The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2091: New baptism

There is no problem with the plan of the winged civilization, but as we all know, the plan is one thing, and the actual situation is another.

Luo Ji's mad pressure on the border line made the garrison on the winged civilization border daring not to act rashly, and if he died, he was transferred back several thousand to assist in the hunting task.

However, in the face of such a thing, what use can thousands of troops have?

Trying to catch those wind knights is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

For a period of time, two more Holy Light Cathedrals were damaged by the Wind Knights.

However, with the decrease of the number of Holy Light Cathedrals, the forces around the remaining churches became more and more concentrated, and it was already more difficult for the wind knights to achieve results.

At this time, their shortcomings were undoubtedly exposed.

The small number of people makes it difficult for them to be captured by the enemy, which makes it easier for them to sneak in and hide. However, this also limits their fighting power to a great extent.

However, facing the security patrols of the security team 24 hours a day, and the heavy soldiers around the Holy Light Cathedral, it is not so easy to obtain wisdom.

Looking at this posture, the opposite side has just kept them dead.

In the face of this battle, Irving did not act lightly, but, in accordance with Luo Ji's intentions, dormant and waited for the opportunity.

During this period, Luo Ji's army's offensive continued, of course. Looking at that posture, he had no intention of giving the other side a chance to breathe.

However, the opposing wingmen's army kept guarding the fortress and kept avoiding the hard fight with him, but it made his face look a little thoughtful.

"Shalil, do you have any opinion?"

At the battle meeting, facing the problem that Luo Ji suddenly threw up, Shalier looked in a stunned expression, and then quickly answered ...

"I said before that I was hunted as soon as I returned. It is not clear what is happening inside the kingdom of God."

After hearing this, Luo Ji nodded, but didn't ask any more.

Then, after the generals and officers in the battalion, who spoke on a routine basis, briefly talked about the next offensive plan, they announced that the meeting would end.

The performance of the wingman's side during this time made Luo Ji clearly realize that the other side must be figuring out what.

Originally, the two armies fought, Luo Ji should be able to capture a few captives alive, interrogate them, and set a set of information.

As a result, all the special women on the opposite side are shoe believers, they are simply brainwashed and demented!

Hit the back and see that they can't escape, they will die with them directly.

If there is no way to do it all together, then he will commit suicide as soon as possible, or a nearby companion will rush up and give him a sword. This battle has made Luo Ji scalp.

After all the generals had dissipated, return to Luo Ji in his rest camp, and called out gently ...


As soon as the voice fell, within the dimly-lit camp, a pair of green eyes lit up.


"Don't suddenly brighten your eyes next time, it's a bit scary."


"Help me preach the order ..."

After listening to the order, Ike swayed, and quickly disappeared into the camp with the agile skills of the cat race.

Next, Her Majesty's army's protracted offensive continued, day after day.

During that period of time, the three hundred four-winged holy wing species that circled to the rear still failed to find the logistics supply unit of the Civilization Army of All Realms.

As soon as the news came back, the three Michaels also felt a little **** in their hearts.

After a discussion among the three, Uriel spoke again ...

"Leave a hundred people just in case, and bring back the other two hundred four-winged holy wing species."

Although the number is not large, after all, the four-wing holy wing species is still an important combat force.

Within the border fortress, there can be two hundred more four-winged sacred wings, so they can transfer more than two thousand, or even three thousand ordinary wingmen soldiers to the rear city, and increase their defense and search efforts.

Because at the beginning of the month, they had another Holy Light Cathedral, which was attacked.

Fortunately, with their strict precautions, the opposite failed.

During this period, the other party seemed to realize that it was extremely difficult to destroy the Holy Light Cathedral. Therefore, the other party directly replaced the high-explosive grenade in his hand with a incendiary bomb and began to raise the idea of ​​prayers and fanatics. .

This round of incendiary bombs was lost. It is impossible to destroy the Holy Light Cathedral, but prayers and fanatics will inevitably pay the price of casualties.

The wingmen city, which has not yet completely stabilized, is turbulent again.

After the time passed, the season quietly entered the summer. As the season changed, the temperature in the battlefield continued to rise, making the expedition's army a little bit better.

In this season, for Luo Ji, the only good thing is that the fire mages of his mage regiment output more fiercely, and the mana recovery speed is faster. After all, this hot environment starts to make the surrounding fire element concentration continue. rise.

It ’s like during the rainy season, almost all of the fire department masters went out, and the mine department masters easily injured their own people, so Luo Ji basically had to rely on the wind department masters and the water department masters to play.

However, these two mage groups are attacking enemy forces ~ ~ After all, the fire mage group without its own explosion damage is fierce.

This wave, by virtue of the seasonal advantage, can almost be said to occupy the time of the Luo Ji, the output of firepower is significantly more fierce.

The wingmen's army on the opposite side came out to meet them several times, all of which cost a lot of casualties.

As a result, they did not dare to come out after hitting the back. They could only rely on the shield to resist the fire output of the army of civilizations. However, the pressure of the shield increased. In order to maintain the shield, the consumption of faith was It will definitely increase, it will make Michael uncomfortable.

It wasn't until a thunderstorm in the summer that wiped out the offensive momentum of the civilization of all walks of life, finally let the winged man get a respite.

But in fact, for the winged people civilization with backward development ability, the impact of such bad weather on their cities and people is also great.

After nightfall, the streets were dark and stormy, and even the city's lighting was largely affected and could not be maintained normally.

After all, in addition to the Holy Light Stone, the wing human civilization is still in the stage of lighting with firelight.

And even in this heavy rain that can't be seen with five fingers, the sewer manhole located in a corner of the city of Wingren was pushed away by a strong palm with a soft sound of 哐 哐 当.

In the next second, a series of figures quickly emerged from the sewer, and then, a pair of green eyes lit up in this heavy rain with no fingers ...

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