their strength!

At the same time, in the other sky in the distance, Glimpse was flapping his wings with a gloomy face, and he flew in the air unhurriedly, and his eyes swept across from time to time, full of human expression As if to say, 'Fuck! Where did the bear child die? !! ’

Nid Hogg is now at a lively age, and it is obviously impractical to want it to stay in the camp honestly.

There is no way, Luo Ji can only throw the task of looking after Nieder Hog to Glimpse.

Although Nieder Hog, a bear child who has stared at each other with him from an early age, has never been pleasing to the eye, but since Luo Ji said so, he can only recognize it by pinching his nose.

As a result, who can think of it, the dragon is gone ...

Of course, Glimpse didn't worry about what would happen to Nieder Hog, because the bear child was notoriously rough-skinned.

In this, Luo Ji added a little bit earlier, and naturally contributed.

For such a young strategic unit, the highest priority is not to upgrade it to any output project, but to upgrade it to improve the chance of survival.

As long as it can be made into adulthood, some of the output projects afterwards will have time to gradually upgrade.

I was afraid that I would die before I reached adulthood.

罗 In this aspect of cultivation, Luo Ji is also experienced in a certain degree.

So after Nieder Hog was born, he got a log of the corresponding service item, and began to invest points in Nieder Hog.

He first upgraded the main project 'Black Dragon' to level three and successfully unlocked a series of branch projects.

Among the unlocked branch items, Luo Ji's three highest priority upgrade items are `` Spell Damage Reduction '', `` Physical Damage Reduction '' and `` Negative Resistance Enhancement ''

At present, the three enhancement items of Nieder Hog include three levels of spell damage reduction, 40% reduction of damage, three levels of physical damage meet, 40% reduction of damage, two levels of negative resistance increase, negative effects Resistance increased by 30%.

This is so, although Nieder Hog is still a minor bear child, it is already very irony!

As long as you don't encounter any fierce strategic-level units, in general, even if you can't hit the opposite side, escape should not be a problem.

This is also the main reason why Glimpse is not worried at all.

I was surprised, just then, suddenly there was a dragon roar in the distance!

I felt the anger in the dragon's roar, and there was a flash of strange color in Glimpse's eyes, and then his wings fluttered and flew in the direction of the sound.

Flying carefully according to the speed of the glance, this distance is not worth mentioning at all.

I almost arrived at the scene at the first glance. I just saw the bear child of Nieder Hog and slaughtered against the judgment blade of the opposite side. As a result, he was combed by the combination of the **** knight and the divine counterattack. The scene of Zhen's cyanosis in his head.

At this moment, Glimpse was not in a hurry, and at the same time, he also brought a little jokes.

A rare opportunity, just let the bear child taste a little bit of pain first, and after knowing that it is terrific, it won't be too late.

它 Anyway, it's already here. Can it still happen under its eyelids?

With this idea ~ ~ Glimpse's sight quickly swept over those four-winged holy wing species.

Compared with Nieder Hog, who has almost no actual combat experience, the four-winged holy wing species on the opposite side can only be said to be too rich.

The shortcomings of Enid Hogg's lack of actual combat experience could not escape the eyes of the veterans, which soon became completely exposed.

After a lot of trial knights, after a few quick glances, they were in their hearts.

Basically, Nieder Hog, who is still in his infancy, is not particularly large in size. In addition, the lack of actual combat experience is basically an offensive attack method that allows the trial knights to deal with it after understanding the details There is almost no pressure.

During this period, the judge in the back row and the judges will not be polite to it.

They seem to have roughly judged the defense level of Nieder Hog from the previous situation.

At this moment, a three-meter-level judgment blade directly shot out at the moment of condensing and forming.

The three-meter head, even compared with the current Nieder Hog, is still too small to go. The pure white blade of judgment is just around the corner. At the same time, a round of attacks hit the spot. At that moment, the intense pain made Nieder Hog burst into a more violent roar. .

At the same time, a pair of dark golden pupils looked at the blood on their bodies, revealing a full disbelief, as if to say, ‘I bleed? how is this possible? ’

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